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Rowan's P.O.V.

"Jake.", I snapped. He blinked a little before looking back to me,


"Stop that shit. She's fifteen."

"No I-I know. Sorry." Jake was one of my best friends. Him, Max, Kent and I all shared a dorm room when I wasn't home. But over the summer my third year, he'd started watching Ellie much more closely and I wasn't having it.

"She's like my sister and I will beat the shit out of you."

"I know. I wouldn't Ro. Let's just get back to the project."


Ellie walked into the kitchen as I threw a hoodie at her,

"Ellie put more fucking clothes on."

"Don't tell me what to wear Rowan. It's my body."

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble."

"How? I'm in my home. If someone is here who would be paying attention to what I am or am not wearing, dads will make them leave. This is my home, I will dress how I want." She paused, "And it's not inappropriate. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top and its ninety five degrees outside." I sighed, rubbing my head,

"You're right. I'm sorry Els. I'm just stressed out and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I won't. Who-Who do you think is gonna hurt me?"

"No one babe. I'm just paranoid."

"Daddy!", Lily yelled, running into the kitchen and stopping, "You're not daddy."

"I'm right here love.", Damon said coming in, "What's up?"

"Can we go swimming!?", the nine year old asked.

"I guess so.", he sighed, smiling softly, "Go get dressed." She ran off happily as he looked to Ellie, "Wanna go swimming?" She shook her head a little, looking down. "Okay, fine.", he sighed before leaving. She sunk down a little before turning to leave.

"Ellie.", I stopped her. She paused,


"Why is he acting like that?" She shrugged before walking off but I followed her. "Els. Talk to me.", I said as she went in her room.

"I'm fine Rowan. I just wanna be left alone.", she said as the door closed in my face. I sighed,


"They're fighting again.", Jason said softly as he helped Lily put on her floaties, "Go find dad." She ran off giggling again as he walked over to me, "They've been fighting all week and it's making her close up a lot."

"Why?" He shrugged, knocking on her door,

"Ellie? Can I come in?" The door creaked open as she sniffled,

"F-Fine." He did so but I quickly followed as we sat on the bed, her between us.

"What's going on?", I asked softly.

"You and dad have been fighting all week.", Jason added. She shrugged,

"He's just mad at me. He was mad at Harley last week. That's why she just stays in her room." I glanced at Jason as he nodded, telling me to go to all to Harley. I got up and walked out, going into Harley's room as she looked up,

"You could fucking knock.", she snapped.

"Sorry. I should have. Watch your mouth." She looked down,

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay kid." I sat next to her as she moved away a little,

"What'd you want?"

"What's going on? You've been hiding up here all week. You won't come down for dinner or breakfast and Damon stopped making you."

"He gave up on me weeks ago Rowan.", she whispered, "Mom was right. I'll always be a lost cause."

"Harley Leanne don't ever say that again.", I scolded, "You have never and will never be a lost cause. There's no way Damon gave up on you."

"You weren't here. Ash has been on more business trips lately and it's stressing him out. He stopped lecturing me. He stopped asking about my day. He stopped telling me goodnight. I haven't heard him say I love you in weeks. He gave up on me. I gave up on everything."

"I love you.", I whispered, "I-I don't know how to fix this Har. Damon always fixes things. I'll-I'll talk to him. But I love you. And I'm sorry I haven't been here."

"It's okay. I'm really happy you're in college and that you're doing what you want and making new friends and learning new things. I'm really proud of you bubba. I just miss you."

"I know baby." I sighed, "Ash should be back in two days. I'll stay home until then."

"You can't miss classes. I'll be fine."

"I can-"

"No. You're not missing. I'm not letting you."


"It's only two days. I'll be okay." She moved over and laid her head on my chest, "Thanks for talking to me."

"I'm sorry I didn't before. It's really unhealthy to not have contact with other people." She shrugged,

"Jason's tried to check on me. But I can't talk to him like I can to you."

"I know."



"What?", he sighed as we stood in the dimly lit kitchen.

"You don't have to be a dick to me. I'm trying to have a conversation with you like adults."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"Why have you been acting like this?"

"I'm just stressed. Especially without Ash here to balance me. I'm sorry."

"You should be apologizing to Harley, not me. She said you got mad at her and she truly thinks you're done. That you gave up on her and she doesn't know why. You're her entire world Damon. She's given up because of it. She never talks to anyone, she doesn't leave her room, when was the last time you saw her eat?"

"A-A long time."

"She gave up on everything. You stopped talking to her. You stopped telling her goodnight and that you love her and you stopped caring. You stopped being her parent but what really killed her, is that you stopped being her brother too." I paused, "I love you. So, so fucking much. And I know that you're trying really hard and that this is really hard for you. I get that. But you can't leave her in the dust. She's scared. This is a really hard time in her life and most girls have a mom to help them and she doesn't. She has a hard enough time talking to you about stuff she has to but when you're mean to her she won't. If she gets sick or needs something and you're already mad at her, she won't ask and it will be bad or worse."

"You're right. I-I'll talk to her. She's probably asleep already."

"Haven't been sleeping.", Harley whispered coming in.

"Why are you up?"

"As in why am I down here? I wanted something to eat."

"Good. Because you're not missing another meal ever again.", Damon said sternly. Harley froze,

"Are-Are you still mad at me?"

"I was never mad at you. I-I got stressed out and don't really know how to parent without Ash here and I left you in the background. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." She shuffled over, hugging him tightly, "I hate it when you're not around but it's even worse when you're here but not for me."

"I know love. I'm gonna fix it."

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