Terrorizing the Team

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Keisha's P.O.V.

I hated being close to Tony, but it happened. Actually, with his whole family. Which is why I was so upset when he said he was leaving for a business trip for three whole days.

"Can you stop being mad at me please? I don't have a choice kid.", Tony said softly.

"You're gonna miss him. You may as well talk to him.", Alex said from the drivers seat. Selena nodded from the passenger,

"It's a waste of time babe." I huffed but scooted to the middle seat, laying my head on Tony's chest,


"You know I can't babe. I'll be back in three days. And it's spring break so you don't have to go to school."

"But I don't want you to go."

"I know love."


Two hours living with Alex and I was losing my mind.

"He's not that bad once you get used to him.", Selena whispered. I huffed from my temporary bed,

"All I said was this was bullshit."

"And I agree. He hates cussing. It's his biggest pet peeve and he'll call you out everytime. At least he didn't spank you."



Everyone, even Anthony, had warned me not to get in trouble with Alex. They said he could be mean and that anytime they'd been in trouble, it was awful. Selena told me there had been a few times when he punished her and it really damaged their relationship. So why did I get myself in this position?

"Seriously? How many fucking times did I warn you today Shakeisha?"

"A-A lot.", I whispered, sinking into the couch.

"Too fucking many. I'm done. I will not put up with the disrespect, the cursing, and the fucking attitude."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh you fucking will be. Talk to your dad first.", he said handing me a phone. My... what?


"Seriously? What in the fuck is wrong with you young lady!? I haven't been been gone twelve hours and you're already being a problem!" My heart felt broken. "Alex is going to handle it and when I get home, you'll get an additional spanking. Is that understood?" If I'm such a problem, why did you take me in? Why am I even here?

"Yes sir.", I whispered.

"Good." Click. I handed Alex's phone back, shrinking into the shell I came out of when mom died. She was great, she was the best, but I never realized how much I hid who I was to please her. I owed it to her.

"The attitude stops here. Do you understand me?", Alex asked. I stared through him,

"Yes sir." I missed feeling at home.


Alex pulled me up from his lap as I wiped my tears, mostly of frustration.

"No more-"

"Yes sir.", I said quickly, "I'm sorry I disobeyed you. I'm sorry I was a problem."

"You're not a problem, you're a kid." I glanced at him,

"Can-Can I call Tony?" He nodded, handing me the phone. I didn't care that he was mad and probably didn't want me anymore. All I wanted was to be held and I knew Alex wouldn't do that. I just wanted to hear the voice that talked me out of my lowest point.

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