Drug Free

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Justin's P.O.V.

Dad came through the trees and into the clearing as my whole body went numb. Fuck.

"Whatcha got boys?", he demanded. I looked to Oliver, hoping for some kind of distraction. He panicked for a second before slowly handing the small bag of pot to dad. "Thought so. Get to the house.", he snapped. Oliver snapped me out of my frozen state, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the house. Everything happened in slow motion and I only knew one think for sure: we were gonna die. "Sit.", dad said as we got inside. We sat at the table, "What in God's name were you fucking thinking!? Drugs!? Really!?" I zoned out, trying to feel my hands and feet that had gone numb.

"Jussy.", Oliver said softly, grabbing my hand tightly. I looked up as dad stared down at me. Shit. Shit he asked me something.

"Where did you get them?", he demanded.

"It was one of my friends dad.", Oliver said quickly, "He-He told me to try it to calm down from everything." Dad looked to me,

"And what'd you have to say for yourself?"

"I-I-I just- I just wan-wanted to tr-try it.", I choked out. Dad had never once continued scolding me or being upset with me if I started stuttering. I guess this time was different.

"Do you have any idea what drugs fucking do to you!?" I broke down crying as he ignored the clear signs that this was too much. I fucked up. If he hit me like he did for my test, he was gonna kill me now. "Stop crying.", he snapped. I did so, holding my breath to keep the sobs in. "You both absolutely fucking know better. Go to the study." I couldn't move. Oliver grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back to the room we normally weren't allowed in. He pushed me into a chair and crouched in front of me,

"Hey, you gotta snap out of this kid."

"I-I-I can't. He-He hit me s-so many tim-times for a-a grade Oli. H-He's never gon-gonna stop!"

"Jussy, I know you're scared. I am too. But we-we just have to trust that he's calming down and he won't hurt us. He-He's our dad first, right?" I knew it was supposed to be rhetorical, but it sounded like he was asking me.

"I-I haven't tr-trusted him s-since he hit-hit me when I-I-I wanted to ki-kill myself."

"We don't have another choice kid. Just-Just take deep breaths. Try not to cry, okay? It-It's making him angrier. No matter what, I'm gonna protect you. I'm not gonna let him hurt you." The door opened as Oliver jumped into the seat next to me,

"Desk.", dad demanded.

"Dad this-this was all my fault. It-It was my idea and I-I-I just didn't want Justin buying drugs from someone he didn't know. I-I know we messed up bad. I know you're pissed and you have every right to be. But-But please just hit me." My head snapped up. "It was all my fault and I-I pressured him into it. He-He can't handle this. I-I don't care if-if you give me double or whatever just-just don't hit Justin."

"Oliver that's not how things work here. You both made the mistake. You both face the same consequences. Bend over the desk now." Oliver glanced from dad to me, clearly trying to think of another way out of this. I slowly got up and bent over the desk and he followed, grabbing my hand tightly. I heard dad pull something out of the closet before-


Oliver jumped at every hit but didn't break. I held my breath, waiting for the next three to him.


The three hits landed softer than Oliver's but still hard, on me, then it all stopped.

"Get up." I fell to the floor. Unable to breathe or stop sobbing. Oliver fell next to me, saying something I couldn't make out as everything got blurry, and then dark.


My eyes adjusted as I saw dad sitting next to my hospital bed. I felt tears well up in my eyes again as machines beeped rapidly,

"Go away.", I choked out, "You hate me."

"I don't hate you. Please calm down.", he said softly, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I was never going to hurt you. Why-Why did you think I was going to?"

"You-You just got so mad when I-I failed that test. And-And you knew I'd had a terrible day. When-When you kept yelling at us after I started stuttering, it made me realize how mad you really were and you'd never been like that. I fully expected you to never stop hitting me and-and then you barely did and it scared me even more."

"You'd clearly learned your lesson after my tirade."

"W-Where's Oli?" Just as I asked, he came in and hugged me tightly,

"Don't ever do that again!", he whispered, "You scared me."

"I'm sorry." He sat at the edge of my bed,

"How do you feel?"

"Fine I-I think. What happened?"

"You had a panic attack and basically held your breath until you passed out from lack of oxygen to your brain.", dad explained.

"Like a toddler.", Oliver said.

"I'm sorry.", I whispered, "F-For everything." Dad pet my hair softly,

"Hey, we don't dwell on past mistakes. I forgive you." He looked to Oliver, "Both of you."



"What are we?", I whispered as Zayn pulled his hand from mine,

"I-I don't know."

"Well you need to figure it out. I feel like you're using me."

"What? I-I'm not Jus. I swear."

"Well I feel used. You need to figure out who you are and what you want. When you do, call me." I stood up from his porch, storming back towards my house. I felt someone grab my hand before I spun around, Zayn's lips meeting mine,

"I want you.", he whispered. I hesitated,

"I can't. I'm sorry."

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