Chapter 12: Taken

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Alex's POV

Galaxy and I have been sitting here for a while, it's so easy to relax when I'm near him. He can be so cu- no Alex you remember what happened last time, no more love. We just sit in silence, until someone interrupts it, scaring poor Galaxy so bad that he jumps.

"Alex! Galaxy! There you are I've been looking for you, I saw you leave your home, so I tried to find you, I wanted to ask you something." It's the Overseer. How did he find my place?

"Dude! That's fine ask away, but you didn't have to scare me out of my hug! I was actually really enjoying it." Galaxy mumbles the last bit, but I hear it. It puts a slight smile on my face.

"I apologize for ruining your hug Galaxy. Let's head back to your house and we'll talk there." Galaxy gets up and leads the way, Overseer and I just a few steps behind.

When we're about to reach the door the Overseer asks a question, "How did the shifts go?" We didn't tell him about that guy really being Sabre... we need to te- Galaxy opens the door and they walk in. Well so much for that.

We see Sabre, and Rainbow asleep on the couch together, Sabre has a book in his hand, I assume they were reading before they fell asleep. "Awww!" Galaxy and I say out loud. Meanwhile, the Overseer looks extremely confused.

"Why is he not in the chair?" He asks. I go to answer but Galaxy does it for me.

"Because he doesn't deserve to be, Overseer that's Sabre!" The Overseer gives him a look of disbelief.

"No way that's Sabre, Sabre wouldn't work with someone as bad as Nightmare." Okay, here we go again.

\@^@/ Time skip~

Sabre starts to stir as we finish explaining the situation to The Overseer. He yawns and looks towards us, "Hey guys, how long have you been there?"

"Not long," I answer, he nods. Sabre goes to move but in the process, Rainbow starts to wake up.

"How long were we asleep Sabre?" He asked looking at Sabre.

"I have no clue, Rain." Rainbow turns to look at us.

"Oh, hi guys! Hi Overseer! How a-" He gets cut off by the noise of lightning outside, everyone's eyes widen, I'm not sure if Sabre's did because of the blindfold but they probably did. Rainbow looks towards me basically asking what to do, so I nod. I told them to protect Sabre. Before we can stop him Sabre is already running outside, I quickly follow, the others right behind me.

It's the one person I hoped it wouldn't be. There hovering in front of us was none other than Nightmare Steve. I try to activate my powers but they aren't working, Galaxy and the Overseer are having the same problem.

"Sabre, long time no see. you and I made a deal, one I plan to keep in place. I kept up my end. I plan to make you keep yours." Nightmare says.

"No! I will not work for you! It was stupid of me to just accept that deal!" Sabre yells clenching his fists.

"You will work for me whether you like it or not."

"Over my dead body!" Sabre growls back. I want so badly to just step in, but what good would that do?

"If you insist, though I'd rather take one of your friend's bodies. How about your mom.?" I gulp, and start to back away, looking towards Galaxy and Rainbow, silently telling them to get Sabre out of here.

"I don't have a mom!" I hear Sabre exclaim. That sent knives to my heart. Though he doesn't remember me, it's not intentional.

"Yeah, she sounds like a good one." Nightmare says completely ignoring what Sabre said. Then he dashes towards me -curse you Yellow Steve speed- grabbing my arms tightly so I can't get away. I struggle but it's no use.

"No! Leave her alone!" Sabre screams, meanwhile Galaxy and Rainbow are running up behind him.

"Sabre, we have to go." Galaxy tells him.

"We can't! We can't just let Alex go with him." Sabre growls. He tries to run to me but Galaxy and Rainbow hold him back, I give Rainbow and Galaxy a nod and a smile, they did the right thing, but Galaxy looks pained by it.

"I'll be back, little Sabre."  He teleports away with me I heard Sabre yell 'no' before I'm met with prison bars surrounded by Redstone. Nightmare still has a hold on me.

"What do want with me!?"

"You're just here so I can hurt Sabre, thought it would be fun to torture you in front of him. Oh, yes, yes, yes! I could use that with the nightmares to break him! This will be so fun." He lets go of me and teleports outside of the cell.

"Leave him alone!"

"Oh you just wait, once I restore his memories and he remembers you and Origin, I'd like to see him freak out. Then after I break him I'll make him join me, and of course teach him his powers!" Typical villain monologue, out everything to the other team and still expect to win.

"You will never get your hands on him! Galaxy and Rainbow will be by his side every second!" I argue.

"And I have Dark watching him every second, knowing Sabre—he will sneak out when both of his friends are asleep. Then he will try to find you. You, Alex, don't stand a chance." He laughs and walks out.

Elan my boy, please be safe.


I really want a cookie.

Also I love everyone's comments, they are nice!

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