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Luke's P.O.V.

After a month with the boys, I think we'd developed mutual trust. All but Kaden. He was stubborn and honestly only trusted Brayden. But right now, Brayden was in deep shit. Curfew was ten thirty, lights out at eleven on a friday night. It was ten forty five.

"He's still not home?", Zayn asked softly. I shook my head,

"Have you heard from him?"

"Not in about thirty minutes."

"Okay. When he gets home, keep the others upstairs for me while we talk."

"Got it."

"Thanks kiddo." He nodded,

"Will-Will you tell me when he gets home?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thanks. I'm gonna try to go to bed."

"Okay kiddo. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He paused at the stairs, coming back and hugging me,

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Zayny." He smiled softly before going upstairs, just as headlights pulled into the driveway. "He's home.", I called quietly as Zayn came back to the top of the stairs,

"Okay. Thanks."

"Yup." He walked off as Brayden bolted inside, breathing heavily,

"I-I'm so sorry.", he whispered, his body slumping. He dropped his keys on the table in front of me, peering at the floor, "I can explain sir."

"Come're. Sit." He glanced up at me, sitting on the couch a few feet away,

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Tell me why you're late?"

"There was a really bad wreck-"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I wasn't in it. But I-I saw this car spin into a semi and they both went off and caused this like, six car pileup in the ditch. So a bunch of people stopped to try and help and there was a lady in this car who was stuck and she had three kids and a baby and they were freaking out and I knew she was dying. I-I got all the kids out and away while the cops and everything got her out and into an ambulance and then they took all of them to the hospital. It was already past curfew and it took me a long time to get here and my phone died. I'm really, really sorry. I couldn't just drive past and not try to help. I'm sorry." I sighed,

"I'm so proud of you."


"You knew you could be in a lot of trouble coming home late but you chose to help someone instead. And you helped people you didn't even know. I really am proud of you. Don't make a habit of breaking curfew, but you're not in trouble."


"Yes, really."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for doing the right thing." He nodded a little before taking a few deep breaths. I laid my hand on his back as he broke down sobbing. "Hey, it's okay. It's alright.", I said softly, hugging him, "I've got you." After a few minutes, he calmed down and sat up. "Stay here."

"Okay.", he whispered. I got up and went to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and a damp rag before going back to Brayden. I handed him the water before gently rubbing the tear stains from his face with the rag,

"Wanna talk about it?"

"She looked like my mom.", he whispered, "So, so much like my mom. And I-I was there when she died in the wreck, just like her kids were. She had three boys and a baby girl. The youngest boy was five and I was five. I-I don't know where my brothers and sister are. We all got separated when dad left. I-I know they're together but they never wanted me back anyways. They never came looking for me once I got arrested."

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