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They trekked across the jungles and after about an hour and half he stopped the group to camp for the night. They would make their location by tomorrow noon but daylight was starting to fade and they couldn't see in the dark. Uriah can, but not the humans.

He went to gather wood for a fire and heard from his senses a nearby stream. He wouldn't trust any of the rivers here, but because he wasn't exactly human and was a shifter, mere human infections and parasites wouldn't kill him. It would weaken him, but not kill him. He just didn't want to be out of commission if anything were to happen.

As soon as they made camp, Uriah brought some fruit that he found from a nearby banana tree and small prey. They watched in amazement when he skinned the animal and cooked it over the fire, splitting it evenly between the ten of them.

Soon as it was time for them all to sleep, Uriah went and climbed up a tree to check out the distance. With his eyesight, he knew he wasn't too far from his pack. Getting into a comfortable position, he listened for sounds of danger or any other animals nearby before closing his eyes. He would wake up before the rest of the humans so they wouldn't catch him sleeping in a tree.

Petunia woke up in the middle of the night still having her sexual dreams of the stranger with the tattoo. Why did she have to keep seeing this dark figure, and why did they always end up having very hot, dirty sex? It was torture enough that she couldn't have any real relations with another man, but these dreams were all getting too vivid and she was having to wake up to a discomfort between her legs.

Zipping open her tent, she looked around and found that the campfire was slowly dying down. Uriah, their guide said not to venture out alone. It wasn't that she was leaving the camp, she just wanted to get her mind off the dream, and she was staying a good distance from the camp, not straying far.

Surprisingly, she couldn't find her guide anywhere. Where the heck was he?

Petunia heard a bustle in the bush ahead of her and she stopped. She was within running distance of the camp, if she turned and took about ten steps she would be in their circle. Slowly a snake came out from the brush and Petunia froze.

She didn't know if the snake was dangerous or not but she didn't want to find out. She took slow steps backwards without looking when she bumped into a hard wall. Her hands flew behind her, hoping she didn't run into a tree or some sort, cutting off her means of escape.

Hands gripped her shoulders and she dared not glance back, just in case the snake wanted to take advantage of her distraction. "It's harmless." A whisper in her ear made her turn around, his hot breath making goosebumps race up her body.

Uriah let her go and moved around her to very slowly grab the snake by its mouth and grabbed the thing. She had to cover a scream from her mouth from the terror and awe. He looked back at her and then placed the snake in a different direction where it first didn't move and then slithered back into the brush disappearing from sight. "Didn't I tell you not to wander off? That could have been a deadly snake." He chided her but wasn't mad since the snake didn't pose a real threat.

"What are you doing anyways?" He asked her with his arms folded across his chest. The movement made his arms look bigger and she had to try hard not to stare. Licking her dry lips, Uriah's eyes watching the movement of her tongue, his eyes lowered as if he was entranced.

"I couldn't exactly sleep." She told him. "I promise, I wasn't going far. I just needed some air." The air that surrounded them was cool and she realized then that she had to shiver and was slightly cold. Uriah looked to her and then sighed. "Get some rest, tomorrow we're going to do a long trek before we make it to where you need to be. You are going to need all of your energy." He told her.

Petunia rubbed her arms to make the goosebumps go away. "I'm Petunia by the way. I'm going to go back, but I noticed that you don't have a place in the camp, where are you sleeping?" She wondered.

Uriah glanced briefly at their camp and then back to Petunia, noticing her nipples jutting out from underneath her t-shirt. It was chilly tonight but he liked the coolness. It made him feel refreshed. He wondered what color her nipples would be, if they were dark or light. Judging from her skin tone he would have to guess were a caramel color. He wanted to take his hand and lift up the hem of that fabric and take her nipples into his mouth.

Snapping his mind out of it furiously, he pointed to the tree overhead them. Petunia, that was her name fit her well. She was soft and pretty like a flower, her skin like velvet and her features exotic. He wanted to know if she was like that all over.

He definitely needed to get laid soon.

Petunia's eyes went up to see where his finger was pointing and noticed his pack and rifle hanging from one of the branches. He didn't really sleep up there did he? It was wide enough, oddly to fit a person but for someone to actually sleep there, that was crazy.

"Keeping an eye out for things." He stated as if he knew what she was thinking. "You need sleep too." She replied back to him noticing that he looked tired as well. He smirked to her and said, "I will as soon as you follow directions and get yourself back to sleep, Petunia." He said trying her name out on his tongue. Her name came out like it was a song and he liked the way she blushed at the way he said her name. It came out seductive and held some dark promise to her.

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now