Chapter 18: Take A Break

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3rd Person POV~1 month time skip for plot~

The group had moved away farther from the village as a way to keep them and the Steve's safe, much to Sabre's pleasure, after all, with his powers and Nightmare being out to get him, it was dangerous.

Sabre had gotten a good grip on his powers, he could now shoot lightning and the occasional fireball. As well as summon small objects such as low tier swords and sticks. Currently, he was trying to master flying, but could only manage to slightly hover.

"Ugh! This is no use!" Sabre yelled out frustrated, he'd been trying since lunch and it was almost sunset.

"Sabre maybe you should take a break, you've been going at it for hours! Maybe we can go fishing or something!" Galaxy tried to reason with his stubborn friend. Sabre refused and continued. "Fine, you force my hand, Alex!"

Sabre's eyes widened, what Galaxy couldn't make him do- Alex could. Though Sabre would never admit it he was starting to see Galaxy as a father figure, he had been getting his memories back gradually and almost called Alex mom a few times, but stopped himself, unsure if he wanted to start that yet. Their new dynamic was still kind of awkward.

"What's up?" Alex asked walking up to the two.

"He won't stop trying to fly, its been hours and he's been going non-stop!"

"Sabre, why don't you take a break?"

"It's either this or I'm making plans to stop Nightmare." Alex sighed, Sabre had been either working on his powers or making some sort of plan. He would always end up scrapping them and starting over. He wouldn't sleep or eat unless forced too.

"Elan..." Alex started in her motherly tone, Galaxy ooo'ed in the background. "You will come to take a break with us or I'll make sure you don't see Rainbow for a week!"

"You wouldn't!"

"I will if you don't come and take a break! Also, you know very well Rainbow would purposely let you live out your punishment as he cares for you."

"Fine," Sabre admitted defeat, what's with mother's and their ability to scare you out of your socks?

Galaxy loves watching these scenes play out, 'how
can something be so cute and so scary at the same time?' He wondered to himself.

Sabre noticed Galaxy staring at Alex and smirked, those two were as oblivious as a deaf bat. Rainbow had told Sabre every time they had a cute moment, Sabre did the same. They both shipped Galex.

"Lil Bro! You're taking a break! Glad I don't have to stay away for a week." Rainbow told them as they walked inside. Sabre rolled his eyes at his new nickname, they already saw each other as brothers so considering Sabre's age Rainbow began using that name.

"You were listening to us?" Sabre asked.

"Yeah." He shrugged, "I got bored."

"Okay, I'm going to my ro-" Sabre got cut off.

"Nope, nada! You're not going to your room, you promised to take a break and not work on plans!" Galaxy pointed out dragging poor Sabre to the couch. Sabre just groaned in response.

"C'mon Sabre taking a break can't be that bad!"

"Fine, I'll only take a break if everyone stays in here!"

"You're such a child; but did you expect anything else?" Each of them sat on the couch next to Sabre squishing him in.

"Storytime?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure. Child number 2." Galaxy said referring to Rainbow.

'What an odd dysfunctional family.' Alex thought to herself, a smile appearing on her face. She wrapped an arm around Galaxy and listened to the story he was now reading aloud.

Sabre and Rainbow look at each other with a grin noticing the Galex moment going on in front of their eyes. Rainbow mouths, 'I ship it' Sabre simply responds with a nod listening into the story.


"What do you mean you can not find them!?" The Nightmare King shouted at Dark.

"They are not in the village anymore! I have searched the outskirts and everything!"

"It has been a month! We are losing chance after chance! For a prince you are pathetic." Nightmare spat out. Dark winced he's (as in Nightmare) been like this since Dark /mostly/ unintentionally let Sabre and his friends escape.

Ever since then Nightmare had been more brutal with his words and the occasional more physical punishment. Every time he had gone searching for Sabre and his friends he had failed, wherever they went they hid well.

"Sabre is one of the most powerful beings in this entire realm! How are they keeping his energy so well hidden? We should be able to sense it from a mile away."

"Perhaps it is because he is not a complete Steve?" Dark was being very careful with his words, not wanting to anger Nightmare anymore. "He is part Steve, yes, but Alex is not a Steve she is... different."

'But then again we cannot sense Galaxy Steve's energy either' Dark thought to himself.

Nightmare growled, "No, you idiotic Steve that is not the case, I could sense the Guardians energy whilst returning you and Rainbow Steve, he is not of the Steve's."

"Go. Go search more, I have no need for you here. This time do not come back empty-handed, or else." Nightmare threatened, walking off leaving Dark to do what he commanded of him.

"Why do I even stick around anymore? He just treats me like dirt. So much for 'The Dark Prince', " Dark mumbled, then went back to his search lightning signaling his leave.

Nightmare stood in the middle of an empty room, redstone devices littered everywhere, the room hidden behind a bookcase, -sometimes cliche works-.

He smirks to himself, 'Why team up with a pathetic Steve of my creation when I can team up with a god. I just need a few days...'


I don't know what I'm doing anymore but I like it. ALSO, there will be an update every almost... ALMOST every Tuesday, I like to think I'm good at a schedule but I'm not sure. Still working on Tom's one shot, haven't forgotten!

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