Chapter 26: Search and Rescue

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3rd Person POV

"What are we supposed to do!? We don't even know where he was taken!" Rainbow was pacing, he was super happy to have found the people he had, but of course, Sabre just had to go missing! Typical.

"Or who he was taken by," Blue added thoughtfully.

Galaxy was sending worried glances at Alex, she was pacing, a pained look on her face. He wanted nothing more than to just wrap her up in a huge bear hug and tell her everything would be okay.

Light Steve was sparing nervous glances towards Shadow. It was hard to be around him, after all, Shadow had once destroyed him. Locked him in a glass cage and destroyed him right in front of Sabre.

Even though Sabre brought him back later on it didn't mean it didn't happen. Although it seemed he was trying his best now, Light Steve couldn't believe he wouldn't turn sides in the blink of an eye.

"Dark Steve what did you say about the results of your energy sweep?" Blue asked, trying to put together the missing pieces.

"Whoever came here was powerful." Came the answer.

"Are you sure there was nothing else? No anomalies or anything?" Blue continued to interrogate.


"Come on! Think really hard! We have to have missed something! If whoever was here was that powerful then their energy signature should still be around. Maybe you could do another sweep. See if anything different comes up."

"Fine." Dark did another sweep.

"Find anything?" Blue prodded.

"A flash of light blue, but I do not see how this would help us."

"Wait, did you say blue?" Alex stopped pacing. Dark nodded. "When you sweep what color am I? And what color is Blue Steve?"

"You, Alex, are a light green color. Blue Steve is in-between dark and light blue."

"I know who it is." Alex suddenly said.

"Who!? Let me pound their face into the ground for taking him!" Dark exclaimed, everyone, turned and gave him looks. He cleared his throat. "I mean who is it, Alex?"

"Isn't it obvious? If I'm light green who would be light blue? And we weren't on the run for nothing!" Alex said.

"Oh, it's Origin isn't it?" At Alex's nod, Galaxy turned to look at Dark Steve. "I will join you, pounding faces isn't really my thing, but I can poison him with a pufferfish."

"You still have pufferfish on you?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course! You know I keep at least 30 on me at all times! Who knows when you're going to need it!"

Alex giggled, even when things were going completely wrong Galaxy seemed to always make it a bit better. Hearing the giggle Galaxy turned to her and gave a blinding smile. He loved making her happy.

Alex sobered up and got back to the task at hand. "Dark, does Shadow have any powers that could possibly track them?"

Dark shook his head, "No, I am afraid he and I share the same skill set. Although he can control shadows, making himself invisible at different times. While I get a power boost at night."

"You always were the stronger brother though," Shadow muttered under his breath. Quietly, so only a few heard.

"Hm," Alex began pacing once more.

"Umm, If I may add something..." Light spoke. Everyone turned to him, he blushed slightly and ducked his head.

"Go ahead." Rainbow lightly pushed.

"Alex knows a lot about Origin right?" Light paused, he didn't do very well with so much attention and was a bit nervous. "And if Origin was after her and Sabre... where would he take them?" He quickly squeaked out.

Blue caught onto his thinking, "From what I've noticed Origin doesn't seem like the kind of Steve to be somewhere that is... ugly by his standards. So, wherever he took Sabre must be pretty decent..." The Steve trailed off.

"So, Alex, do you... have any idea where they might be?" Light finished.

"Actually, I think I do." She started as realization was shown on her face. "When Sabre was young we all lived in a palace together. After he got rid of Elan it was basically abandoned. It would be the perfect place to keep Sabre, no one really knows of its existence. And if I'm right about his motives, then he is trying to get back what he lost."

She started to think out loud, "Sabre is still young and could be persuaded back to him, though not without difficulty, me, on the other hand, I think he's given up on... I won't go back to him no matter what." Alex stopped pacing and turned to the group. "We have a location now, pack up any materials, I'm not letting that psycho keep my son."

Everyone was snapped out of their stupor at the command. Gathering what few supplies they had and turned back to the female. Galaxy armed himself with pufferfish. Light Steve with some sticks, handed everyone two, although he hesitated on Shadow and Dark.

Rainbow put a stick in each hand and crouched down into a battle stance, somehow he had green stripes of paint on his face. When he managed to do that, nobody knew. "Let's make this meanie pay!" He growled.

Dark looked amused and added his own comment, "Yes let us make this 'meanie' as you say, pay. I'm awaiting my turn to hurt this no good scum!" The last half sounded more like a hiss.

"Woah, brother, a contraction and a threat! You need to... Uhh... chill? That is what they say isn't it?" Shadow continued to mull over if 'chill' was the correct term or not.

Galaxy laughed and Alex facepalmed.

"Aren't we supposed to being saving my son?" She asked. The impatience in her tone was clear.

Blue Steve calmed Rainbow down and spoke, "We are ready now right?"

Everyone nodded. Rainbow had the determined look on his face still in full force.


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