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Petunia started noticing odd things happening and she wondered how it was that her parents were able to keep such secrets from her. "What is it that you do?" She asked her parents not too long ago and found out that her mom had the ability to slow time and that's why Petunia could never get the sneak up on her. And her father had the ability to mask scents and place shields and barriers. While they all had the spiritual energy that made them more prone to certain things like mixing up concoctions and they specialized in herbs.

She thought that maybe it was a cliche and even corny but a lot of the story tales had to have started from somewhere. There was much grounds to being a person from the Source and Petunia felt like she was not a part of it. She still felt like an outsider looking in when she was almost in her mid twenties and most Source beings got their powers mid teens even late teens. So what was wrong with her?

She did a mental eye roll when her parents could no longer take the suspense and announced a few days later that they were being summoned by the Source High Councils and she arched a brow when her mother announced it to her. "Why does that pertain to me? I'm not magical."

"They just want to do a spiritual probe to see if there is Source in you." Her mother had said and Petunia made a sound. "What does it matter whether or not I'm all human or some special being? Why can't you accept that I may not have ANY powers like you or dad? You have always tried to hold me back when I wanted to do things and so what if I get hurt in the process. You guys can't control every aspect of my like and you damn sure wouldn't have been able to stop me if I wanted to go to the damn jungle. You wouldn't have known that I would meet my 'mate'" she emphasized the word with air quotes and then continued, "-or that he would come to hit-it-and-quit-it just to get his powers. I don't care about any of this Source shit so stop looking at me like you failed somehow." Petunia went on not knowing where to stop but she felt like a dam had just burst from her frustrations. She knew she was taking it out on her parents and mainly her mom as she gave her that look.

Before the could say anything or have her voice betray the hurt that really laid underneath, Petunia shook her head at her wordless parents as she exited her home. She didn't know where she was going but she needed out. She needed to get away from her family, The Source, and any thoughts of Uriah as he kept creeping into her dreams. She hurt from feeling like a screw up and not being up to par with her parents and the fact that she was distraught over a man she may not have had more than a few words with. He used her and she somehow had to not let it affect her. But it did.

She left, not sure where her feet would take her or her vehicle until she realized that she was passing the French Quarter and even further. Something in her didn't want to stop until she put her vehicle into park and got out to walk to get a breath of fresh air. She may have been so caught up in her anger and newfound feelings that a wave of nausea hit her and she vomited in a back alley as people passed on by not noticing her. She thought that with the mating that they had done, most emotions had left her and she felt semi normal. She may have thought too soon as something inside her hurt and it may have explained why she was so upset.

She tried to take the bitter taste out of her mouth so she walked through the crowd as no one gave her a glance and bought a bottle of water from a corner store. She continued walking and walking letting her feet take her as she absentmindedly walked through gathering crowds for the evening.

Thoughts were racing through her head as she thought about how there was something wrong with her. First she had crazy emotions that she never knew was for another reason and the reason being a man. He helped cure her but at what cost. She felt hurt and anger that he took what he wanted and left. What made her so confused was that before, when they had sex under the moonlight that first time, she thought that she could walk away from it but something in her had changed. She for some reason wanted him and she couldn't fathom why. It shouldn't make sense but then again everything she knew was a lie to make her think she was somewhat normal.

Anger marred her vision as she felt the pulse in her temple beat and she wanted to vomit from the nausea. She was so angry at her parents, Uriah, and then herself for having these emotions. She had never felt an anger so raw and it was thanks to the guy whom she had stumbled into in the forest.

Petunia almost ran into a couple who was eating each other's faces in the middle of the pathway and she wanted to kick the both of them so hard for making her remember Uriah's kisses. And that it was getting close to another stupid Hallmark holiday that she used to enjoy. Valentine's Day. Usually the holiday would have made her so happy despite the sadness that she had before and that her parent's love made up for her being single. Even when she had dated she found no joy in being with whomever she was with and she decided it wasn't worth it. But now the world she knew had shattered and she wasn't sure how to put the puzzle back together.

Something in Petunia made her stop and she looked at her surroundings. She was Her. She was new, and she was going to find out why Uriah had left and why she kept having dreams of him when she shouldn't. Damn her for not having powers and damn him for leaving. She was going to find him and make him answer her. She wasn't going to wait around for him and wait to be chased. She was going to be the hunter and he was going to be her prey.

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now