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Petunia nodded her head and bid him a goodnight as she headed back into her tent forgetting all about her desire earlier and the dream that she had. Out of exhaustion, Petunia fell asleep no more than five minutes later as if some spell had just washed over her. Their guide, Uriah was such an odd person, was her last thought before she welcomed sleep.

The next few days, they looked at the foliage that had surrounded their camp and documented the types, Hopefully there was a chance that they would discover a new plant type but with no luck they only found plants that were already documented.

Petunia was hoping to find one that can be used as an herb but to her luck she could find none, when she ventured far enough, Uriah had stopped her from leaving too far from the camp and she had to pout. There was no way she could find the herb if they stayed in this tiny proximity.

She felt that he was in a way trying to hide something from her and she had yet to figure out what it was. Days had passed and they were onto their last few days before they would head back to the visitor center and then home.

There was still an attraction that she felt with Uriah but he wasn't around too often for her to discover or dwell more on the haunting sensation that she wanted him. He had seemed to mope in a sort of way or seemed restless.

She didn't want to find out why he was so moody or why he disappeared late at night often enough. Petunia already thought it was odd that he slept in the trees but he would disappear for hours before he would return. It wasn't that Petunia noticed, she just happened to have to use the restroom most of the time and he would always be there to tell not to venture out of the camp so far.

Petunia wondered if he just might be doing sweeps of the camp for dangerous animals or maybe he was heading somewhere.

She felt the odd sensation of her emotions and hoped that she wasn't feeling it coming on. But she immediately felt angry. She felt it often enough the past few days and that's when she wanted to take her night walks after her steamy dreams. Except a certain dreamy guard loved to tell her no. That was when she got the feeling of warmth in her and almost instantly felt wonton and wanted to do dirty things with Uriah. God she was starting to lose her mind.

Tonight, she felt a burst of weird energy in her chest and she didn't know what to do with it. It scared her and she remembered reading something about a lunar eclipse happening, she just forgot when. Maybe the weather had a lot to do with her feelings and she could downplay it into that, except she had always been moody since puberty and recently she was filled with that emptiness.

Petunia knew they were near a lake and the other students took a dive into it and she wanted to get into it again. Their guide, Uriah sat on a rock and watched them from afar like a hawk. Maybe she could get his OK to take a dive to cool off. The fire kept animals away for the most part and she was feeling risky.

She headed towards the tree that she last saw her guide and called up for him. Of course no reply, maybe he was doing his rounds again. Sighing, she headed in the direction of the lake and heard the waterfall. It looked wonderful under the full moon and as soon as her eyes adjusted fully to the darkness, she noticed a dark figure. It better not have been an animal because with her luck she would die a few days before she went home.

Staying rigid, she saw the figure move of the water and closer to the edge. "Do you have a habit of breaking protocol?" She heard a voice call out. Of course, she'd run into the person she was trying to avoid. "You weren't at your post. How's the water?" She asked walking closer. She really felt the need to go in.

"Since you're here and I'm here. Might as well enjoy it." He said to her and she smiled. Petunia took off her clothing and went right in with her sports bra and panties. "Oh my gosh." She breathed loving the feel. She swam closer to her guide, just in case something attacked her at least he'll be in the distance. "Why do you sneak out for hours?" She asked him. He furrowed his brows and stared at the moonlight, a strange look in his eyes. "Let off steam. And make sure my traps are still good." He explained to her.

Petunia's eyes went to the moon, so she wasn't the only one feeling a strange pull toward the moon and its odd light. The surrounding area was starting to color the night sky crimson. "Wow, Do you do this often?" She asked and didn't really realize she said it aloud. There was the sound of water swishing, and came Uriah's reply, "Swim naked with a stranger? Sure." His voice was slightly strained.

She moved her head so quick she could've snapped her own neck. "You're naked?" She thought about how he would look naked and considering his naked forearms were ripped and thick with the veins always protruding, he must look great. "Don't look at me like that woman." He told her and Petunia realized she was staring at him yet through him. "Sorry." She told him and felt her face warm up. She was starting to swim back to where her clothes were located and Uriah followed suit. "I didn't mean it that way." He said to her and watched her exit the pool.

In this darkness he could see clearly with his enhanced vision. The way her undergarments clung to her wet skin made his skin crawl and his nether parts throbbed. He hadn't had any relations in the past few months, thanks a lot so to his vivid dreams. Suddenly his skin felt too tight, and he felt a burning sensation. The solstice and eclipse was near. Really near.

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now