Chapter 17: So... You're My Who?

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3rd Person POV

"Alex, are you okay?" Galaxy asked his friend, she was just staring at a wall.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Nightmare took you, did he do anything to you? We never got the chance to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine for the most part. He didn't do anything, just some threats and plans, nothing abnormal for villains I'd guess." She shrugged.

"What kind of threats?! I swear if he hurts you he'll never see the end of my wrath!"

"Calm down, they weren't anything serious, it was his plans that got me thinking. That's all." She was dodging answering anything and Galaxy noticed this, he decided not to push. "So, catch any good fish lately?"

"Yeah! This month I've caught a total of 46 pufferfish!"

"That's great Galaxy, good job." They continued to talk for a while and at one point they heard a whisper "I ship it." They ignored it and just continued to chat.

Unknowing to them, Rainbow was watching the two from the wall, and decided now would be a good time to check up on Sabre, it had been around an hour and he thought it might be smart to do. What he didn't expect was Sabre to be awake, he was just staring at his energy-filled hands, breathing heavily but not heavily enough to worry.

"Sabre? Are you okay?"

"No. What's wrong with me Rainbow, I don't understand." He said barely above a whisper

"I know someone who does understand, you want to talk with them now? Or wait until you calm down." Rainbow had to suppress his worry and panic, so instead, he let his tone sound calm even though he was worried Sabre would blow the house up.

"Now... also Rain," Sabre smiled.


"You can panic its okay, I'm scared too." Rainbow let a small smile appear then he walked out to grab the other two. It only took them around 30 seconds to barge into the room, much to Sabre's surprise.

"Hey, guys? That- That was really fast. Were you just waiting outside the door or something?" He asked still a bit surprised.

"No... not really, we just wanted to, uh- see you?" Galaxy answered.

30 seconds ago...

Alex and Galaxy were hugging enjoying their time when all of a sudden...

"LISTEN HERE LOVER BIRDS! I KNOW THE READERS WANT GALEX BUT SABRE IS AWAKE AND ITS A WONDER HE CAN'T HERE ME SCREAMING! SO GET YOUR BEHINDS IN THERE!" They both got jump scared and were embarrassed being caught hugging, not that hugging was bad, it was just uncommon for both of them.

"Oh and for the record, I totally ship you two, Galex 4 life." With that Rainbow quickly ran back to Sabre, not waiting for their response, the other two close behind.

Back to the present...

"Okay, but I thought Rain was bringing someone who could help me understand? Unless you are those people?"

"Well, Alex do your thing." Galaxy stepped aside to let Alex talk.

"I'm assuming you noticed the glow around you, those are your powers, and you probably relived some memories." She said. Sabre nodded.

"How did you know about that?"

"Well, I am your mom so I should know these things." She said the words in such a jumbled rush that Sabre had to take a few seconds to process them.

"S-so they weren't fake? Those were all real?" Sabre managed to get out, "Let me get this straight. You're my mother. Origin is my father... gross. And I have powers?! "

"Yes... I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner."

"Yeah, you better be! I lived my whole life without parents! I thought they were dead! And I have powers!? If only I knew, imagine how many Steve's I could've saved! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know until a few days ago, when you came with Nightmare. H-how much do you remember?"

"Not much... but I do have something to ask you." Alex nodded. "Why didn't you try to find me, when Origin sent me away?"

"Of all the memories he could get back!" She mumbled not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"I did everything I could to find you! I even fought Origin with every power I had, but he wouldn't bring you back. After we had our little fight I searched for you for years, you were only 7 so after 3 years of searching, I'd told myself you died. What I didn't know was Origin sent you through the timeline. Imagine the shock I felt when I found you again after all this time... but I must ask- you clearly remembered the name Elan, so why use Sabre?"

"When I met Lucas he called me a Lightsaber, it's been so long that I don't really remember why, but the name Sabre just stuck, so I abandoned my old life of being alone once I met the Steve's and Lucas of course. The name just went with it."

"Oh." Was all Alex got out.

"So you're my mom? That's so weird, you're like one of my best friends and you just so happen to be my mom, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't remembered these things.... so I guess I understand why you didn't tell me. And I have powers, like fam that's so awesome." Alex chuckled at his mood change.

"Yep! You're gonna need to learn how to use them! Come on let's go." Alex grabbed Sabre's arm pulling him out of the bed.

"Wait... now?" He asked.

"Yes now. You're not an 'adult' yet so I can still boss you around, y'know cause I'm your mom and all."

"This is going to take some getting used to..." Sabre groaned out, so much for age not changing anything.

Rainbow found this very interesting, he could get used to this very fast. Meanwhile, Galaxy was just impressed by Alex's mother tone, it was... intimidating.


Finally, now that I have the annoying semi-filler chapter out of the way I can get on with some more plot.

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