Chapter 14: Gone

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Galaxy Steve's POV

I wake up feeling that something happened, maybe I should check on Rain and Sabre. When I enter Alex's room I find Rainbow asleep on a chair and an empty bed. That's when I panic.

"Rainbow!" I shake him, "Rainbow wake up!"

"5 more minutes." He mumbles half-conscious. Hehe, I know what to do.

"I have sticks," I whisper. That does it, he jolts awake.

"WHERE ARE THE STI- oh Galaxy what are you doing here?"

"Sabre's gone!" I yell in his face, in return, he looks confused.

"Wait what he's just in the..... bed.... oh..." He comes to the realization. About time. "Galaxy we've gotta go!"

"Yeah, I know! Rain, if you were tired we could've switched... We will talk about this later, right now we have a Sabre to keep safe.

3rd POV

"Hello, Sabre." Sabre jumped at the sudden noise and quickly turned around. Something grabbed his sword.

"Who said that?" He exclaims, not seeing anyone and looking around frantically. Its almost pitch black outside making it hard to see things.

"I guess I blend in the dark, don't I? Should've brought a torch little Sabre that wasn't very smart of you." It said again.

Sabre went to run, already having an idea of who it was but didn't get far as someone grabbed him. "Shhh... I won't hurt you if you make this easy." They whispered in his ear.

"Let me go!" He struggled but soon enough gave up seeing no point in fighting a battle he wouldn't win.


Rainbow and Galaxy run out of their little abode, with few resources. Both had a stone sword and a torch in hand. They started running in a random direction hoping to find their friend.

"Where do you think he could be? Oh my gosh, do you think he got hurt!? Galaxy we have to find him!"

"Rainbow! Just think what would Sabre do in this situation?"

"He would probably do his best to stay calm... and continue searching." Galaxy nods to his distressed friend.

"Come on let's just keep looking..." They continued walking for around 10 minutes before they heard something.

"Let me go!" Both Steve's turned to look at each other,

"Sabre." They said at the same time. Then ran towards the noise, to find Dark Steve holding a struggling Sabre, they had both thought about running to rescue Sabre but they came up with a new plan whilst hiding behind a nearby tree.

"Dark doesn't seem to be using teleportation wherever he's going-" Galaxy started

"-So he might lead us to Alex!" Rainbow finished Galaxy's sentence, (sandwich) but quickly got shushed due to almost giving away their spot. So that's what they did they followed silently behind Dark. Keeping their torchlight hidden the best they could.

Sabre had given up struggling, seeing that the Steve was too strong, the two Steve's frowned at that. Sabre rarely gave up.

\@^@/ ~~~

After a bit of walking the two noticed the outline of a castle coming into view, it was still very dark and almost impossible to see. The two Steve's were both wondering the same thing 'How in the world does Dark Steve see anything?'

They were also bickering the entire time so another thought was, 'how in the world have we not gotten caught yet'

"You want to let me go yet?" Sabre asked clearly annoyed.

"No. We have plans for you, it would have been much easier if you had not told your friends who you were, and stuck to our deal. I will not hurt you but Nightmare might." Dark mumbled the last bit to himself.

"Well I was vulnerable and you and Nightmare took advantage of me! So that deal was unfair! Now let me go!" Sabre began struggling again.

"Really? Now you choose to be a pain, and this whole trip was so easy. Just shut up, we have arrived..." With that Dark continued into the palace. Sabre just sighed in defeat.

Galaxy and Rainbow close behind, soon realized this was where they needed to find Alex, so they quickly came up with a plan.

"We find Alex, help her, then we all get Sabre! Easy right?" Galaxy nodded at his friends' suggestion. Then quickly ran after them.


It's short... oops... I just needed to buy some time to get the next chapter done! It should be better... maybe... possibly... potato...

I've also seen everyone's choices on the AN and I've made the decisions that I think everyone will like to some extent.

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