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"Are you that angry that you're leaving?"

Petunia turned to look at her mom who was standing at the frame of the door watching her with a worried look. She nodded her head and turned to packing clothes into a small suitcase as she thought about what else she might need. She wasn't sure how long she was planning on leaving but she had a few days worth of clothes. Uriah should not be hard to track down and even if he was, she could have a tracker catch him for her. Who knew what possibilities there were now that a new world had opened up for her.

"Are you just being spiteful?" Her mother asked again and she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes but she loved her mom. Just right now, she didn't want to see her and it wasn't like she was still very angry. She was pissed but she was also hurt. Hurt that her own family kept secrets from her when she thought that she could tell them anything and then Uriah leaving cut through her soul and she wouldn't lie, her self esteem. "So what if you find your mate, what would you do then? He left the first time honey."

"I don't know mom, I'm not exactly an expert on mating and this magical shit. I just need to talk to him." She said as she grabbed the last of her items and closed the suitcase. "I just don't want you to get hurt. It's not just him that can hurt you, there are other shifters and species out there." There was worry etched into her mom's voice and she knew that despite her being slightly spiteful, she hated having her mom worry because of her. "I still need to try. Who knows, maybe I might magically get powers when we're together." Petunia felt the chances of that were very slim, she should have had something triggered inside of her but nothing had happened so far and at the point in her life, she wasn't waiting for it to come to her. She was going to chase it or move on.

Uriah had woken up in a tree and he was naked as he looked around at his surroundings. He felt so free and had no outrageous bouts of pain but he felt guilt eat at him. Luckily for him in the past three months since meeting his mate, he had not dreamt about her and he wondered how it was faring for the both of them. Sure the dreams felt all too real, but he knew or learned from the best what it was like to abandon his mate.

Regardless of whether or not he knew her on a different level, they were still partnered up for some odd reason and as long as she didn't die, he didn't have to worry too much about her. Considering she was a human, and her parents magical, he figured she would be in good hands.

Uriah let himself shift once more to forego the fact that he didn't have any clothes with him and had traversed the miles back home. Though his people were natives to the land he knew that their village was dwindling and not just by the tribesmen. With the humans becoming more advanced and civilized, he knew they would inevitably come and take more of their home and land. He knew that was why more and more of their mates were human and he wondered if that was the Source's way of evolving as it was getting more and more tough to hide what they were.

Word had gotten round that subspecies of the Source were going missing and they weren't sure what they were dealing with. The last Council meeting it was said that they weren't sure if the humans were involved or someone more sinister. All he knew was that something was happening before their eyes and it was time that they started to adapt or their clansmen would die out.

He had done well for being a local guide but sooner or later something big was going to happen. He could just feel it in his bones.

When he was done cleaning himself and packing a bag for another guide job, he was surprised to see his younger brother. Last he checked, his brothers had all gone to find their mate and he expected to see them but his brother seemed to be empty handed. Ybarra was a few years younger than he was and by the grim and pained look on his face he knew that it was unsuccessful. Uriah knew the pain his brother was going through just having gone through it not too long ago and he felt for him.

When Ybarra narrowed his eyes and scrunched up similar eyebrows to his own, Uriah moved to clap him on the back as they smiled at each other. He knew that the carefree look that Uriah May have held spoke volumes and despite his own brother's pain he smiled at his brother. "Where is the lucky lady?" He asked him and Uriah's smile fell. "Quite a story let me tell you." He told him as they moved towards their mother's hut.

After the reuniting, Ybarra explained how he had travel led with their youngest brother, Isach, to Mexico to catch the trail of his brother's mate and the two had found each other. Isach's mate came from an old fashioned line of shifters who thought that he needed to court her before they can mate and they've been spending the past month courting. Ybarra knew he was in good hands and felt that it was time to come home and rethink about where to start or hoped that his mom would somehow give him a boon but she only gave him her infamous blank look.

"We can try the Witches, I hear some of them have a knack for tracking. We might even be able to find a useful one." Uriah told him and Ybarra stared at him as if he had grown two heads. "Those creatures are deadly and they will betray you given the chance. I'd rather try my luck out with the Caiman than dance with those witches." His brother said and he couldn't blame him. Witches didn't have the best reputation and they were all self righteous only looking out for themselves. 

Uriah didn't know what else to tell his brother or support him other than a shake of his shoulder. Ybarra should know what he had gone through and Uriah being a few years older than he was, he was sure that it would have deterred his brother from having the done the same mistake in not mating sooner. But he wouldn't force his brother into doing something that he didn't want to do and at the end of it all, it was Ybarra who would be the one to decide whether or not he would be mating. "Are you sure it's not because you want to see your half breed mate?" His brother asked and Uriah scoffed as he shook his head. Why would he need to see his mate? She was human.

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