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As the water splashed around the cave, the darkness had lightened up and she could see a few feet ahead of her. The place looked familiar and she was trying to put her finger on it why but she crept around to find an exit. The crashing waves was melodic but at that moment in time, she was trying to figure out if she was in one bad dream or what. First thing first she needed to get her bearings before she started to analyze everything and she just followed the crash of the water. There had to be an entrance somewhere.

Five minutes in, Petunia sat down and figured she knew jack shit about caves and where she was as the jagged floor started to creep into her bare feet and she knew she had to have a cut.

Her first thought was how the fuck did she get there. Right before she got to the cave, she thought of home and her parents and magically like poof she popped into their home. Just as quick, she wanted to get out of there and thought that she needed to get away, to someplace safe and she appeared in bum fuck nowhere in a cave. First question was, how? She wasn't magically inclined and though her parents were Witches, they had concluded that she wasn't. But the men in the hotel room, they were trying to take something out of her. And they said two?

She felt a headache come on and couldn't figure out what that meant.

Thinking seem to have triggered a feeling and she felt the pull as if she was ready to go. Was it possible that she had powers and she could teleport, she thought as she sat in the dark. If that was the case she could teleport her ass out of there and back home.

Petunia thought about it and nothing. Nothing happened. She breathed heavily and she thought about it again and she heard the sound of waves. "This is ridiculous." She said as she stood up from her spot to start pacing. She thought back to the scenario from earlier and realized that the sting around her neck had lessened. When she was in danger, she thought hard about where she wanted to go and it seemed that it happened. If she really wanted to go home, then she would have teleported there, but maybe that wasn't what she wanted.

What she wanted was answers and she needed it to be able to understand what was happening to her. "Okay...magical world." She said more to her surroundings than herself, "take me where I need to go. Where I need answers." She said aloud as if someone was watching and could hear her request as if she was on some television game show. Only silence greeted her other than the waves and she felt like an idiot.

"Take me to-" she closed her eyes and thought painfully hard as she tried to focus and continued, "-someone who can help me understand." She said out loud as something, if not a feeling, passed through her. Her world spun and she felt herself being pushed forward through a tunnel and a fast wind breezed through her as she nose dived. When all motion and free falling subsided, she opened her eyes to find herself staring at a wide-eyed woman.
They stared at each other and she opened her mouth to yell, "Kanin!"

She was standing, almost nonchalantly but there was a small fear on her face as she didn't move and they stared at one another. Footsteps could be heard and a door opened to a magnificent specimen of a man.

What Petunia noticed first was the pretty female with a lab coat, her high ponytail, and then the man in all black and his literally glowing eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked in a tone that was laced with threat and he moved quickly to the woman who watched them in fear and confusion. "Who are you?" She asked, keeping to the spot where she had landed, not wanting to let them know how scared she was.

"Makita's barriers are useless if we get unwanted visitors." He growled as he moved in front of the pretty woman as if shielding her from danger.

"I-I- I don't know. I just appeared here." Petunia said hoping the truth wouldn't kill her later. They both seem to react and the man did the same motion of almost sniffing the air. "I don't get a read on you." He said as he eyed her carefully with his brown-gold eyes. "Are you Source?" The woman asked and Petunia shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just looking for answers." She explained and the couple seem to have visibly relaxed but there was still a sense of barriers being held up. "Let's call Makita." The man said and the woman agreed. He left the room and the woman moved slightly close to her.

"How did you get here?" She asked and Petunia shook her head as she eyed the setting that she was in. It looked like a medical lab and an exam room but it was obvious it was someone's home. She caught her eyeing the place and she smiled as she sat on a chair as she continued to watch her. "I'm guessing you may either be Source or someone sent you here. Why?" She said in pure speculation and Petunia wanted to answer but she didn't have one.

They kind of watched each other for a few minutes before the door opened and the man entered the room again. "She's on her way but she thinks I'm lying." He said as he placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and that's when she noticed the shiny band in his ring finger and the one on the other woman's. They were a couple. "Are you a shifter?" Petunia asked hoping she got that right.

The man narrowed his eyes as he said, "Sort of. Are you human?"

As she tried her best to explain to them what had happened to land her there, a voice sounded and the door burst open as a powerful looking female entered the room. She was standing at about five foot five with lace up boot heels, jeans, and a leather jacket. What caught Petunia's attention about the female was not the gold rings in her braids but the pretty face and aura that surrounded her. She seemed very confident and commanded everyone to look at her when she entered the room.

She was saying something loudly to the couple when her eyes landed on Petunia and she narrowed her eyes at her. She almost wanted to straighten her clothing but she knew she looked crazed in her pjs and sweat matting her skin. "Well shit, you can't get a read on her cause she's wearing an amulet." She said as she looked down her pretty nose at Petunia, her brown eyes seem full of judgement and wisdom.

"Did Myra give you this?" She asked as she walked over and looked at her. Petunia shrugged her shoulders and was baffled by the velocity of the other woman. "No, it was a gift from my dad."

"Dad human by any chance?" She asked looking at her as if she was staring into her soul. Petunia wanted to answer but she didn't know any of the people surrounding her and she didn't want to give too much away. There was a smile on the woman as she said, "Seems like I'm wrong by the looks of it." She said as she turned to the couple. "Tell me how she got through my barrier?"

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now