Chapter 11: The Past

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I just want to say thanks for the reads, comments, and votes. They mean a lot considering this is the first thing I've ever written! It's very much appreciated!

Rainbow Steve's POV~ Next morning~

"So you're telling me, that you." I point at Alex. "Knew Sabre before Origin wiped his memory, and sent him through the timeline and that we need to protect him with our lives because Nightmare is around and knows?" I ask this is a lot of information to take after you wake up.


"Well if we need to protect Sabre, should one of us always be with him? And why can't we tell him?" It wouldn't be smart to leave him alone if he's in danger.

"He's only 16 Rain, we don't want to stress him out more than he probably is already." Galaxy answers, I guess that's true. I feel bad enough for all the things he went through. This feels like flawed logic though.

"Also we shouldn't leave him alone..." Alex says, "maybe we should go check on him..." with that we head downstairs, Sabre is still asleep on the couch. We didn't have another spare room.

"I'll keep watch of Sabre for today," I say, then they nod and walk out of the house. I just sit there and watch Sabre sleep, he looks so peaceful.

\@^@/ < This is Tom, he brings a time skip and says hello.

"Hey, Rain," Sabre says sitting up, lifting his blindfold and rubbing his eyes. "Were you just watching me sleep?"

"Yeah, Alex and Galaxy are out, so I thought I would stay here and wait for you." I partially lie, leaving out the part about keeping him safe. Though I really did want to spend time with him, I haven't in so long.

"That's okay, you could've gone with them."

"But then you would be lonely and nobody wants that," I said.

"I guess that's true. Talking with you is way better than talking with Dark." He smiles.

"You would talk with Dark?"

"Mhm. He didn't say much. He was.. nice to be around though. Nothing really happened once I accepted that deal, just the occasional bossing around and stuff. The Nightmare Palace is surprisingly boring."

"How long were you there Sabre? Like a prisoner and all."

"2 months. Nightmare got to me right after I said bye to Alex and Galaxy, I wanted to come back and help the Steve's rebuild actually. Nightmare grabbed me before I could go too far." Wow, 2 months? He was stuck there for 2 months!

"I'm sorry, we should've looked for you more."

"Rainbow, you don't get feel that way, all of you thought I was off living my own life. You guys thought I was safe, there was no reason for you to try to find me. It's not your fault." He soothes.

"When I came back from the spirit world, I knew something was wrong with you, I didn't know why though, I asked Galaxy if we could go look for you he said yes. We looked for a couple of hours then we came back, that's when Nightmare came around. I feel like we should've tried harder to find you."

"Rain, you look like you need a hug," Sabre says smiling, trying to change the subject.

He gets up and grabs a book from a nearby shelf, then turns to me. "Come here. I know you like cuddles." He pats the spot next to him on the couch.

He's not wrong I do love cuddles. It would be better if he still had his onesie though. It's softer than the hoodie.

"Rain, do you think I'm a freak?"

"No! Sabre why would you ask that!?"

"My eyes... they're not normal."

"So what, you live in a world with superpowered entities... your eye color means nothing. In fact, I think it makes you cooler!" He smiles at me.

We sit there and cuddle while reading the book. I missed Sabre more than I thought I did. If this is what having a sibling feels like, I never want it to end.

Meanwhile with Galaxy and Alex~

Galaxy's POV

We leave Rainbow to watch Sabre. Alex said she wanted me to come with her. She leads me to a pretty area near the village. Trees and flowers everywhere. We sit in the shade leaning against a tree.

"You know, I come here whenever I need to clear my mind. Not many know it's here. It's a private place." She says softly while looking at a flower. "I only bring people I trust." I put my hand on hers.

"You trust me?" I ask.

"Yes, are you good at keeping secrets?" She looks at me.

"Yeah when I have to be, if it's just a silly one then I'll spill it, but if it's a big one I can keep it. Why?"

"I'm about to tell you a big one," Alex says. I nod, what is she going to say?

"When Origin and I were a thing, we decided we wanted something more, a child. So we had a kid, it was a boy. He shared our eye colors, one blue for Origin, and one green for me. He was the most kind, cutest, and selfless kid out there. Would do anything for anyone. Tried to be friends with every Steve." She sighed.

"One day, Origin changed for the worse. I gave him chance after chance. I wanted to leave him, he was twisted, he wasn't the same Origin I had once known. I wanted to take the kid. He got really mad, he wiped the kid's mind, sent him away. Just so we both couldn't have him."

"After that, I used every power I had to fight Origin, but he still won. I went to look for my baby boy, I never found him the last words he said still echo in my mind... Mommy! Why is daddy hurting me! Mommy help me!"

"I thought he would be dead by now, it's what I've told myself for years. After all how long could a 7-year-old make it alone? Sure he had powers, but he never learned how to use them, and he never knew he had them." Alex now had tears coming down on her face. I use my hand to wipe them away.

"But Galaxy he's still alive, he's been with me, and through so much."

"Where is he?"

"He's here, it's him Galaxy, it's him." That's when it clicks, she was rambling about him last night. 'Him' is Sabre. Wait... Sabre is Alex's kid!? Nani!?

"Sabre? Is Sabre your kid!?" She nods, a smile forming on her face. "We have to tell him!"

"We can't." She says the smile disappearing.

"Why not?"

"He doesn't remember any of that, just what happened the past 7 years. My Elan doesn't remember me. How would you feel if all of a sudden one of your best friends comes and says 'hey I'm your long lost mother!'? You wouldn't believe it." She's not wrong. I go closer to her and pull her into a hug.

"Alex I'll keep this a secret, but we have to tell him someday. It wouldn't be fair if we didn't."



I honestly just wanted to write some cute moments. Also, this isn't a FavreMyRainbow, they just have a brotherly bond.

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