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Uriah, Judie, and Adam were all still standing around the table as they watched what could have been Petunia yet she was no longer where she had just crash landed. She was definitely there not but a minute ago and they just stared at each other. Uriah could sense the left behind power and they were all too shocked to say a thing to one another as he leaned on the table. He had brought a hand up to wipe over his face and thought for a brief second that it was possible he was hallucinating from the lack of sleep.

"You said she didn't have any signs." He said as he turned to the couple who looked as shocked as he did. Adam nodded his head not looking at him but at the spot that his daughter just was. "What was that?" He asked but they all shook their heads. "I mean it's possible she's a late bloomer but for her powers to show now, something must have happened." He said standing from the table.

"But I won't be able to get a track on her. If she's still wearing that necklace I gave her...she would literally be a ghost." Adam said looking at Judie who looked weak. "Is there any other way? I mean if she was in danger, she would come home wouldn't she?" Judie stated but Uriah moved his head. "Well she was just here but not anymore. Would there be any reason she wouldn't come home?" He asked them.

"We need to find her." Judie said moving up from the table and Adam followed suit.

Petunia was lying flat on the exam table waiting for Cassity to be able to tell her what she needed to know and Makita stood in a corner as she watched them. When she relayed the story of how she ended up at Cass and Kanin's home, there was a panic in their eyes and she had asked about the description of the second man in the room. When she had described him, Kanin left to make a call and Cass wasn't happy. Neither was the other Witch.

Something else had been weighing on Petunia's mind and she wanted answers and she had asked Cass to verify. The medical doctor had went down a checklist before she had her change, after a warm shower and change of clothes of course. Her pajamas were bloody and she didn't realize that she had been cut from the altercation at the hotel and from the amount of blood, she was surprised she wasn't dead. The wound had apparently healed up quickly and was but a small scratch. The cut was the least of her worries as she laid on the exam table and nervously looked at Cass and then Makita. "Might be a bit cold." She said as she put a cool jelly on her before the exam.

"I think it's safe to say that you may need to cut back on the caffeine." Cass said as they all stared at a screen and the unmistakable sound of a heartbeat could be heard. "What, how?" Petunia said as her head shot up and she stared at the monitor not believing how it was possible.

"Well usually, when two mated pairs mate, some tend to procreate. I mean unless it's not your mate's then that's a different can of worms." Makita said watching the screen as she smiled. "I know that I just mean how, I haven't seen my mate in close to four months. How?"

Petunia tried to think back in her head and she couldn't see the possibility. Unless she was like some odd animal and hoarding sperm inside her like a bank, it wasn't possible. And she damn well hasn't had sex with anyone else other than Uriah since meeting him. "From the looks of it...i'd say you're about 12 weeks along." Cass said as she tried a different angle and sure enough there was a head and body. "Give it a few weeks and I could tell you the gender but I'm sure there is a Source being out there who could probably tell you that." She said smiling at her.

She shook her head and tried to mentally calculate everything in her head. "I can't be."

Makita moved and crossed her hand over the other as her hair moved with the gesture. "How long have you been teleporting?" She asked and Petunia answered. "I just learned a few hours ago."

"It's possible late bloomers have been doing it subconsciously without realizing it. I've had a friend who started fires and when she was unconscious, fires would burn around her when she slept." Makita said and She didn't see how it could happen. "You're telling me I have been teleporting in my sleep and somehow gotten myself pregnant. I don't sleep walk." She explained and Makita shrugged. "Do you dream?"

"Well yeah...kind of." She answered and Makita smiled as if she could read her thoughts. "Like?" She asked needing her to elaborate but Petunia couldn't exactly say that she had been having very vivid sex dreams of her and Uriah having hot sex in an undisclosed location. But it could not be possible that any of that was real because if it was, "No." Was all she said as her face felt hot. "But...I mean how? He couldn't have teleported there." She said to the women and Makita nodded her head. "Some strong enough can mend those around them. You wanted him so bad you teleported him there yourself. Get it girl, I wish I'd teleport men to me when I'm feeling frisky." She said and Cass shook her head at her.

"This is too much to take in." Petunia told more to herself than anyone else. She stared at the screenshot of the baby and couldn't believe that she was pregnant let alone being a mom and on top of that, she was a fucking witch. A witch who could teleport. And it wasn't even close to her birthday. "Do you need a second?" Cass asked as she stood up from her seat. "Wait, what do I do?" She asked.

Cass shook her head at her as she made her way out. "Take it as a blessing, it all comes down to you and the father of the baby. From what I have seen, the Source always works it's way." She said as she exited the room and Makita didn't move. "I can take you with me to my home and I know someone who can train you. Who's the baby daddy?" She asked and Petunia blinked at her as she tried to register her words. "Uhm...a shifter. Jaguar." She stated matter-of-factly.

"Holy're cross species mated? Not mated to a Warlock?" Makita asked as if she was doing a mental and physical double take on her.

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