Sub Sorrow

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Oliver's P.O.V.

When we got home, mom was laying on the couch watching T.V. She sat up as we came in,

"Hey guys." The younger two ran over and hugged her. "Did you have fun at Grandma's?" They nodded. "Good. Go up to bed, I'll be in in a bit." They ran upstairs as Ophelia retreated down the hall to her room.

"Are you okay?", Justin asked. She nodded.

"We're sorry we ratted you out.", I added.

"He was gonna find out boys. You did the right thing. I don't want you hiding things from me or your dad, even if it gets the people you love in trouble."

"He's mad, isn't he?", Justin asked quietly. She hesitated,

"He-He's just upset. We both agreed to always put you kids first and I didn't do that. It was my fault." My stomach twisted into knots. Mom always blamed everything on herself. She always took things way too hard and dwelled on past mistakes. Especially when she was pregnant. It's why dad never left her alone after she got in trouble, so where was he?

"Stay with her.", I said to Justin. He nodded as I went back to dads office, barging in.


"Did mom take her meds?"

"I'm sure she did Oli. She hasn't missed them in a long time."

"She's really messed up. Why aren't you with her?"

"She's fine. I'm too upset still."

"Well get over it."

"Excuse me?"

"Get. Over. It.", I snapped, "You'd never stay mad at us for this long so why do you think it's okay with mom?"

"She put the baby at risk. It's different."

"You know how hard withdrawl is dad. She already feels terrible, even when no one else knows she's doing it. She's already terrified about losing another baby. And now you're mad at her too? You're her support system. We can't fix her like you can, no matter what we try. So I need you to get over yourself because I can't risk losing my mom again.", I whispered, feeling the tears brim my eyes.

"Hey, hey you're not going to Oli.", he said softly, bolting over to me, "We are not gonna lose her-"

"You said that with Justin. And then she slit her wrists when she lost the baby. And tried to hang herself after the twins were born. Everytime you say we won't lose her we end up sitting in another hospital room and I can't do it. I can't lose my mom again like that." He hugged me tightly as I broke down crying,

"It's gonna be okay. You're right, I'm being ridiculous. I'm sorry. I'll take care of it." I sniffled a little as he pulled me back, wiping my tears, "Thank you. Were the kids good?" I nodded,

"Elaina acted up but I handled it."

"Thank you. I'm sorry you have to parent them so much." I shrugged,

"I like it. I like being the oldest and taking care of them."

"It never gets old? You never wish you were the youngest?"

"Absolutely not. Poor kid is gonna get smothered. You take care of me and that's plenty."

"Good.", he chuckled, kissing my head before walking out as I followed. "Rina.", he said softly. Mom sat up from crying, where Justin tried helplessly to console her,

"Y-Yes sir?", she squeaked as her tears stopped and her voice shook.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted and ignored you when you needed me.", he said softly, getting down on one knee on front of her, "Will you forgive me my love?"

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