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It took one month, one fucking month for him to find Petunia. He had sneaked into the records at the visitor center and constantly bothered his mother for more information on her whereabouts. Finally he got what he needed and embarked from South America to Louisiana where she was staying with her family.

The home that welcomed him definitely had history, he could almost feel the ghosts that lived in the building along with its current residents. He knew that a lot of witches and their male counterparts lived where there were the most supernatural and spiritual power laid. Hence the reason his species stayed away from the states.

But the fact that she lived so close to New Orleans still had him shivering from unease. He wondered if he felt a draw to her because she was so close to all this power or maybe one of the witches had cast a spell on her.

The streets were empty and he took a step forward onto the porch and knocked on the door.

His enhanced hearing heard murmurs from the other side but he couldn't make out the exact words. Two female voices, one man.

There were footsteps echoing and he knocked again.

The door opened and he found a man who looked somewhat like Petunia and smelled like her. This must be the father. The way the man looked at him and his eyes widened, he shut the door in Uriah's face.

Oh hell. Maybe just the way he looked might scare anyone but he felt something different. He felt, smelled the Source's power around. Then he smelled nothing. No longer did he smell Petunia's scent or anyone's. It was as if her scent and any trace of her just upped and disappeared.

Uriah rung the doorbell and heard it ring and shuffling from the other side of the door. "I know you're in there." He said aloud and the shuffling stopped. "If you don't open up, I will bust the door down." He called out and looked around to see if anyone was near. He didn't need any of the humans calling the local authorities. He definitely did not need any humans period.

"What do you want?" A female voice called out from the other side of the door.

"I need to see your daughter."

"For what reason, we don't need you around Hunter." Said the father's voice. "She's not well."

Uriah felt a knot in his stomach. He knew that when mates don't mate, they both feel the pain. So if she was sick just like he was, they were definitely mates. "Look, let me inside so we could talk. I might be able to help her." He was talking to the door and glanced around again.

There were more murmuring and he felt everything that was gone a few minutes before come back. Except, he smelled Petunia's scent and then her parents, but on top of that was something different. There was something not right happening.

The door finally opened and he stared at an older Petunia. Except she was aged yet beautiful. Her blonde hair fell at her shoulders and her eyes were the clearest of blues. The normal aging on her face was the only tell tale sign that she was older.

Uriah saw something different too. "You're a Witch." Was all he said when he saw the father right behind her. "What do you want with our daughter Shifter?" He asked with his head tilted as if seeing him.


Petunia felt him near. She felt like everything in her world was right again but she was afraid. After the vomiting continued, came the intense pain like someone was breaking her body every slow agonizing hour.

But it was back and more intense than ever. She cried from the pain that had her arching her back off the bed and she cried for her mom.

Petunia recalled the door swinging open and she saw him. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes as her body jerked from another wave and the nausea was back. "I'm here baby." Judie, her mother, said as she held onto her daughter's body.

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now