Twenty Four

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Petunia was slightly afraid that if they had been escorted to the council that if the Warlock had done it before he could do it again. Her thoughts and worries were pushed aside when she felt Uriah bear and he whispered to her, "I vow I will not let anything happen to you." And she believed him. There was a fire in his eyes that made her believe that he will do what it took to make sure that her and the baby could count on him.

Her heart softened for him and she knew it might be a mistake but there was no denying the instant attraction and she melted when he was near. She couldn't understand it but her attention was pulled towards him like a magnet and she often oddly enough wanted to jump his bones. It was just like the first night that they had met and she wanted him badly but fortunately it was nothing like that first night. She knew it had to do with the mating ritual when they had first met and she just hope they didn't become like that daily.

She had also noticed the changes within her and she felt something other than herself sharing her body. She never understood the feeling of women wanting to become pregnant until the morning sickness had subsided and she got to hear the heartbeat and see the tiny outline of the baby.

Though her parents were angry at first, they started to warm up to the idea that they were going to become grandparents and started to become delighted. Add on top of that that their wayward daughter had finally grew some powers. She was almost a whole different person. Just as Uriah had made a vow to her, she made a vow to the unborn child that she would protect it with her life and she just hoped that the Warlock didn't catch onto their trails anytime soon.

When they had made it to the council, she imagined something different but yet what she was welcomed to what had played in front of her.

She was in a room that reminded her of a courtroom but she stood in the middle of almost a circle as a group of older somewhat stern looking men and the odd woman, had looked down on the group as if they were being judged. Makita had came for protection and as a representative for their coven as she whispered, "The Council makes up basically old people who are spokesperson for the different Subspecies. The three to the left are for the Demons, the one in the middle are for Magic , and the far three on the right are Shifters." She explained and Petunia opened her mouth in silent awe. They looked like regular elderly people except they did amass power from within them that she could feel.

"Welcome." The Council in the middle said as he watched them with his cold blue eyes. His light skin and white hair made him look like a medieval king sitting on a throne and he was just missing a Crown. Petunia and Uriah replied and she didn't realize that she had taken a step closer to him. "I was informed that you two have mated." He stated matter of factually as his eyes focused on the pair and the others made little words of agreement. He focused on her closely and she took another small subtle step towards Uriah, a hand instinctively coming up to her belly. "It has been quite awhile since we had a cross species mating." He stated again and there were murmurs.

"Maybe this is a sign of our demise." Someone said and Petunia's eyes grew wide as she made a face over at Makita who rolled her eyes. "Maybe, maybe it's the Source's sign with the missing children." Another said and they sounded like they were agreeing with one another. "We were informed that the Rogue Warlock, Samuel, has captured you for the briefest of minutes?" An elder from the Demon side asked and Petunia nodded. "You're the only one who has seen Samuel and lived. Why were you any different?"

"She had gotten herself out to safety." Makita said as she left out some information that they may or may not need to know. "She's a teleporter." She stated and the others murmured once more. "And you," The elder stated as he looked over to Uriah, "I am of the Jaguar Clan in South America." He answered and the man nodded as another elder said, "An odd paring indeed."

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