Brothers and Boyfriends

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Damon's P.O.V.

"Beer?", I asked Max.

"I'm only twenty. Also beer is not my drink of choice."

"Good because we don't have any.", Ash said, opening a bottle of wine, "And we're not cops, if you want a drink."

"I'm okay. Harley's gonna come down here eventually looking for me and I don't want her to see me drinking. That's kinda hypocritical when I tell her not to drink." I smiled softly,

"Damn she should have met you sooner."

"Daddy?", Lily asked, coming into the kitchen sleepily.

"Lily, it's late. Why are you up?"

"I dunno." Jason came into the kitchen and sighed,

"C'mon Lily."


"Now little one.", he demanded. She whined, looking to me.

"Your brother's right. It's way past your bedtime. Goodnight. I love you. Go back to bed. Now.", I said sternly. She huffed,

"Love you too.", she pouted as Jason picked her up.

"Night dads."

"Night kiddo."

"We love you.", Ash added.

"Love you guys too." He walked off as Max smiled,

"I wish she'd introduced me sooner. I really love your family."

"Me too. She was just paranoid.", I said softly.

"I know."

"Let's go out back."


Ash went to bed after he finished off a second bottle of wine, leaving Max and I alone in the cool night air.

"So, how'd you meet Harley?", I asked.

"She... was a client. I help out in a disciplinary program. And she really needed it. When Mr. Jensen sent her to me, I knew it wasn't gonna be good. I'm one of three top disciplinarians and he never sent anyone to the program, he mostly tried to help students on his own. Harley showed up to her first session still buzzed from a party the night before. She reeked of pot and her body language told me she'd taken some other kind of drug. She doesn't even remember our first session because I spent it trying to get her to come down from that stuff. After that day, she was my top priority. It was clear she came from a stable home with pretty consistent rules and punishments and then got thrown into a world with no rules or structure. But, about a month in, she just... stopped reacting. With the program, you can lecture and talk to your clients, discipline them, and send them off. That's it. She barely talked when I lectured her. She just accepted whatever I said she'd done and didn't say anything but 'yes sir'. She refused to explain why she did things she did, she'd just say that it was a mistake and she was sorry. When I disciplined her, she stopped crying. Or reacting to it at all with any emotion. She wasn't repeating mistakes, but at the same time, she wasn't learning. It honestly killed me. I'd never seen anyone just... go numb... so I stopped. I told her I couldn't keep doing that to her when it was turning her into some robot and that I had a better suggestion. We started a BDSM relationship, which was basically the same set up as before except now I could hug her and really talk to her and ensure she was okay. Now I could actually connect with her, not just my belt connecting with her ass. And it made her better. She went back to who I really think she was before we met and I absolutely love that girl. It was only a few weeks before we started officially dating. I-I really do love your sister Damon."

"Me too. But, I think you're really good for her. I met you yesterday and I'd already invite you to live with us in a second. You really clicked with our family and I'm really glad you clicked with Harley. I was scared she'd lose herself at college without anyone there to watch her. I'm glad you are."

"Me too." The sliding glass door opened as Harley came onto the porch. One of Max's wrestling hoodies swallowed her, going down to her mid thighs. "Hi baby.", Max said softly, "You okay?" She whined a little,

"Come to bed. Please."

"Twenty minutes. Promise." She shuffled over and sat on his lap, her legs on either side of him as she laid her head on his shoulder. He hugged her tightly as his hoodie moved up, showing her dark red ass barely covered by her panties. She fell asleep in seconds as Max sighed, rubbing her butt a little, "She'd been a brat for like two days. I kept warning her but both of us were in and out of classes and stuff before break and I didn't really wanna spend our five minutes together spanking her so I waited."

"You don't have to explain to me kid. I raised her, I know she can be a brat sometimes. I don't doubt that I'll have her in the same spot before the week is over."

"You can just send her to me."

"I won't do that though. Part of why she's here is because she needs to be taken care of like before and that's part of that. As much as she claims to hate it, it reminds her I care enough to discipline her when she needs it."

"I get that."

"She said you have a sister?" He nodded,

"Yeah. She's sixteen and got emancipated about three months ago. She lives in her own apartment back home. I wanted her to move closer to campus but she wanted to stay at her school. Our parents are druggies."

"I'm sorry. Ours got arrested."

"Yeah. She-She's kinda told me everything. I'm sorry-"

"I'm glad. I want her to tell you things and you deserve to know. It's a big part of what makes her who she is."

"I know. But I hate it."

"You and me both kid." He pet her hair softly, smiling,

"Did you know she can sing?" I nodded,

"Yeah. She hates it when people hear her though."

"She started singing around me last week. After she got upset the first time I brought it up, I stopped and just listened when I heard her singing. Then she started doing it around me."

"She sings when she's really happy." He lit up,

"She sings all the time."


"Gross. Get a room.", Rowan said, hitting Harley's head lightly as she laid on Max.

"You're not in charge of me."

"That's highly debatable."

"Agreed.", Max said lowly. I put two plates of pancakes in front of them, strawberries on Harley's,

"Eat kids."

"I'm not that hungry.", Harley said softly.

"You're eating. End of story.", Max said, brushing her hair from her face, "Are you okay?", he whispered. She nodded,

"I-I just don't wanna eat Max." He moved her to one side of his lap, beginning to cut her pancake and hold a piece to her lips,

"I'm not giving you a choice. You need to eat something. Just a little bit." She pouted but did so reluctantly. Once she'd eaten about half of her food, Max made her stay while he finished before letting her go get dressed. He came to the sink, helping me with the dishes.

"Has she stopped eating again?", I asked.

"She's started avoiding it, yeah. Only the past like, week. And I shut it down fast."

"Good. Thank you."

"Of course." He paused, "She-She's done it before?"

"For years."

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