Chapter 27: A Beginning of a Battle

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Even though I combined everything into one part I recommend you re-read everything. I change a few things. (Just this chapter).

3rd Person POV

"You are sure this is the place?" Shadow asked.

"No, of course it is not, brother. It is obviously a shack of some sort, maybe a lava pool?" Dark drawled sarcastically. "Of course this is the place! You are an imbecile! It is a giant palace!" He smacked the side of his brother's head in a way only siblings can.

"Guys! Cut it out! We are literally hiding in the bushes outside the entrance!" Rainbow hissed. The sticks were clutched tightly in his hand.

"I don't think bushes were our best decision." Blue softly chimed in.

Alex sighed, she really needed another girl in this group. Although Light Steve was pretty easy to be around. Wait, was there even another girl in this world? Maybe Sabre would know... Oh, right, they're on a rescue mission.

"C'mon we've been standing here for ten minutes, Origin is obviously somewhere else. I think it's safe to sneak around." Alex was all business now.

"Follow. Shadow and Blue you two stand guard, if Origin or Sabre exits I want you to come and find us." She ordered.

Alex began walking towards the entrance, turning around once to make sure the others were following.

As she traveled down the halls her eyes glazed over, slipping into a somewhat nostalgic state. Everything was the same as it had been, with some extra dust. The walls, the ceiling, even the plants. Heck, it even smelled the same.

Everything she looked at made her anger at Origin grow. He ruined it all. He ruined their chance at properly leading a kingdom of Steve's, at happiness, at a family.

She mentally shook her head trying to clear it, she had to get her son and get out, away from the painful memories that used to be happy—but were so twisted and tainted by the past. She continued walking.


Galaxy wasn't as stupid as everyone thought him to be. He could use his powers just fine, he could think of plans if he really had too, but most of all he knew coming here would affect Alex.

His suspicions were confirmed when he noticed her eyes. She snapped out of whatever happened in just a few seconds but he still saw it. He lov-- He cared about her, he wanted to help.

Galaxy needed to initiate, as he called it; Big Brain Comfort Time- BBCT for short. The name was a work in progress.

He walked up and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, a silent 'are you okay?'. Only once she glanced back with a nod did he let go. She still seemed sad but maybe she would snap out of it once they were out.

They had a mission after all. And Galaxy sure did love missions! Poisonous pufferfish were a great weapon.

They continued down the halls.


Sabre knew he should probably be trying to do more to escape or something of the sort, but he had tried multiple times and now nothing new came to mind. So he just continued to think what he could about this place, his memories were there and good for quick reference but not completely clear.

Being only seven when he was sent into the future left little room for his brain to remember certain facts, places, people, and other things. He would have to live with the small pieces to his former life that he had.

Something he noticed was when he was outside his room was that his powers came back, not strong but they were there, and he did nothing! Although... Origin was of the strongest Steve's so attacking him probably wouldn't do much in this situation.

It was pretty satisfying striking him with lightning that one time though. (AN: Gee that seems so long ago now)

Sitting on this bed was nice and all but Sabre was getting bored. There was absolutely nothing to do, well, technically he could continue to practice his powers but even that sounded like an extreme work out. Maybe the palace did weaken him or something. He could barely activate them.

Hopefully, someone would save him soon. He wasn't getting out of here alone.


"Alex, where are we going?"

"To Sabre's room, if Origin is really trying to get his 'family' back, then that seems like the move he would make."

Now that Galaxy thought about it, Origin's case was a very sad one. He'd lost his family, his son, and his wife, his could-have-been perfect life. And maybe Galaxy would feel bad for him if it wasn't all Origin's fault. That wasn't even the worst thing Origin had done either, he had done so much, so much to every Steve,  Galaxy included.

They'd get Sabre and get out. Then end it. Well, there was still the matter of taking out Origin again... but that was a future problem.


Rainbow on the other hand had a completely different thought process, those thoughts mainly consisting of 'why hadn't Sabre escaped yet?' and 'they had been in way tougher situations why hadn't they solved this one yet?' nothing special, but if he was being truthful this whole game (if you could even call it that) was starting to feel repetitive.

1: Defeat the big villain. 2: Live in harmony for about three days. 3: Get hints of another evil. 4: Meet the new villain. 5: Either get captured or become a traitor. 6: Let a Steve die. 7: Defeat the villain. Well, 6 and 7 could be switch around a bit but it's the same idea.

Rinse and re--

"Okay, his room is right around this corner." Alex interrupted. She turned the corner and they followed.

Origin stood there, almost resembling a guard dog, arms crossed over his chest. "You did not expect to get past me that easily did you?"


Sup, it's been a while. My writer's block has finally let up a bit, enough for me to finish this at least. The last chapter will be out whenever it's finished.

I have made some progress on the sequel, outline, and stuff like that.

Question: Who is your favorite Steve from The Steve Saga?

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