Thirty Five

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Petunia had taken Uriah to a very well known and established small shop located on the bayou. It was one of many small businesses that had its shop there and it was known for being able to drive up and dine in or drive in through the back by boat. Because they bought their food from local fishermen, they were delivered out back and cooked daily and all fresh.

It was a cute and quaint family business and can they cook the hell out of crawdads. Up front, even though it was about dinner time, there wasn't too much of a wait before they were both seated and Uriah quirked a brow at her putting her adult bib around her neck. "What is that?" He asked her and smiled as she said, "So we don't get our clothes dirty." And he followed suit.

She ordered them the special with Cajun corn on the cons and sausages and fries as they sat and he was in awe at the surrounding. The place was loud but inviting as families dined and it was just like anyone's family get together. The restaurant was very modest.

It didn't take long until the both of them received their food and he gave her a questioning look as he looked for utensils. "We're gonna use our hands." She told him and then added on, "Shouldn't you be used to that?" And Uriah shook his head as he said, "Right." Sarcastically. He knew she was in no way serious and he liked that teasing attitude that she had. He had become accustomed to her teasing and he knew it was a way of her showing affection as she probably didn't even know it herself.

He wasn't planning on letting her know that anytime soon.

They had eaten through their meal consisting of locally caught seafood, crawdads, shrimp, sausages, fries, and corn all spiced with a tang of Cajun. When the crowd was growing, they took it as their cue to leave and walked out of the restaurant back to the car, driving in silence as the radio played in the background.

Uriah's hand found her own as he locked their fingers as she placed her hand on the shift knob. The swamp gave way to the city and then again to woods. Though Petunia's home was close to the city, she was driving them close to the Coven where they had free land to roam.

Just like the other nights, they usually played their game or catch and tonight was no different. In ways they were flexing their powers to learn how to better control it and Uriah had become more fluid and elegant in his shift. So did Petunia as she was landing more and more of her jumps and being able to turn invisible. Along with their game of tag was hide and seek where she would hide and he would use his senses to try and find her.

Petunia watched as he unbuttoned his shirt and placed it neatly on the trunk of the car, followed by his boots, jeans, and then his briefs. Though they had seen each other naked countless times, Petunia still turned her head away as she used her heightened senses to see what was ahead of her. There was just trees and she felt Uriah behind her as he walked up behind her.

There was power emanating from them both and she could feel his hard muscles on her back as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. His hands were on her shoulder as he moved around to crouch on all fours. The muscles in his back protruded and there was a groan as his back expanded and fingers dug into the ground under him. His skin shedded and underneath dark fur grew as he shifted into his Jaguar.

Petunia was glad she wasn't a shifter because when Uriah shifted, it looked all too painful with skin ripping, flesh tearing, and claw protruding. Though Uriah said it didn't hurt too much, she still couldn't fathom having to do that every time he wanted to shift.

It didn't take long until he was fully shifted as he turned his golden green eyes to her and she nodded her head as she took a head start and jumped. She could hear his cry from afar and new the chase was on as the feeling of being free attracted her.

She felt weightless as she jumped and knew he was right behind her. She kept jumping only reappearing ten feet away at times until she knew he would get her before they even really started.

Petunia felt free and weightless as she felt whole for the first time in years. Something in her felt almost complete and she was overcome with joy as laughter built up within her as she felt Uriah behind her, most likely mere inches from her.

It didn't take long for him to catch up to her as he pounced onto her as soon as she reappeared. He landed them into a patch of grass and she felt no pain from the fall as he had taken precaution for her to land on him.

She was breathing heavily as her heart started to pound quickly and his green eyes flowed back at her. He shifted underneath her back to his human form and they looked into each other's eyes as his fingers slipped up her arms, gooseflesh riding a wave throughout her body.

Not saying a word, he brought the back of her head down as their lips met and he rolled them over so that he was on top of her in his all naked glory. Their kisses started off as sweet until his tongue found its way and they entangled with one another.

His fingers found her nipples through her shirt and bra as he pinched and she squealed. They didn't say much as a rush filled them and nothing was going to stop them as they became hurried. He became hurried to get her naked under him and it was all he could do to stop himself from tearing her clothing away and into scraps of fabric.

Petunia didn't stop him as that was what she wanted too. His lips moved away from her mouth to mark a sweet trail down her neck onto her collarbone as he lifted her shirt and bra up to reveal her already hardened nipples.

Something about his eyes and the way they glowed, watching her as his tongue flicked the nub before taking it while into his mouth. She could feel the sharp nip of his teeth before he sucked as if he was starved and wanted to swallow her whole.

Petunia could feel his erection as it prodded her exposed belly and she wrapped her fingers around his girth, moving her hand over his shaft. It grew even more as she pumped him and he pulled away to pull her panties and pants down. "I'm sorry, I can't wait anymore." He told her as he bent his head low and she could feel his hot tongue as he licked her. Her heels dug into the earth underneath them as he Uriah moved his mouth to use it in another place that he knew she enjoyed it the most.

His mouth closed itself over her clit and his tongue flicked the hard nub the way it made her come in mere minutes.

"Yes. Now." She breathed between hitched breaths and he nodded his head as he moved, his erection dancing as he kneeled and positioned himself right at her entrance. She braced herself as he pushed through her folds and plunged deep into her. Her breath caught and they did not say anything to one another as she grew accustomed to him.

When only the background sounds of the environment played for them, he moved once, and then twice before thrusting into her. Petunia felt a rush of goosebumps hit her like a tidal wave and she arched her back. "Wrap your legs around me." He told her and she did exactly like he asked.

He pushed up with his knees and legs as he stood them up. She was about ready to ask what he was doing until he had her against a tree and was moving within her again. The position had her filled with pleasure as he was hitting her innermost part and rubbing against her clit. She cried against him as she felt her muscles tighten and she swore she could see stars.

Uriah made a sound that was a pass between a moan and a grunt before he came and his naked chest was heaving up and down. They had both stayed like that, with him holding her up until he was breathing normally once more. "I promise I don't do this often on first dates." Petunia said jokingly as he put her feet down. He made a sound that may have been a laugh.

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