Chapter 4: Nightmares

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Sabre POV~ Around 2 months ago
1 week time skip from the last chapter

I wake up breathing hard. Having to watch that over and over every day is starting to take its toll, watching all of my friends die, whether it be how they really died or not is still heartbreaking. Nightmare is a sick and cruel Steve. And he's crueler than he's ever been.

I've only seen Dark Steve a few times but just glimpses, so I know he's back as well... how I don't know. Soon enough Nightmare opens the door and sees me awake.

"So, Sabre, enjoying your time?"

"No." I wasn't in the mood for talking, I just wanted him to leave so I could think.

"Too bad, if you joined me it would get much better."
I looked down and pulled my knees to my chest, I can't join him, but how many more nightmares can I take. They are just so realistic. At this point they feel more like hallucinations. 

"Come on Sabre, you know I'm right... Fine! If you don't want to talk you can just sleep some more, but this time I won't be so nice." He says frustrated. My eyes widen under my blindfold, what could be worse than watching your friends die over and over again!?

"You have been anything but nice!"

"I haven't been 'nice', but I've been holding back, who's death have you not watched yet?" He said with a smirk.

I've seen, Galaxy, Alex, Overseer, Light, Purple, Time, Ghost, and Lucas... wait uh oh.

"No, please not him!"

"I gave you a chance, but like I said before you don't have a choice. Maybe now you will learn your lesson." He held up his hand like he does every time before I get the nightmares. I try to fight the tiredness but end up falling into unconsciousness. "Goodnight little Sabre."


I'm standing in front of Rainbow, he's bleeding on the ground. What happened? Is he okay? Obviously not. "Rainbow?"

"Sabre, why?"

"Why? Why what? Rainbow what happened?"

"Sabre, I thought you were my friend!" He yells weakly. He says this as if I betrayed him- which I didn't right? I don't think I did.

"But Rainbow... I am your friend!"

"Why did you do this Sabre?" He asks pain clear in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything!" I look down at my hands, what?  My hands have blood all over them... a sword in my right hand- blood on the tip. D-did I do this? 

I jump back and start shaking, I drop the sword to the ground. Tears start running down my face.

"R-Rainbow... d-did I do this?" He nods weakly, I just fall to my knees, and stare at my bloody hands. I don't even remember doing this... why? Why did I do this?

I look up to see Rainbows eyes slowly closing, I run over to him, "Rain please don't leave me, not again."  I pick his body up and cradle it in my arms, he weakly looks up at me,

"Goodbye Sabre...." With that, he takes his final breath, "NO! WAKE UP! Please, please!" I pull him closer to me holding him tight. "I'm sorry...."


I shoot up from the ground only to be held back by the chains in my cell. I feel something wet go down my face, I reach up and touch it. It's a tear, I guess that nightmare was worse than the others. What I would give just to have my Rainbow back.

I didn't expect to look up and see Nightmare looking down at me with a smirk. "Seems you woke up, how was your dream?"

"It wasn't a dream at all," I mumble but he seems to hear. "Why? Why do you do this? You know I won't join you so just stop! Let me rot here for all I care! Leave me and the rest of the Steve's alone!"

"They call me The Nightmare King, King, someone made to rule. Little Sabre, you won't rot here, I did say I would break you if I had too, but it seems my plan is already working." Plan? What plan?

"Here Sabre, lets make a deal. You probably miss Rainbow Steve, don't you? I can bring him back. Of course, there's my side of the deal." He smirks.

"I'm listening."

"You join me, listen to my commands, rule with me." He says. Do I really want Rainbow back that bad? I think back to the nightmare he had just put me through-

"Rain please don't leave me, not again."  

"Goodbye Sabre...."

-Just thinking back to it makes me cry, I want him back. I want him back so bad!

"So, Sabre, do we have a deal?" I look him in the eyes, I can't stand it, I can save Rainbow, I can save him, I have to... 

"Yes, we have a deal."


Yikes, this story is bad.

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