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Petunia ended up leaving South America not too long after and she was blinded with a headache that came and gone and through all the caffeine intake and pain medications that she had taken, it would come back as if almost with a vengeance. There was a pounding in her brain and she felt that her necklace pendant sometimes felt warm against her skin.

She was being led to the same airport that she had come on but due to something with the plane's engine, she had to stay a night longer. They had offered the guests a night stay in a local hotel and though she didn't trust staying any longer in Brazil, she was in a comfy hotel.

She didn't know what her plan was or if it was going to be her going home with her tail between her legs, or her search for Uriah continuing. Petunia wasn't sure if she could find herself combing the streets of New Orleans searching for her mate and he sure as hell wasn't looking for her. It had been months since they had last seen each other, and other than the dreams that she had been having of him. They didn't talk.

She had never chased after a man before, never dropped everything to come look for a man who didn't want her and she felt that they may be mates but, the timing wasn't ideal and it seemed that when she was so close to him, he slipped from her grasp.

That evening, she had a dream of him per usual that seemed to become so real she had awoken from it. It took a moment for her to realize that she was awake and alone, staring at the ceiling of her hotel room. The heat outside didn't help with her inner turmoil and she looked around as the quiet sounds ate at her. It felt too quiet and she felt odd.

She still couldn't place what it exactly was but a pounding at her temple made her cringe as she sat up with her hand to her head. Or that was what she thought she did when she was still staring at the ceiling and her body wasn't moving. It was like she was still in a dream as her surroundings was in play but she wasn't. She realized it must have been sleep paralysis as she moved her eyes but nothing came out of her mouth when she tried to make a sound.

Her breathing became heavy and her body felt like lead as she tried to move her limbs but they were useless. Panic settled in and she wanted oh so hard to scream.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention and she swore that a dark shadow moved across the room and the feeling of being watched intensified as a chill ran up her spine. A dark cloaked figure stood at the side of her bed and her body couldn't move. Petunia thought this was the worse dream ever and she needed to wake up yesterday.

Her heart beat had intensified, her breathing quickened to erratic short breaths and the dark figure put a hand out over her as she watched with a confused panic. It was silent all for the noise from the street below as a hand hovered over her and she swore it was all a sick nightmare except something in her hummed.

A glow was emanating from the hand and she felt something moving, a feeling she could only describe as a gust of wind or something inside her almost bubbling.

"C'mon you're taking your precious time. The Enforcers will be here." A man's annoyed voice sounded to her left but she couldn't see him. The light that was emanating not from his hand but her intensified until she felt a shearing, burning pain. It was as if he was tearing her apart and she could only watch him. "There seems to be another force. This is rare. I sense something different." The cloak said and Petunia was trying to register what he said but all she could think of was that whatever this shadow figure was doing was going to kill her. She didn't want to be there.

All because she was chasing a dream and a man she had gotten herself into a world of heartbreak, betrayal, and disappointment. She wanted to be home, with her parents. She wanted to be human where she never knew the world of the Source or the that she was a fuck up Witch.

Pain continued and it was worse than the pain she had felt before. The drumming in her head became worse and she thought she might just explode. Her body felt like it's bones were breaking and she felt as if she was watching herself, a lightheaded experience as she felt herself go.

A shiny object caught her quick attention and she noticed it was a blade. She caught a look at the owner of the voice as he moved out of the shadow. He was white almost as if he was a ghost with a dead look on his face and eyes. It was almost evil.

Petunia knew that she was going to die tonight. The last thing she wanted as she prayed heavily was that she could apologize to her mom and say that she was sorry for being such a bitch to her. A tear slid down her cheek as she closed her eyes and pleaded, thinking of her bed, her parents, and home.

She felt her out of body experience once again as something shifted in and out of her and she felt the feeling of falling as she fell onto hard surface. Pain radiated at her head and back as she stared at a ceiling that was familiar and she heard voices. Petunia groaned and wondered if she really was in a dream and felt liquid moving down her neck thinking it was sweat.

"Petunia?" She heard a voice and saw the three people she was thinking of when she thought she was going to die. Her parents and then Uriah who all stood around her. No no nonono. She thought as she stared at them and thought that she wasn't ready to see them or him. What the hell was happening as she wanted to be anywhere but there. She briefly thought of him and the cave they were once in and he moved close to her, a hand reaching out but it never touched her. She felt out of body once again before she left, the feeling of free falling and she hit ground. Again.

Her back felt a hard jab and she cursed this time trying to get her bearing. It was dark and all she could hear was the sloshing of water around her. It was dark and though she couldn't see in the dark, it was almost as if someone had a screen on the brightest setting because though it was dark, she could semi see her surroundings. "What the fuck?" She whispered in disbelief as her body ached all over. What messed up nightmare was she having and why was she not awake when all her pain felt so real.

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