Anger Solves Nothing

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Brayden's P.O.V.

"Guys, get up. It's fucking noon.", dad snapped, opening the door. Bella sat up from her bed,

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." He'd been in a bad mood lately and honestly seemed to be after Bella. He sighed before walking out as she relaxed a little, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Hey, no it's okay.", I said softly, sitting up and hugging her.

"H-He hates me-me. I'm t-too much."

"No you're not. Don't let him get to you baby. He loves us." I hope.

"I-I think I'm gonna s-see if I can go to A-Alek's." I nodded,

"Okay love." We got up as she picked up dads hoodie before freezing and putting it down, putting on one of her own instead. We went downstairs to the kitchen, where everyone sat at the table in silence. We knew not to test people when they were angry.

"Ah, welcome to lunch. Nice of you to join us.", Dad snapped, putting a plate of sandwiches on the table. It was clear no one was hungry.

"Dad... Alek wanted to know if I could go over there.", Bella said quietly, standing by the door. Damon came in behind her,

"He's your uncle, why couldn't you?" She jumped, moving away from him quickly as she breathed heavily. He looked to her confused before his eyes fell to dad, "What's your problem today?"

"Nothing! Nothing is my problem today for God's sake.", dad snapped. We all held our breath.

"Wow. Okay. Maybe the kids should stay with us for the night."

"Whatever." I noticed Bella scratching at her arm as I gently grabbed her hand. She glanced at me but neither of us said anything.

"Guys, finish lunch and then come over, okay?", Damon said. We all nodded, now seeming quite hungry.

"So can-can I go?", Bella whispered.

"I don't care! Do what you want Isabella.", he snapped. I could tell by her eyes that all she wanted to do was kill herself. I really wish he hadn't said that.

"Don't do what you want.", I whispered, "Go to Alek's. I'll be calling to make sure he's watching you." She nodded a little, hesitating before walking off.


Dinner with the Stines was usually fun. It was always full of laughter and smiles and positivity. Granted, usually our house was too.

"Guys, cheer up.", Damon said softly.

"I miss dad.", Kaden muttered, "But he hates us."

"Kaden he does not.", Damon said quickly, "He's just a little stressed out."

"We stress him out.", Callum said. Zayn nodded little, looking down,

"I'm sorry guys. It's my fault."

"No it's not Z.", I said softly.

"Yes it is. I was stupid and he got mad and now he's mad at all of us."

"It's not your fault." My phone rang as Alek's name flashed on my screen. "It's Alek." Damon nodded,

"Go ahead."


"How long has she been cutting?" I got up and went to the living room,

"She-She only did it twice." Right? Right.

"Brayden her arms are sliced to shit. I-I almost took her to the hospital."

"I...I don't even know when she had time to do that. Dad being upset really stresses her out. All of us. I-I knew she wanted to but I thought she was doing better and maybe she just wouldn't."

"I guess she did."

"Did she bring her pills?"

"No." I sighed,

"I'll be over in a minute."

"Thanks." I hung up and told Damon I had to run to Alek's before going back over to our house. I went upstairs, grabbing Bella's antidepressants, and back down to the kitchen where I grabbed my keys.

"Where are you going?", dad asked. I turned around as he sat on the couch,

"Bella forgot her antidepressants. And she definitely needs them."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just stressed out."

"Is-Is it us? Because a lot of us have places we can go now. If-If you're done with us it's okay." It's not okay. It'll fucking kill me.

"No. No I am never done with you guys. You're my kids. You haven't done anything I'm just stressed out with work and the school and everything else. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Everyone gets stressed out sometimes dad. We talk to you when we're stressed out. You-You can talk to us too."

"I know. It's just complicated and I don't need you guys freaking out."

"It freaks us out more when you're mad at us and we don't know what we did."

"I'm sorry. I should have stayed calmer. Is-Is Bella okay?" The last thing he needs is more guilt.

"Yeah. She's fine dad. I-I gotta get over there."

"Yeah, go." I went to wall out the door but he stopped me, "Hey, I love you."

"I love you too dad."


Bella sat up on Alek's couch, finding us on either side of her,

"What's going on?" I handed her the antidepressants,

"You left these."

"Oh... thanks." She glanced down, finding her arms bandaged tightly, "I-I'm sorry.", she whispered.

"It's okay baby.", Alek said softly, I just wish you would have talked to one of us."

"I should have. I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby." I nodded,

"And dad's doing better already. He just needed to breath. None of us did anything and he's not mad at you. I promise."



Eli pouted,

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can. Say it with me. Pop-"



"Shi- Sick- I can't do it.", he whined, a tear slipping down his face.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay.", I said hugging him. He calmed down as I pulled him back, "Sick."






"Good job! Pop."






"You did it! Good job!" He giggled, hugging me tightly. "Go ask dad." He ran off as I followed him to the kitchen, 


"What's up kid?", dad asked as he made sandwiches for lunch.

"Can I have a popsicle?"

"You said it! Of course. Go outside and you still have to eat lunch."

"Okay daddy!"

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