Chapter 8: The Dream

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Rainbow Steve's POV

No way that guy is Sabre right? I mean I did have that bad feeling b-but the Sabre I know would never work with Nightmare! If it was him it would explain the guilt.... no! I refuse to believe this is my best friend.

If it is him, then this second chance will be well deserved, he gave me one. If it isn't then I don't know.

"-nbow!" "Rainbow!" I snap my head up at the mention of my name. I see Galaxy right in front of me, Alex next to him, both of them with worried expressions.

"Did something happen?" I ask.

"Did something happen!? We should be asking you that question! We heard you gasp, then you started breathing heavy, we called your name but you didn't respond you just stared into nothingness! We were worried!" Galaxy rambles. Wow, I guess I was more panicked than I thought.

"Did something happen Rainbow?" Alex asks, concern clear on her face. Not yet, I'm not telling them yet.

"No, nothing happened."

"Are you sure? That doesn't just happen randomly. Something had to trigger it." She says.

"I was just thinking and it got a little too real that's all." I give her a smile hoping she will drop it, her face softens a bit, so does Galaxy's.

"Okay, are you sure your okay? It's getting late and we will have to start the shifts soon." Alex says.

"I'm sure. So who's going first?"

"I'm not very tired, I could." Galaxy offers, Alex and I nod, and I offer to go next, with that I head to my home and rest. I look at the blindfold in my hands. No way that's Sabre... right?

Galaxy Steve's POV

Alex and Rainbow walk off and I head into the place we put Elan, I want to see if I can get him talking. He was tugging at the ropes again, he hasn't noticed me yet. So I decided to get his attention.

"Hey," I say and he jumps, for someone that works with a Steve named Nightmare he sure is jumpy. "So, have anything you can tell me now?"

He opens his mouth like he wants to say something but closes it again. He shakes his head and looks down. "Worth a shot."

I sit down on a nearby chair, it's getting pretty late, but I still have a few hours until shift switch. I should've brought a sandwich or a pufferfish.


This is boring, the guy fell asleep 20 minutes ago! He is the most boring prisoner ever! I was about to continue my monologue when all of a sudden he starts shaking and muttering quiet, 'no's and 'sorry's. Is he having a nightmare? That would be ironic.

If so this can work in my favor, around a month ago I accidentally tapped into someone's dream, it was weird but maybe if I can do that again, I can get some info!

I walk up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders, I focus on the energy I felt the last time I did something like this...


I appear in a grassy plain. Fire covering everything, with craters sprinkled around. As well as some Steve's lying on the ground, are they dead?

I look around and spot Elan, someone else, and some Steve's. One being Rainbow, one being me, and another one in complete white. As well as someone wearing red and black. Weird, who is this Elan guy? Why is another me in his dream? He seems to be yelling at them.

"No! Rainbow! Galaxy! Light! I'm sorry!" So the other Steve's name is Light. Didn't rainbow tell me about him? Why is he apologizing?

"You did this! You joined him you're the cause of this destruction! You're the reason I left! You're the reason the Steve's will be in pain!" The guy in the red and black hisses.

Elan begins to let tears fall, he looks really pained by these words. Why though, he is working with Nightmare! He wants to rule over all of us right?

"Lu, please." Lu? Is that the other person's name?

"You don't get to call me that, I saw you as my little brother, but no brother of mine would join him!"

"I'm sorry!" He cried. "I just wanted him back! I just wanted Rainbow back! He was like a brother to me! Just as much as you were!"

Rainbow? Is he the reason Nightmare brought back Rain? "I watched him die, I WATCHED HIM DIE LUCAS! I watched him die over and over again, Void killed him! Galaxy you were there!" Elan screamed.

Only me, Void, and Sabre were there for Rainbows death.... how would this guy know about it? Over and over again? What does that mean, what is this guy hiding?

"I was there but I didn't make a big deal out of it and team up with a villain!" The other me says.

"I wish you would have just left me in the spirit realm! It was better there because you weren't there." Rainbow says sternly and uncaring. With that Elan crumbles to his knees, letting his cries out.

"You should've just been left to rot in that cell Sabre." Light Steve sneers. Wait... Sabre?


That was surprisingly fun to write.

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