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Damon's P.O.V.

"D?", Ellie whispered, coming into the kitchen, "Is this okay?" I turned around as she spun slowly, showing me the poofy black dress, ending at her knees. It was strapless but had a straight top, covered in sequins.

"You look beautiful love." Ash bolted into the kitchen,

"Found it!"

"Found what?", Ellie laughed. He froze,

"You look amazing Els." She smiled softly,

"Thank you."

"Here." He gently pulled up her straight brown hair, clasping a simple diamond necklace around her neck. It landed just above the edge of her dress. She looked down at it,

"It's gorgeous."

"It used to be my mothers.", he said softly, "It's a real diamond. I promised I'd save it for my daughter." She hugged him tightly,

"I love it. Thank you."

"Of course." Rosa and Jess bounced into the kitchen, both wearing dresses similar to Ellie's.

"You guys look incredible.", I said softly, "You ready to go?" They all nodded, bolting out the door. I kissed Ash softly, "Thanks for watching the others."

"No problem. Be careful."

"We will."


I heard someone scream as the gym went silent. The other three teachers and I froze, looking around panicking as I saw Jessica run across the room and jump on someone. I quickly went to where she was but stopped, realizing it was her dad,

"You're home.", she cried softly into his uniform.

"I'm home. I'm staying home.", he said softly.

"You are!?" He nodded,

"I gotta take care of my baby."


Jessica's dad, Brendan, sat across from Ash and I at the table,

"I can never thank you guys enough.", he said softly.

"You don't need to.", I said, "Jess is a really good kid, she just didn't know how to express that. I'm glad that we worked everything out because our family loves her a lot. She's always welcomed here."

"Thank you." Jess crept into the dining room holding two bags,

"I finished packing."

"Did you leave a bag upstairs?", I asked. She nodded, smiling softly,


"Good. You're still welcomed anytime and I expect you to check in with us. Got it?" She nodded,

"Yeah, got it."

"You ready to go?", Brendan asked.

"Yeah." Ash and I got up, hugging her tightly,

"Be good kiddo.", I said softly.

"I'll try."

Jess's P.O.V.

"I've missed you so much.", daddy said softly as he helped me take my bags inside.

"I missed you too daddy." I quickly followed him down the hall to my room, decorated the same as I left it. I laid my bag on the purple bedspread, looking around at the many pictures of daddy and I, "I haven't been in here in so long."

"Well you'll be here for as long as you want now."

"You're really staying?" He nodded,

"When I told my boss what happened he sent me home immediately. They don't deploy single parents and as far as I'm concerned, I'm the only parent you have right now. And I'm sorry for that."

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