Tom's Oneshot \@^@/ (Story update AN inside)

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Tom was a lonely emoticon, his eyes were not like the others causing the others to laugh. He was often left out of the human's stories.

He had a friend named Julia, she was a simple emoticon with normal eyes, she had been used before. She was considered cute.

Julia = ^-^

Julia didn't judge Tom for his eyes, she thought they made him cute. Unfortunately, the other emoticons didn't think this way, they thought the eyes were ridiculous. One of these emoticons was named Josh. And another was named Burt.

Josh = ._.
Burt = •—•

The boys would laugh and tease. "Haha, your too ugly to be used. Just go lose yourself to the code." They would say.

Of course, Julia would stick up for Tom, "Maybe you should take your own advice Josh, you too Burt."

Then being the sassy emoticon she was, would go away, taking Tom with her. And every single time Tom would offer her a cookie, or slice of cake for her troubles.

Unfortunately, one day Julia was used once more, disappearing. Tom was left alone again. Left to be teased and waiting for Julia's return. It never happened, she was used too often to hang out with Tom.

Until, one day, Tom was chosen as well. Meeting new friends, and offering new cookies.



So, story-wise:
1. A new chapter is 50% complete. It'll be out soon.
2. This story will have a sequel. It will be around 10 chapters, and almost fully completed before release.
3. There will be a third book to come after the second. Though it takes place before the first. It will be a series of one-shots, with Sabre after Origin sends him away.

Otherwise, I have a few questions just for fun:

1. We've all come across a good story that was incomplete and abandoned. If you could have any one fanfic complete- what would it be?

2. Do you find it hard to continue a fanfic in a fandom your not as involved with anymore? Like if you fall into another one and still have to finish your current fic?

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