Thirty One

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It was a change of pace that she was used to as she had them back on Oregon not that much longer. The jump lasted a bit longer than usual but less than a few seconds later, she had them where they needed to be. Some of the other Den members rushed to care for the children and the one that had clung to her, a young child wept as if afraid to let go. "It's okay little one." She whispered, feeling the child's wet tears on her neck as she looked at her weeping eyes. She sensed another shifter and all of the children seem to be shifters of some kind in the group and she wondered if this was all the children that were taken.

When they were situated and taken care of less than ten minutes later, Petunia knew she had to go back and was about to take off when unfamiliar faces rushed through. She sensed source members against them but one was human as a man smiled at her. "We're the Calvary and Trent said hitching a ride with you would be quicker. Name's Jameson." The man told her and Petunia quirked an eyebrow at him. His hand came out to shake hers and she tried to get a read on him but sure enough he was pure human.

Feeling that the strangers would be okay, considering they were free to roam the Lion's Den, she was sure that with all the gear that they were sporting, they were definitely back up. She knew the more help they had, the quicker they could with freeing the captives so she told them, "Let's go."

She took them to where she wanted and that was with Uriah as they landed in a firefight. The semi relaxing quiet environment back in Oregon was a far cry from the rush of sounds and sirens that were overhead. Shots rushed through the air and hit walls as roars could be heard once more. Petunia felt a hand grabbed her arm and before she could react she felt a calm as she realized Uriah held her in his arms. "Hey." She smiled at him as he placed his forehead over hers, sweat marring his temples along with blood. Her eyes grew wide at the fresh blood on his face and he shook his head at her. "Not mine." He said as a bullet raced past both their heads.

"They have us pinned down and we can't even get close enough to the other side of the facility." Uriah said as he grabbed another magazine before looking out of the corner to shoot. Petunia could barely hear what he was saying as a Lion had rushed past them to try and take out the adversaries but was quickly shot down. "Fuck." Uriah said as tried to get a clear shot. There was a roar as the makeshift barricades pummeled and what looked like a human who had injected too much steroids with what looked like bones jutting our from its head ran headlong into the injured Lion. Petunia's eyes grew wide as she asked, "What the hell is that?" She asked and Uriah cursed again. "Rage Demon, big guys and nasty tempers." He told her. "I need to shift." He said removing his rifle and taking off the vest. "But we need an opening." He continued when he was down to spandex drawers and crouched on all fours.

She watched in awe for the first time up close as his fingers curled into the floor beneath them and sharp claws jutted from his fingers ripping the once smooth skin. His back arched as skin ripped and turned to fur, his black coat shiny. It would have been grotesque but it was almost beautiful in a way. Her got close to her his golden hazel eyes flashed as he nuzzled her and she patted his head. She never got to touch him when he shifted as he nuzzled his head into her belly. She could feel him, his presence and it was as if she was complete. As if two pieces of a puzzle clicked and fit together perfectly and something inside her hummed.

She felt all too powerful and a confidence rise within the pit of her stomach to her chest and fingers. She itches and wanted to do something. "I got you." She whispered to him as his tongue came out to lick her face. "Cover me!" She shouted as Uriah moved around the corner and took off at a pace. She used her mind to tell her magic what to do as she pointed at her mate and as quick as the bullets were trying to hit him, he disappeared just as quickly and reappeared to the left. He was too quick that they couldn't catch up and the cover fire had them busy.

She continued until he was where he needed to be and that was near the rage demon who was pummeling the poor lion against the floor and walls. The growl of Uriah's Jaguar resonated in the air as he tackled the demon and landed on the humongous man, reaching for his jugular as he bent his head low and ripped it out from his throat. Torn skin and muscle was thrown onto the ground as Uriah spat out what was the Demon's throat, blood splattered around him. She didn't have to question whether or not the demon was dead.

Their side had moved closer, making headway as they continued to cover and the bullets seem to stop penetrating around them when a man rushed forward, shooting his rifle from the hip. It was as if the bullets were bouncing off an invisible wall around him and Petunia realized it was Kanin as he moved forward. He seem to have a barrier around him and she saw that it was Makita creating a shield around him as another member helped to grab the fallen Lion. There was something about him as he seem to be bigger than before, stronger, and quicker. She swore she caught his eyes glowing Amber and felt power resonate through him. She could feel the shifter inside him wanting out but he couldn't. She could see how Kanin could have been the super soldier he was supposed to have been and a force to be reckoned with.

They continued advancing, until it was almost quiet save for the sound of Sirens as they were able to make it to the end of the hall to the other facility.

Some men had surrendered and Petunia walked with Cass as they tried to assess what rooms were what. Jameson, the other human was in the server room extracting files and clearing electronic security for them.

Petunia had teleported three waves of captives, injured back to their base and teleported back. She was exhausted and never knew how much it took a toll on her until she had a moment to take a breath, fatigue hitting her. They had taken up to three hours, the early morning dawn filtered through the sky as she made her rounds. She had a hand on the wall, breathing and slight nausea hitting her as she felt a hand on her. Turning her head she felt him before she saw him and it was a Uriah in human form once more. He was matted with dried and fresh blood but he still looked the fierce warrior that he was.

"That's it, you should rest." He said holding onto her as she tried to stifle a yawn and shook her head. "I need to help. What if there's still children here?" She told him and he shook his head as he pushed her hair behind her ears. "The ones you saved earlier were the only ones. Rest." He said and she wanted to fight him but she knew that she needed to, if not for herself, then for the baby. She already did the most selfish thing standing in the line of fire and putting herself and the baby at risk, she did what she could. "When will you be back?" She asked him as she nodded.

"Soon, we should be wrapping up." He told her as he spoke into the mic letting whoever know that she was leaving. The sirens were finally turned off, courtesy of Jameson and they were doing last minute rounds. "I'll be waiting." Petunia said standing up on her feet as he smiled at her. "I'm proud of you, you know that." He said placing a kiss on her forehead and she felt the warmth that filled her unexpectedly. Joy filled her and she couldn't exactly explain why.

"Are you still going to chain me to the bed?" She asked, half in a tired tone and half jokingly. Uriah smirked at her as he said, "Believe it, I'm still furious with you, but I think I might bound you to the bed for other reasons." His hazel green eyes were twinkling as he spoke the words and she smiled before teleporting herself out of Idaho and back to the base in Oregon. She was exhausted and had barely made it to the bed when she should have cleaned herself up.

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