Chapter 20: He's Back

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Yeesh, I really need an ending to this story, though I doubt it's anytime soon. Maybe.

3rd Person POV


"You died!"

"If I am not mistaken you also died Rainbow Steve, as did Dark Steve, is me being back really that much of a shock?"

"What do you want?" Alex growled out protectively getting front of Rainbow and Sabre, Galaxy in front of Alex.

"Is it so wrong to check in on your Wife and Son?" Origin asked with faux sincerity, slowly nearing the group.

"I am not your wife!"

"Leave them alone!" Galaxy spat.

"No, no I don't think I will. Now move you pathetic Steve or I'll be forced to make you. And I don't think any of you want that." Origin growled. Galaxy gulped, but he would protect his fami-friends with his life.


"That's what I hoped you would say!" Origin within a second summoned lighting on Galaxy knocking him out, then did it again, only this time he sent him away with teleportation.

"What did you do with him!?" Rainbow yelled.

"He is fine for now if that's what you are concerned about. Now Rainbow Steve, unless you want the same fate as your friend I recommend you leave me with Alex and Sabre."

"If you want them you go through me!" Rainbow said running in front of Alex much to Sabre's dismay.

"As you insist." Origin just repeated the same process, knock out - send away. "Now it's just you two. The two I need."

"What. Do. You. Want." Alex asked. Sabre kept silent trying to remember everything he'd learnt about his powers, and maybe just maybe he could at least knock Origin out.

"Just you, Sabre, and my rightful place as ruler over the Steve's."

"How are you back!?"

"Same way your little rainbow friend is. I can thank Nightmare Steve for that. Now enough chitchat, I came here for something and I plan to get it."

Sabre didn't want to know what he would try to do, so he focused everything he had into as many lightning strikes as possible. Surprisingly enough Origin almost fell because of it. Almost. Sabre looked over to Alex silently pleading for her to do something.

"Seems my little Elan has been working on his powers hm?" Origin said. Alex noticing Sabre's pleads, also summoned lighting on her former mate. Alex noticed that he was not a strong as he once was, meaning one more strike and they could run for it.

So that's what she did. Strike.

She grabbed Sabre's hand and ran for it.

They ran to a forest and continued running until Sabre collapsed from exhaustion, all the adrenaline had left him. Running like that along with the use of his powers was a lot.

"Can we rest here for a bit?" Sabre asked sitting against a tree. Alex nodded. "Y' know seeing Origin again is really weird. I mean before I didn't know who he was... and my memories that I'm slowly getting back show him in a good light... I'm just confused."

"You did good, using your powers and all." Alex tried lightening the mood. Sabre just nodded too wrapped up in his own thoughts to formulate a sentence.

They heard footsteps approaching them, Alex stood up in a defensive stance, while Sabre tensed but stayed put, too tired to move.

"Thank goodness I have found you both!" It was Dark Steve?

"Why are you here!?" Alex hissed. Dark surprisingly backed away.

"I-I just wanted to warn you, although it seems I am too late."

"Warn us about what?" Sabre piped up.

"Origin, but it seems I was a bit late, no matter. I have some information that you might find useful."

"Spill the tea sis," Sabre said earning a confused look from both Alex and Dark. "It means- you know what- just tell us."

"I shall try to make this story a short one." Dark stated, "Nightmare as you already know brought Origin back from the spirit world. (I'm going off the logic that every Steve no matter how bad goes to the spirit realm) Nightmare needed someone stronger than I to help rule, he figured Origin would be perfect considering you continued escaping. So he brought him back and made an agreement with him. He also told him everything that had happened since he was destroyed. Therefore they constructed a plan. Though I think Nightmare is no longer in control. I caught Origin making his own plan. So I am... unsure of what is happening anymore." He finished.

"How can we trust you? How do we know you aren't a spy or something." Sabre asked still skeptical.

"You do not. I could just take you to the palace, but I am not. How else can I prove myself? I would like to offer my assistance."

"Okay, since we are in a bit of a pickle I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Alex?" Sabre wasn't sure what to do, he was exhausted, and Alex was also tired due to lack of sleep. So Sabre thought it was best to trust the enemy on this.

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Yeah sure." She said obviously not sure of her answer.

"I'm going to clear my head, don't worry I won't go far," Sabre exclaimed suddenly regaining some energy and walking off. Alex went to stop him but Dark put a hand on her shoulder.

"Let him go, I have watched him for a long time, once he returns he will be in a better mood."

"Stalker much?" Alex remarks, not liking Dark near her and her son.

"I guess you could say it that way." Dark shrugs trying to play it out like he doesn't care. When in reality he's starting to regret what he's done in the past, finally seeing how wrong he was.


Dark has joined the squad with a change of heart, but where has Rainbow and Galaxy gone?

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