Chapter 9: Sabre?

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I didn't plan on updating today but here you go!

Galaxy Steve POV

I quickly leave the nightmare, feeling less energized due to the power I used to stay in the dream. Elan is still shaking and muttering apologies, I know I'm supposed to stay and watch him, but this is more important. If this is Sabre then nothing bad will happen anyway.

I run out and slam open the door to the house Rainbow, Alex, and I share. Rainbow is there sitting on the couch.

"Jeez! You scared me! Is something wrong Galaxy?"

"Yes and no," he gets a puzzled look, "that Elan guy! There's something with him!"


"It was around 30 minutes into my shift when he fell asleep, I notice he was shaking and muttering sorry, so I kinda used my powers and went into his dream..." Rainbow's eyes widen.

"He was standing in plains that had a ton of fire and destruction. He was talking to someone named Lucas I think, as well as me, you, and Light Steve I believe. Basically, Elan kept saying sorry and they kept yelling."

"Then he said something about you dying and watching it happen. Then Light Steve said, the name Sabre.' Then I freaked out and ran here." I finish and he doesn't look too fazed, to my surprise.

"So you see it now too?" Now it was my turn to look puzzled. He seemed to notice this. "He reminds me of Sabre. Something about the name Elan, it's so familiar, and his voice, not to mention this." He holds up a grey piece of cloth.

"What's that?"

"Sabre's blindfold. It fell out of Elan's pocket when we knocked him out. It's what I was thinking about earlier.... you don't think Elan is Sabre do you?"

"Okay wow... if I'm being completely honest Rainbow he might be..." that escalated quickly. "It would all make sense, your bad feeling, the dream, and the blindfold. I mean, we never have seen Sabre's eyes before."

"Why would he work with Nightmare? Why not use his real name? What if Elan hurt Sabre, if that's not Sabre, Elan could've hurt him! We have to ask, Galaxy, even if he doesn't answer, we can at least see how he reacts!" Rainbow pleaded. I nodded and we head back to Elan.

When we get there he is still having that Nightmare, I can't help but feel bad, especially if this is Sabre. "Let's wake him up." Rainbow suggests, "I want to try something first though." I nod and step out the way, Rainbow walks over to Elan and yells, "SABRE!" In his face.

"I'M SORRY!" He screamed. It worked, he woke up... "Oh... hi?" He says awkwardly looking up at us. His eyes were red-rimmed and he had tears tracks on his cheeks.

"We have questions and you're going to answer them," Rainbow says threateningly, I've never seen him this shooketh before. Elan, on the other hand, looks terrified but slowly nods.

"Why were you dreaming about us? How do you explain this," Rainbow holds out the blindfold, Elan's eyes widen.

"H-how do you know what I was dreaming about? And where did you get that." He points at the blindfold.

"That's not important." Rainbow growls I put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. "DID YOU HURT SABRE?!" He yells I jump back not expecting it. Elan just looks down. "You didn't deny it? So you did hurt him..?"

Sabre's POV

"N-no I didn't hurt him." I stutter out, Rainbow is scary when he is angry. "Unless you mean me." I quietly add.

"Fine, do you know where Sabre is?"

"Yes." I answer, I just want to yell out 'I'm right here guys, I'm right here'.

"Where is he?" Galaxy speaks up. How do I answer that?! I'm not a good liar!

"I- Uh- I-" What do I do?! "He's in uh....cake world?"

"That's the worst lie I've ever heard, next question. Is Elan the name you use the most?" Rain asks. I know what he's getting at- but that's a weird question.

I just got a light bulb moment. If I can tell them who I am, without saying, 'Sup fam I'm Sabre' then maybe Nightmare won't kill them? Maybe this time it's worth the risk. Maybe the loophole will work in my favor.


"Then what name do you go by the most?"

"Can't say."

"Then we can go back to my first question. Well sorta... What were you dreaming about?" Okay here's my chance. Tell them what happened, but don't tell them everything.

"Fine, I can tell you that. I made a decision to bring my friend back, I watched him die in front of me a long time ago. I saw the friends I used to have, they were telling me h-how bad I failed them. One of them was like a brother to me, but he left. Then the one I brought back was saying I shouldn't have brought them back, they were better without me, and how selfish I was. I tried to say sorry but they just told me to rot in a cell. There are you happy now?"

They just looked at me with pity in their eyes. I hate pity. "W-what were their names?" Galaxy asks.

I sigh, "I can't tell you." They both give each other a look and nod. They come over and untie me, did they figure it out? Rainbow hands me the blindfold.

"Put it on, I want to test something." He says. So, I just do it, it will be nice to wear it again. I smile having it back. They gasp.

"Sabre?" They both ask at the same time. Shoot I can't tell them just in case Nightmare will somehow know.

"Uh... I can't tell you?" Way to go, Sabre, great answer. They get a look of confusion and then realization.

"You can't tell us because Nightmare said or did something didn't he?" Galaxy is smarter than he looks I guess. I slowly nod. I really hope I don't regret this.

"Rainbow, what is Sabre's real name?" I ask him, I'm getting sick of this back and forth. He gasps again.

"It was Elan! Why couldn't I remember! Oh my gosh! Sabre, it's you!" He runs and hugs me. I hug back, I missed Rainbows hugs. Galaxy was smiling wide behind Rain. I'm on the verge of tears but they weren't sad ones. I let them fall.


3rd Person POV

Dark came back from spying on the village and appeared in front of the throne, where Nightmare sat.

"They figured out it was Sabre, they know now," Dark told him.

"I knew it would happen eventually. Time for part two of our plan."


Sorry it was so uneventful, but hey, the team is back together!


HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Wowza- thanks!

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HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Wowza- thanks!

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