College Boys

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Damon's P.O.V.

"I miss you. Could you come get me?", Harley asked softly over the phone. I lit up,

"Of course. I can leave in twenty minutes." She laughed a little,

"Dame, calm down. I just wanna come home for the weekend. Ask Ash first and make sure the kids are fine. I just don't wanna drive that far."

"I know. I'll text you when I leave."


I jumped out of the car as Harley bolted out of the dorm room, running over to hug me.

"I missed you so much!", I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you more!"

"Harley!" She stepped back as a very built man jogged out of the same building. He stopped a few feet from us, brushing his black hair from his green eyes, "Don't do that! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry. I told you I was leaving soon."

"Yeah but you could have said something and not just ran off."

"I know. I'm sorry." He kissed her cheek,

"It's fine babe. Also, you forgot your makeup bag. Which, you don't need, but I know you'd miss."

"Thank you. I told you you could stay inside though."

"And let you wonder onto campus alone? Absolutely not.", he said dramatically. She giggled a little,

"Well, thanks." She started putting bags in the car as the man caught my eye,

"Damon, I'm guessing?" I nodded, shaking his hand,

"And you are?"

"Max. She... hasn't said anything about me, has she?"


"No. You know how older brothers get.", Harley said, stopping by her two suitcases, "Help?" He blinked a few times,

"Oh yeah. Sorry love." He picked up the bags and got them into the trunk before turning back to her, "And I have no clue what you're referring to." She rolled her eyes,

"Well Kayla does."

"I'm sure. All she does is complain about me anyways."

"Not true." He walked over to her, leaning down and kissing her cheek,

"Behave. We'll chat about your attitude you've had all day when you get back. Got it?", he whispered. She nodded,


"Good. I love you. Be careful. Be good."

"I will. I love you too."

"Max, you're welcomed to come along.", I suggested.

"I have another class tonight. But, I might take you up on that in the morning. It is spring break after all. And I'd like to see my lady." Harley glanced from him to me,

"Are you sure?"

"Unless you don't want me to go.", he said quickly, "I understand if you're not ready for me to meet them and that you haven't seen them in forever and-" She clamped her hand over his mouth, smiling softly,

"Stop. Of course I want you there. I just don't need Damon threatening you for a week straight." He chuckled, moving her hand down and kissing the back of it,

"I can handle it."

"And I don't want you two hours away if Kayla needs you."

"Kayla is right in the middle. If she needs me, I'll drive an hour to her from here or from your house."

"I guess you're right."

"Rare occasion, I know."

"I'd love it if you came. But you're not ditching your last class. And I need the two hour drive with just me and my brother."

"I get it. I'll be there tomorrow."

"Good." He kissed her softly before turning back to me, shaking my hand,

"It was nice meeting you sir."

"Damon. And you too kid. We'll see you tomorrow?"

"Definitely." He opened Harley's door for her as I got in and drove off, taking notice that he stood on the sidewalk until we were out of sight.

"You look at him like Ash looks at me."

"And he looks at me like you look at Ash. With absolute love and admiration. Is... that a problem?"

"No! No, of course not Har. I... just don't like you growing up love."

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'm still your baby sister."

"Oh absolutely. You can't get out of that."

"Do... you like him?"

"I do. A lot. He seems really good for you. But, I wish you would have told me before."

"I didn't tell you because we weren't dating. It was strictly business for a long time."

"Business? Like..."

"No, I wasn't his whore-"

"Harley Leanne."

"He was not paying me to have sex with him. I... was paying him to... discipline me..."


"Look, I love you more than I could ever possibly express. You raised me and taught me everything I know and I'd be dead if it weren't for you. You're my biggest role model and absolutely my hero. But, as much as I didn't want to leave you guys, I couldn't wait to get out of that house. I couldn't wait to be far enough away that you couldn't come beat my ass for every little thing, but close enough I could call you for help."

"I would still come up here everyday to keep you in line if you got out of control Harley."

"Well... that's the thing. See, I did. For a minute. I super lied to you and I'm sorry but it seemed like the best option. I was really stressed and scared and I couldn't handle you being disappointed on top of all of that. I fell behind in classes and started partying and not getting stuff done and one of my professors noticed. He pulled me back and told me I needed to get my shit together because I wasn't gonna get out if i kept digging myself a hole. I kinda broke and told him everything and he steered me toward this program a lot of college kids had used their first year when they got like that. It was a disciplinary program. As excited as I was to get out of that situation, I walked right back into the same thing within three months. Except without the same love and support and comfort. It was just, what I did wrong, getting punished for it, leaving. Everytime. And honestly, it started killing me even more. After like, the third week of daily sessions, Max told me he couldn't do it anymore. He said I was just turning into some broken robot who was going through the motions and not living. And he was right. That's when he asked if we could try a closer situation and be in a BDSM relationship and I agreed and we've been together for like two months. But I didn't tell you because I didn't know if it would last and what exactly we were and I did not want to admit that I went right back to my least favorite part of you."

"Discipline?", I laughed.


"You would be an absolute mess had I not."

"And I realize that now. But that doesn't mean I like it. I can need something and hate it at the same time. Like shots." She shuttered a little as I laughed,

"I guess you're right." I paused, "You don't have to hide stuff like that from me though. Like, you're an adult and I want you to make your own decisions, even bad ones, and I want to know about all of them. I can't control you and I'm not going to try to unless you ask for my help. I still want and need to know about your life. You're not my responsibility unless you want to be now."

"When I'm home, I can be your responsibility. If I'm not, I just need you to be my brother unless something changes. Okay?"

"Okay, deal."

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