Adding Trouble

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Damon's P.O.V.

"Lucas James!", I heard Rosa scold before groaning in frustration. I made my way up the stairs where Luke laughed from him and Lily's room. "He won't get dressed. We're gonna be late."

"I'll handle it. Go get ready." She did so as I knocked on his door, "Luke, open this door.", I boomed.


"One... Two... Th-" The door swung open as I gently grabbed Luke's arm and sat on his bed, pulling his underwear clad butt across my lap,

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

"Get dressed, now.", I said sternly. He sniffled as I picked him up, but threw on the shorts and t-shirt laid out. He stood in front of me, peering as the ground as he sniffled. I tilted his head up, "You need to listen. You throwing a fit and not getting dressed made everyone else stop their day to deal with you and now we're late.", I spoke softly, "We're not going to repeat this morning ever again, am I understood?"

"Yes sir.", he sniffled.

"Good." I picked him up, hugging him tightly as I stood up and carried him downstairs. I sat him at the table across from Lily, a pancake already on his plate.

"Haha you got in trouble.", Lily taunted.

"Shut up!"

"Lilith, we don't make fun of people, especially when you could very easily be next." Luke laughed a little. "And Luke we don't tell our sisters to shut up because you can easily have round two."

"No sir."

"I didn't think so." Luke was good with respect and backing down to the people he knew not to test. Lily was very much a princess and expected to be treated like one. Neither were attitudes Ash and I expected to keep around.

"Daddy will you fix my hair?", Lily asked sweetly as she took her plate to the sink. She got up on her tippy toes to put it in as I gently took it from her,

"Of course. I'll get your plates love. I appreciate it but you're a little to tiny still."

"I hate being little.", she huffed, pouting.

"We don't hate things about ourselves Lily. Being little means you don't have to do the hard stuff and you can learn much more and learning is fun."

"No it's not."

"Sure it is! You like to read, right?"


"Reading is learning." She rolled her eyes,

"Will you do my hair? Please?" I picked her up,

"Of course. Don't roll your eyes at me young lady." She pouted,

"I sorry."

"Don't pout. Just don't do it again." I carried her to the living room and sat on the couch with her, "You want it braided?"

"Yes please.", she said straightening out her pink dress. I easily braided her silky hair, adding a small bow at the top that matched her dress,

"There you go." She turned around and hugged me,

"Thank you daddy. You're the bestest."

"Awe. Thanks baby." I saw Ellie walk towards the kitchen as I set Lily down, "Go get your backpack baby." She ran off as I went to the kitchen, tapping Ellie's shoulder. She took out a headphone, turning to me,


"Are... you okay?" She shrugged, hugging me,

"I need more attention.", she whispered, "I'm-I'm sorry."

"Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry we haven't been paying much attention to you love. Thank you for telling me that's what you need. I love you and I really appreciate you. So does dad."

"What's wrong?", Ash asked walking in.

"We haven't been giving Els much of our time lately."

"I'm sorry baby.", he said softly, petting her hair, "How about we go do something tonight? Just the three of us. I'm sure Luke could come over and the kids can handle the littles for a few hours."

"Really?", she asked. We nodded as she smiled brightly, nodding.

"Good. Then it's set.", I said softly.


"So how's school going?", Ash asked over japanese food.

"Okay.", she shrugged.

"You're doing good kid. We're really proud of you.", I said softly. She smiled a little, looking away. "You alright?"

"You're hiding something. What is it?", Ash cut in. She glanced at us,

"I-I um-" She let out a breath, "I-I got written up the other day."

"Why?", I asked, "And why are we just now knowing?"

"For-For being disrespectful and disruptive. I-I hid it from you. I'm sorry."

"We'll talk when we get home."


The car ride was mostly silent.

"I'm sorry I ruined our night.", Ellie whispered from the back, "I ruin everything. That's why you got new kids." I pulled into a gas station as I heard her shuffle around, "No, no not here please! I'm sorry!"

"Ellie, calm down.", I whispered. When did she get so scared of us? "We need to talk. Do-Do you really think we got new kids because of you?" She nodded.

"Baby, we will never get new kids. We got more kids and we might continue to get more.", Ash said softly.

"But you will always be our first. We love you so, so much. We'd never replace you and I'm sorry we let you think that. We should have been paying more attention to you lately and I'm sorry. We're gonna try and do better but if we're not giving you what you need, we need you to tell us like you did this morning. We can't fix it if we're not aware of it."

"I-I know."

"You didn't ruin our night.", Ash whispered, "You made a mistake but we're glad you told us. We will always be more proud of you for telling us the truth than upset about what the truth is. Okay?" She nodded.

"You made our lives so much better Els. We weren't a hundred percent sure we wanted a big family but when we got you, we knew we wanted more. We want a house full of little optimistic kids like you. I know you think you're annoying when you need us but that's why we're here. We love to be needed. It's our job. Please, need away." She laughed a little, sniffling. "We love you no matter what. You could never ruin our night, we could never replace you, and we are never, ever giving you back or letting you go. You're our baby. That's that."

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