Thirty Six

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Petunia had jumped them back to the car where Uriah's clothing was and as much as she enjoyed seeing him naked, they couldn't go back home with him strutting in his birthday suit. She didn't think her parents would appreciate it too much. He was still on rocky waters with her parents but they didn't hate him. They were getting used to the fact that she was a Witch and mated to a Shifter who was a born predator. Everyone was thrown into a world of unknown when that became a fact.

She had driven them back to the home she had grown up in and she always believed that her life was 'normal'. Regardless of what she thought she had and even though doctors had diagnosed her with a disorder, it shouldn't have surprised her that there was a reasoning behind it.

Yet with Uriah's all too possessive actions being a part of his nature, she had to let go of her human side to open the doors to what she really was. She was a Source member.


Though Uriah had only brought up going back to his tribe for the rituals once, Petunia was lying to herself if she said she wasn't scared. She was scared and after a week of dates, consisting of him taking her out, their talks, and runs, life as she knew it was not going to go back to what it was before. No way in hell.

She also has the epiphany that heck yes, she was pregnant cause even before she could feel the flutters and kicks she was supposed to feel with the baby along the way, she still felt the baby. It was weird but she could feel herself sharing her body with another being and as weird as it sounded, her chest felt tight, almost painful in delight.

There was a joy in having Uriah rubbing her semi showing belly and she could see it in his eyes the excitement. And she had to be real to herself when she admit that she liked it, if not a little bit then maybe a bit too much.

Add on top of at the end of their dates, they'd end up entangled in each other's arms and that eighty five percent of the times they were naked.

Petunia herself felt free and she loved being able to do what she could and she relished in the fact that she was able to do it with her mate. That was why she had told him that Saturday evening, "Let's go to your home."

He watched her closely before there was relief on his face and he picked her up and spun her around, her toes a whole foot off the ground. "Really?" He asked her with an incredulous look and Petunia feigned hurt. "Well I'm not saying it just to say it." She told him and Uriah grabbed the back of her neck as he lowered his forehead to hers.

"I vow to you, I will give you my everything." He said and she scoffed. "I hope so or I'm taking my happy ass back here quicker than you can snap." She replied in a false snappy tone. He laughed as he held her close and was about to swing her around again when she held her hand up. "I might vomit the second time around." She said, putting a hand up to her mouth. Uriah nodded as he placed his hand on her bump and looked deeply into her eyes. "I love you so much you know that?" He said.

Petunia smiled back at him as she nodded. "So I've heard." She said as she stayed quiet and blurted out the words she didn't expect herself to say, "I think I love you too."

Even though she may have all but whispered the words, Uriah's head swung so hard he could have broken his neck as he was wide eyed. "I'm sorry what did you say?" He asked and Petunia shook her head at him as she started walking towards anywhere but in front of him. The overwhelming feeling that was in her chest almost hurt and she tears at her eyes as feelings she couldn't explain pooled.

It was a strong feeling, intense, and for someone who didn't feel many emotions until as of recent, she wasn't sure what to make of them. "Wait, are you crying?" Uriah asked as he grabbed a hold of her arm and she turned her head away. As confused as he looked, she felt worse. She should be happy and ecstatic but the sense of overwhelming happiness made her chest hurt and all she could do was cry.

"Yes, no. I don't know. I'm pregnant alright." She said behind tears and the statement made her want to cry harder. The perplexed look in Uriah's green eyes as he watched her carefully yet with uncertainty made her want to laugh. She was a mess and after telling her mate that she loved him, she was crying tears that was a mix between happy and hurt. It made sense if she really thought about it. Not too long ago she was void of feeling happiness because of the funk doctors had diagnosed her with.

After months of feeling emotions, she didn't know how to react and she was so hormonal, she just wanted to cry. The icing on top was telling Uriah how she felt and how she opened up for him once more hoping he didn't break her heart and that took a lot for her. Now she was laying everything on the line for him as she had agreed to go to his home and complete their set of rituals for mates.

Uriah grabbed Petunia as she gathered her emotions and the tears had slowed down. "You can cry as much as you want if it means that you tell me you love me." He said laughing as she gave him a teary glare.

Another emotion hit her as guilt rang through her body thinking back to how she has treated him before. He may have deserved it after he took what he wanted and then deserted her but it gave him no right. They may have had a quiet understanding but it wasn't until she realized what he had done that filled her with so much anger but underlying all that was her hurt feelings.

She liked him and even though her "dreams" consisted of them together with no bars held, they had a connection. Maybe that was one of the things that had scared her into turning away from him when she knew she needed him the most. She knew that what he did, he had his reasons but he had stuck with her through it all and even though she may have been a complete and utter bitch to him, he tried his hardest as stayed with her. That didn't sound like he had done those things out of a sense of duty. He loved her and she knew that she loved him.

With that realization,  she felt the tears build up again as a fresh wave fell. "You know with the crying, I might start to think you actually hate me." He smirked and she pinched his arm as she wiped at her face but he grabbed hold of her.

"You keep it up and you might get the couch tonight. And no sex." She threatened him and his face lost all laughter. "You wouldn't dare."

She smiled at him as she wiped and sniffed. "Don't test me, you should know the consequences of me angry." She said with a smile on her face and he grabbed hold of her fingers as he brought her knuckles up to kiss them. "You wouldn't do that to your mate and the person you love would you, that would be too cruel." He said.

Though the words were corny to her and she swore she could have vomit from the cheesy explosion, she enjoyed his worship and it made up for the asshole thing he had done to her in the beginning. Now she wouldn't change anything about what happened to the past because if she did, she would not have met the man that she loved and the little boy that would be arriving in a few months.

If there was anything she should have been doing was thanking Uriah as he gave her life new meaning and even though they may have been mismatched in Source terms, they complimented each other soulfully. Some where in the Source world, she had to thank the fates that brought them together because she couldn't imagine her life without Uriah, her life not being a Witch, and not crossing the threshold that took her from human Petunia to the fully bloomed Petunia she was now. And to think if she was afraid of going on that school trip, she would have never gone to South America, never met their very very attractive guide, and would have never been caught under the moonlight with a Shifter.

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