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The next day, the Enforcers were contacted and they had come to retrieve the body of Samuel. Trent was being questioned by the Council and while the Enforcers were gathering the body, the other members were readying up for the mission to infiltrate the facilities where the other Source Members were being held.

Petunia figured she would try again as she offered to teleport them and Uriah flat out refused. There was a facility in Idaho to where they had planned on using a plane to fly the distance and to have adequate space for those who wished to travel back with them. She felt like the odd one out when even Cass was going along with them but she knew that the other woman had medical knowledge. They weren't sure what condition the others would be in and she knew it wasn't going to be something pretty.

With Trent being the Leader of his den, he unfortunately had to speak with the Elders and he was arriving not too long after the Enforcers had taken the body and left.

Uriah sought her out before they left giving a kiss to her forehead and a hand to her barely noticeable baby bump. "I'll let you know when we land, but I'm not sure how long we'll be. There's two facilities and I'm not sure if we're going straight to the other one. I think you should go back with your parents for the time being." He told her as he was geared up in dark mercenary gear. Even though he could shape shift, he looked gorgeous with all black gear from the steel toed boots, to the black cargo pants, to a bulletproof vest and the skin tight dark undershirt. It had accentuated his muscles and somehow fit his eyes as the hazel green hues danced. The man was too handsome to be human and it was a good thing they weren't exactly.

She nodded at him as she said, "I'm not going back to my parents. I'll wait for you." She told him as if there was a promise and he smiled at her as he placed a kiss on her lips. What was meant to be a quick peck became a deep kiss as his tongue swept over her bottom lip. Her hand came up to clutch the back of his neck as she pulled him in tighter as if holding him for balance as he felt himself harden against her. Not a moment too soon, she pulled away from him and looked into his eyes as she said,"Be safe."

He nodded at her as he licked his lips and placed his forehead against hers as he took a breath in. He vowed to himself once he gets back from their rescue mission, he would do whatever he could to make things right with her and work on becoming a better mate. Somewhere, someone thought that they would make a good fit and mated them so there had to be some right to their mismatched species.

Pulling away, he grabbed his gear as the men started to load up in the van that they were taking to the airport. Apparently, the Lions has some connection and would be able to charter a plane to Idaho. He just hoped that nothing went to shit when they got there.


Petunia may have told a lie to Uriah and she knew that he would be pissed. But who was she to sit out and wait for her mate to come back home when she could be helping out and making a difference. That was why when she had received word that they had made it to Idaho, she gave it thirty minutes before she thought hard about wanting to be near her mate and bless her newfound powers, because she jumped.

Her body moved with the wind as her surroundings changed and she had gotten better at landing her jumps. She had gotten the feeling when she prepared for ground and barely made the shock when her shoes hit the floor. She looked closely around her to make sure she didn't land in a War zone. Except everything was quiet and dark. But with her heightened senses, she could make out a room full of metal.

Petunia gasped when she found what appeared to be small cages side by side and eyes watching her as she looked around. She didn't exactly land near Uriah but she felt him nearby as she tried to understand where she was and what the cages meant.

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