Twenty Five

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Petunia was frozen and she wished she could just disappear as a fear washed over her. Where she had taken them, there were men who had weapons trained on them, the rifles that they were holding weren't exactly small. Her mouth suddenly became dry and she patted looking for Uriah not taking her eyes off of the men.

They were built like tanks and scary as there were no lights but she could see their profiles fairly well. "Don't move a muscle." One said, and she could see the red dot sight on his rifle. She had her hands up and hoped Uriah didn't try anything but he was still in his shifter form. He growled threateningly and she turned just in time to see him pounce on another figure. She shouted at him and heard the bullet as it hit him.

She realized not a moment later as the men gathered and jumped them that she hadn't just teleported the two of them. When Uriah was attacking Samuel, she must have accidentally brought him with them and seeing the blood, she was surprised to even see him remotely alive. "Stop!" She yelled as she threw herself on top of her Jaguar and tried to control the situation. But it was all going to shit.

"I swear, I'm starting to think you can't get enough of us." Petunia heard a familiar voice and the door opening. Cass entered the room with medical supplies and her husband had followed in after her, his eyes strained. Right after them was what she guessed was their leader. He was attractive in a rough-around-the-edges type and they had been in their domain for less than a day.

Since they had dropped in on their den, they had taken a mutilated Samuel into a makeshift cell and Uriah as well. Until they made sure that both parties weren't dead, they would start the questioning.

"We miss you guys." He said laughing and then he glared at the couple in front of him. "Tell me why there is a Witch and fellow shifter in my domain. Isn't my den supposed to be I don't know...secret?" He said looking at Petunia as Cass moved to check on Uriah's gunshot wound.

He was bleeding and shot in the stomach to prevent him from killing them or their suspect. "Makita sent us." Petunia told him and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes. "That Witch will be the death of me. Why would she send you guys to me?" He asked and shook his head as he continued. "She's always sending strays to me as if I'm the freakin' animal shelter." He said as Cass started laughing. "Ever since I got the two of you at my doorstep, I've gotten half of the Source Species coming through my home. She's sending people my way as if I'm the Underground Railroad or something." He continued on and Petunia quietly listened as she checked on Uriah's wound as well.

Because he had shifted and did not have spare clothes, he was borrowing pants from one of the other shifters until they can get a bearing. Petunia was holding onto his hand, afraid that if she let go, he would somehow disappear.

"So explain to me what is happening to my den and why was this Jaguar attacking him?" He asked with one arm over the other as he stood, the action causing his forearms to bulge and show his muscles. Petunia sensed that he was a shifter but she didn't quite know what he was and by the looks of it, he wasn't too keen on letting them know. He eyed her with brown-gold eyes that matched Kanin but she knew that he wasn't actually a Shifter. He was part of an experiment that his wife was working on. Because of Samuel and the big reason he is being chased, a shifter's essence was injected into him making him an artificial Source member. He was fully human but had the extra perks of being a Source member just minus the shifting portion.

"He's Samuel, everyone refers to him as the 'Dark Warlock' or I even heard the 'Rogue Warlock." She explained and before continuing she was cut off by Trent. He grew interested as he asked, "The Dark a Warlock? The one that caused this mess?" He asked incredulously.

Petunia nodded her head slowly not sure what to say when Trent cursed and she felt his anger grow as if it was emanating from his pores. "That sonofabitch." He cursed as he moved but Kanin grabbed hold of him. "I'm going to murder that motherfu-" he was trying to get away from the man that was holding him but they were struggling with one another. "We...can't kill him yet." Kanin said between clenched teeth as Trent turned and thrashed. "Dammit babe, sedate him." He said earning an elbow to the face as Cass moved with a syringe.

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