Chapter 25: Palace

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3rd Person POV

Waking up, not opening his eyes, Sabre noticed he was on something plush, and he was covered by something very warm. He got hit by a sudden wave of confusion, wasn't he sleeping on the cold, hard outside ground?

Finally opening his eyes he instantly found he was in a large, nice, and vaguely familiar room. He glanced around.

The ceilings were high, the floor carpeted. The walls were mostly white, with the occasional green banner streaming from one side to another. And one large window, almost the hight of the room, took up one of the walls.

The bed was massive. 'You could fit at least 8 people in here!' Sabre thought dramatically. Sitting up to get a better look he noticed there were three doors.

Sabre also noticed his bandana was off, which caused a momentary panic. As well as frantically looking around the room hoping for it to be nearby... it wasn't. He let out a sigh of defeat and hopped off the bed.

'At least the chicken suit is relatively intact...'

Now that that was out of the way... Sabre decided to find out where he was. No one was around and it was almost completely silent. So, he went to one of the doors.

The first one he tried led to a very large closet. The second one would not open fully, but he could see in a little bit, it seemed to be a nursery? 'Odd...'

Walking over to the third one he found it was locked. "Of course, I bet this is the exit isn't it?" He tugged at the doorknob again as if to prove his point, "Yes, yes it is, that's so not it chief."

'Window? Maybe?' Walking back over to the window he found that it was also locked. Sabre decided sitting on the bed would help to save his energy if he needed to escape quickly, yes, not because it was soft and squishy.

"So, obviously whoever has me is not a friendly guy, like who puts someone in a super nice room just to lock them in it!? Y'know I should probably be more worried about my friends than I am... but hey! That's a problem for future me!" He said to himself. "Powers don't work either, dampener or something?"

'Although, it doesn't feel like any dampener I've come across, just some sort of interference.'

After a few more minutes of talking to himself, he heard a click, and the previously locked door opened. Sabre stood up.

"Hello, Sabre I trust your stay is going well?"

"Origin! I must say the room passed the vibe check, but you," He pointed at Origin, "do not! Anyway, what the heck am I here for!?"

"You should know why, little one."

"Don't call me that!"

Origin took a few steps into the room, halfway closing the door behind him, "You are my son
of course I am calling you that. Now, do you want to stay in your room all day, or explore the palace that will one day be yours?"

"Palace? Mine?" Sabre parroted.

"Yes, indeed. You are my son after all."

'By blood maybe... otherwise? Not quite the typical dad there Origin.' Sabre thought.

"Yeah, nope! Think I'll pass on the offer! Thanks though."

Origin appeared unfazed. "Maybe a tour will help with your decision." He walked back into the doorway, pushing the door back open. Sabre understood he wanted him to follow, but Sabre was going to be the rebellious teen he was and refuse.

"Come along." Origin demanded.

"Hm, how about, no?"

Origin huffed but made no other noise. He walked towards Sabre who steadily took steps back.

Sabre planned. 'The door is open, maybe I can make a run for it. 3... oh he's getting close, 2... 1... GO!'

Sabre attempted to run but Origin grabbed his arm and looked down at the wriggling boy.

Sabre sighed and looked up, "I'm not getting out of this am I?"

"No." Origin began dragging him out of the room, and once they were in the hallway finally let go of his arm. "This way."

Sabre reluctantly followed behind. Though when he finally looked around he found the palace to be a really nice place.

The walls were a clean white, there were dark blue banners streaming all around. The floors were a soft and well-kept carpet. 'All and all.' Sabre thought, 'this is the best place I've ever been kidnapped before.'

Sabre took in everything around him, it had an odd familiarity to it. Origin led him into the throne room. There were three chairs, one green, one blue, and the smaller one was a blue-green mix. 

It wasn't until Origin took him to the kitchen that everything clicked.



"Yes, sweetie?"

"Why are there three couches? Aren't they just for you and Daddy?"

She let out a short amused laugh. "Oh, those are thrones, not couches! Look. The smallest one is yours. When you get older you'll get to sit there, as the prince."

"I'm going to be a prince!? That's so cool!"


"Mommy? Daddy?"

"Hmm?" The father hummed.

"Can we bake cookies? You said I could help!"

"Sure." The mother picked up the boy and set him on the counter. She smiled, "You want to pick the type of cookies?"

"Chocolate chip!"


"This is where I first lived isn't it?" Sabre realized.

Origin smirked, "It seems you caught on. Good job."

"You know I won't accept you back. You ruined that chance when you got rid of me. I don't want this, let me leave!" He growled.

Sabre backed away, hoping that he could search his memories for an exit. Though, yet again, Origin grabbed his arm. Sabre struggled but to no avail, and before he knew it he was back in 'his' room.

"You do not have a choice in this little one. I will do what I must." Origin left the room after throwing Sabre on the bed. Sabre ran to the door. It was locked again.

'I'll get out of here... somehow...'


I think Sabre's been taken around 3 times in the course of this story. Oops...

Anyway! Two to three chapters left! Then the sequel starts, I have the plot relatively sorted out but I don't have the title yet... why is title picking so hard?

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