Past Mistakes

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Rowan's P.O.V.

Calvin, Callum and Devon slept in our bed, Sasha was half asleep in the desk chair.

"Baby, will you please lay down with us?", I asked her. She shook her head sleepily. "Can I take you to your bed?" She shook her head much quicker,

"Wanna- Stay-", she yawned. I nodded a little, sighing,

"Okay baby." I got her a blanket and pillow before leaving the room. Sasha refused to sleep in the bed with us. She would with the boys and be fine, but it was something with her birth parents. I made my to the back balcony, calling Damon.

"Yeah?", he answered sleepily.

"I'm sorry it's late-"

"You know I don't care kiddo. What's going on?" I hesitated,

"Do you remember when I was doing steroids and you found out?"


"I'm sorry.", I cut him off, "I'm so sorry I ever put you through this Damon."

"Rowan I forgave you years ago. Don't ever apologize for something like that again. Stop bringing up mistakes we've learned and moved on from."

"I hate this. I hate knowing he's in pain. I hate knowing this is the beginning. I hate having to hope he won't go back to them again. I hate it all."

"I know kiddo. It really, really sucks. But he'll be okay, I promise."

"He's been really sick. And we didn't know for almost a week. A week! He-He didn't trust us enough to say something because he was scared. What if I can't fix it?"

"You will. I'll help you when you need it, but you've got this Ro. You're an incredible dad just like you're an incredible brother."

"I don't feel like I am."

"I know. That's how you know you're a parent. It'll happen a hundred times and I'll be here for each one."

"I know."


"Why are you doing this?", Callum sighed from beside me on the couch. I'd made him stay home and decided her were having a day together while Evan was at work.

"Because I feel terrible honestly. I never meant to scare you into not trusting us. I never ever wanted you to go through something like that alone. Withdrawal is a terrible, terrible thing and you cannot do it alone."

"How do you know?"

"I... did this to Damon when I was younger. He found out when I tried to quit and went through withdrawal and Asher called me out on it. Point is, I couldn't have done it without him. He was mad and I felt terrible- hell, I still apologize for it sometimes- but we got through it together just like you and I and your dad will."

"I'm not alone in it now.", he shrugged, laying his head on me.

"Never again."


"Sasha, sit up.", I said sternly as I drove her home from school early for the third time this week, "If you're not gonna talk to me, you're at least going to listen."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm aware but this is becoming a big issue kid. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I just can't.", she whispered.

"Why? What's stopping you from sleeping? And why won't you come and get us or sleep in our room? I promise you'd feel better." She hesitated,

"I used to have bad nightmares. Like... really bad. But anytime I'd go to sleep with my parents, they'd get really mad and yell at me so I figured out how to just not sleep. Between them and the nightmares, I didn't feel safe. Then I came here and-and I did so I started to sleep again. But now I can feel the nightmares starting to come back and I'm really scared."

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