Twenty Three

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Petunia had found out that what had gotten her out of the danger the second time was that she could open portals. That was how she got the men to disappear and reappear but she had to know where to place them. She technically teleported others but unless they were physically in contact with her or vice versa, she could send people on their ways via portals. Makita had been training her along with a few other witches. One witch controlled lightning, where another made illusions. Makita specialized in barriers and she made money or favors by selling it to other Source factions. It wasn't until recently that the other subspecies had gotten into more open contact with one another because they had a mini crisis among the species. With the disappearing children and members, something bigger than all of them were brewing in the shadows.

As they were training, a thundering sound resonated as the ground shook under them and they all stopped as Makita rolled her eyes. "Really, you guys can't just come in uninvited. One of these days, I will seriously zap your asses." She said as five Men in Black appeared before them. Uriah and Ybarra got up from their sparring to glare and made a growling sound as they looked at the unwelcome visitors.

"Who are they?" Petunia asked as she stood straight.

"Meet the Source police force, the Enforcers." She said as she watched them take steps forward towards them. "What do you guys want?" Makita asked as the other witches took protective stances around Petunia.

"The cross species mates are being summoned." The lead Enforcer said, his all black outfit a far cry from the green mossy environment that surrounded them. He was bald and had dark shades that shielded his eyes from their view.

Makita took a step forward as she said, "I'm the acting Elder, why was I not informed?" She asked and in some way shielded Petunia from their dark shades. The man didn't say anything nor move until he took a breath and Petunia could see the aura that surrounded the men. It was like a barrier was lifted and she could tell who was what. The Enforcers were a mix of shifters, a Warlock, and something dark that she couldn't tell what it was. It had to be a demon or she would have been able to distinguish them from the others.

"I'll escort them myself if that is the case but at this point in time, we don't trust anyone." Makita said as she raised a brow to the men and the leader shook his head very subtlety. "I don't understand why you need to make things hard Witch. Make sure that they show or we would have to use force next time." The leader said and they disappeared just as quick.

When the Enforcers were out of sight, Makita turned to look at Petunia and the others. "Those were the legendary Enforcers?" Petunia asked and Makita shrugged. "I expected them to be...I don't know, mean, evil...pushy?" She stated.

Makita looked over her shoulder to where they were just standing and she laughed. "The thing about them is that they may be ruthless but they have to follow strict codes and laws. They're not allowed to enter places without an invitation and though they're tough, the regulations are what hold them back. I guess its time you saw the council but I will get you there myself tomorrow." She said as she yawned and stretched. "I really don't want to see the old dudes and if I do, I'd like to prepare myself and get shitfaced drunk." She said walking past the others.

They had called it a day and went back home to where she would rest until they meet the council the following day. The threat that the Warlock was still out there made her anxious but she knew that she was in good hands with the coven of Witches and her two shifter bodyguards.


Petunia knew she was going to regret it the moment she told him, "You can sleep up here. Just don't do anything or I will teleport you to Antarctica or something." She said and she could hear his heavy body move and the bed springs echo as his large body moved from the ground to her decent sized bed.

Petunia turned to her side as she scooted away from her welcomed intruder and she felt something hard on her back as she turned her head to look at Uriah, his eyes seem to glow in the dark. "What is that?" She asked him and he chuckled low as he said, "I'm sure you're both well acquainted." He said as he shifted on the bed and it made noise as it creaked under them.

It was like she had been triggered instantly as her heartbeat doubled, her breathing became heavy, and a tingle hit her at her core. A hand moved on her thigh on the outside of her pajamas as lazy rubs moved in circles on her. "What are you doing?" She hissed at him and the hand crept upwards to the curve of her buttocks and then the hem of her shirt. "You forget, I have heightened senses. Don't think I can't hear your ragged breathing or the way your backside presses into mine. We're mates." He whispered against her ear as he moved his erection into her back and she gasped.

She could feel him physically and spiritually as if her senses were permeated by him. She could've swore she heard his heart beat and the warm breath that whispered at her ear sending tingles down her neck to her nipples and then straight to her core. As much as she wanted to deny it, her body knew him and it welcomed his. They were so in tuned to each other, they didn't have to speak to one another.

His hand moved to find the drawstring of her pajamas as he moved his fingers into her pants to find its way past her curls straight to where he wanted. He didn't ask nor did he say anything as his fingers delve to the juncture of her thighs to find her moist heat burning with a need. She was more wet than usual and she had to play it up to her mixed emotions.

Uriah's fingers rubbed the outside of her folds, feeling and spreading her wetness over herself before moving upwards to lay a thumb on her clit as his other digits found her opening. He had used his arm to pull her down so that he could better have access and she lied on her back as his fingers played her like a melody. They made eye contact with one another and he moved his face down as she met him halfway, no longer exchanging words. Just two mates needing one another in a silent truce between their feelings.

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