Deja Vu

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Damon's P.O.V

Ash laid on my shoulder outside as I continued taking deep breaths to calm down.

"I love you.", he whispered.

"I love you too Ashy." Ash came put when we were 16. His mom died when he was 6, him and his dad were always really close. When he came out, his dad lost it and he was in the hospital for a month. A month after that, he was living with his uncle he was close to and got caught smoking pot. He freaked out, thinking his uncle would beat him too, and still feels bad. He ties both to this situation.

"You need to go talk to him."

"I know." I reluctantly got up as Ash followed me back to our room. Rowan was burrowed in our blankets sobbing when we walked in. "Rowwy?", I whispered. He froze,

"I-I guess you're re-really sending me awa-away this t-time, aren't y-you?" I slowly sat at his feet,

"I should. And I will if you need to be there. But I can't live without you baby. I'm sorry I freaked out. We need to get to the bottom of this. Then we'll go from there, okay?" He nodded a little. "What were you on?"



"Everyone on the team was doing it and I didn't want to because there's no fun in the game if you're cheating but they beat me up until I agreed and said if I snitched they'd kill me. I thought it was easier to hide it from you but it wasn't. I'm really, really sorry bubba. I'm a terrible person."

"Hey, no you're not love. That's why I started smoking in high school. I understand. We'll figure this out together baby."

"I'm so sorry."

"I know Rowwy. Do you wanna get the hard part over with?"

"W-Who's hitting me?" I glanced at Ash, confused,

"Me? Why would Ash?"

"Cuz he realized what it was. And I thought you were mad."

"I'm not mad. I've calmed down sufficiently and I'm not mad anymore." He nodded,

"Then y-yeah."

"Okay, c'mon." He reluctantly got out of the bed and followed me to the study.

"I'm gonna take the girls grocery shopping.", Ash said softly. I nodded,

"Thank you."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too babe." He walked off as I closed the door and sat on the desk, across from Rowan, "What do you think you deserve?"

"No,", he whined, "I hate it when you do this. Just hit me."

"I'm aware you hate it. I don't remember putting you in charge. What do you deserve as a punishment?"

"Nothing.", he rolled his eyes. I paused,


"What? Okay?" I shrugged,

"If you seriously see nothing wrong with what you did and you truly don't believe you deserve to be punished for it, then fine. I won't."

"I know you're using reverse psychology on me and it won't work."

"I'm not. I'm just telling you if you don't think you should be punished then I won't.", I said walking out. I was reaching for the door handle when Rowan stopped me,

"Wait!" I smirked slightly before turning to him,


"F-Fifty.", he whispered.


"The belt.", he paused, "M-Maybe a hundred." I walked back over to him, crouching in front of his chair,

"Babe, I'd never hit you that many times with the belt. I think thirty is enough, okay?"

"I deserve more than that."

"More than that will hurt you more than I ever intend to. If that's your choice, I'll give you thirty with the belt, okay?" He nodded, getting up and laying over the desk before pulling off his sweats and boxers. I sighed, "Okay, stay in position alright?"

"Yes sir."


I stopped,

"Okay kid."

"Th-That was only t-twenty.",  he choked out.

"I know, thirty is too much bare. C'mon, get up." He did so, kicking off his sweats and boxers completely before just putting on his sweats. I pulled him to my chest tightly, petting his hair and rubbing his back for a few minutes, "Let's go watch a movie.", I said softly.

"I-I just wanna be alone."

"I don't want you alone right now. I know you wanna cut." He didn't respond as I took him out to the living room. He sat on the other side of the couch, far from me, but within ten minutes had scooted over and laid his head on my chest. I wrapped a blanket around him tightly, "I got you."

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. We'll get past this okay? I love you so so much."

"I love you more." 

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