Chapter 1

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Dahyun's pov
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing then I remembered that today is the first day of school haaa.... Summer had already finished well that sucks but atleast I will see Chae and Tzu today and also Sana so I quickly went to the bathroom for a quick shower then changed into my school uniform and went down to where my brothers are. "Ohh good morning lil bro!" Mingyu hyung said hyper as always "Morning hyung" I told him "Guys we will go now." Minseok hyung said "Take care hyung!" Tae hyung said "See you guys later!" Jin hyung said then waved at us we did the same to them with that they left going to work ohh if you don't know Minseok hyung is the CEO of the family company while Jin hyung is a successful doctor "Hey dubs me and Mingyu are leaving now you coming with us?" Tae hyung asked "The cub and Yoda will pick me up so you guys go ahed." I answered and smiled at them "Alright we'll leave now see ya at school!" Mingyu hyung said then waved at me which I returned then left after about 5 minutes I recived a text from the cub saying that they are already outside so I left the mansion and walked with them to school, after a few minutes of walking and talking we made it to school and as usual our fanboys and fangirls are waiting for us I guess this is what you get for being pupular for no reason haaa.....

No ones pov
The 3 young boys quickly went to their class then after a few hours they had a free time during their math class since all the teachers had been called for an emergency meeting, while Tzuyu and Dahyun are talking Chaeyoung was sitting on his seat using his phone then Jeongyeon suddenly texted him.

Hey cub can you bring dubs in our classroom we really need him

Alright then we'll be there in a few minutes :))

Alright thanks again cub

With that Chaeyoung turned off his phone and went to his friends, "Hey guys Jeong hyung needs us in their classroom." Chaeyoung said "He needs all of us?" Tzuyu asked "Well he technically only need Dahyuniee here, but I wanna see why does he need Dahyun." Chaeyoung said "Plus the hottest girls are in his class so why skip the opportunity!" Chaeyoung added the other 2 just nodded at him and left their classroom.

Jeongyeon's pov
WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING THEM TOO LONG??!! "Hey are you sure you texted the right person?" Daniel asked "Do you think I can't read?!" I said pissed "Ok, ok, geez chill out!" Daniel said I was about to say something when Nayeon butted in our conversation "Hey where's that friends of yours?" Nayeon asked "Just wait nabongs they'll be here." I said then smiled at her which she returned, after a few seconds the door was aggresively opened and I already know who that is so I went to the door and smack the head of the guy who opened the door "YAH HYUNG WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!!!!" The cub shouted "Why the hell did you open the door like that you could break that!" I said "I've already brought Dahyun to you yet you just smack me on the head!" The cub whinned "Alright stop that everybody is looking at us!" Yoda said then I looked at my back only to see everyones eyes on us some were whispering something to the other but I couldn't care less then our teacher came in to announce something "Ok listen up! You guys will have new classmates and those are Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, and Chou Tzuyu thats all I'm going back to the meeting." Mr. Jeon said and left, most of us were shocked so thats why there were 3 vacant seats in the back after a few minutes of silence everyone went back to what they are doing. Nayeon and her friends went to us "So whos the one that will help us?" Jihyo asked "Dahyun!" I said "Ok Dahyun-ssi can you help us with the piano?" Nayeon asked then Dahyun looked at them confused "Isn't Heechul hyung in this-" Dahyun didn't get to finish his sentence since Daniel butted in "Heechul had already left." Daniel said "So will you help us dubs?" I asked with pleading eyes "Well I am in this class anyway so I should help out." Dahyun said then smiled which made all of the girls fall for his cuteness even Nayeon and her friends after that I draged him to the piano which is in our room and gave him the music sheet which has all of our songs for the play that we re having for the first day of school which is very weird if you ask me "Hyung do you have the script?" Dahyun asked "Yeah just a sec." I said then went to one of our classmate who is incharge of writing the script "Hey Wook do you have the script with you?" I asked and he just nodded and gave me the script "Ohh don't write on that cause thats our only script." Wook said then continued to walk towards Dahyun "Here you go dubs." I said and handded him the script "Thanks hyung~" Dahyun said "CUB, YODA COME HERE FOR A SEC!!!" Dahyun shouted causing the 2 to flinch, the quickly went to him "Whatcha need now I was talking to Mina noona!" Chaeyoung whinned "Yeah, yeah whatever can you get me a photo copy of this script please~" Dahyun said in an ageyo way "Ugh, fine!" Chaeyoung took the copy and left with Tzuyu, man that cub can't even resist Dahyun's ageyo what will happen if Mina was the one to do it to him.

No ones pov
After a few minutes Chaeyoung and Tzuyu came back with the photocopied script and gave it to Dahyun then Dahyun gave the original script to Jeongyeon who gave it back to Wook. "So your really playing the piano?" Chaeyoung asked "Yeah why you jelly~" Dahyun said in a teasing way which earned sa smack from Chaeyoung "OWW THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Dahyun said in a pissed tone "For teasing me now play something!" Chaeyoung demanded, Dahyun just rolled his eyes at Chaeyoung and played something which made everyone stop what they were doing and looked at Dahyun who was playing the piano while closing his eyes and this caught Sana's eyes.

Sana's pov
He looks so handsom while playing I wanna keep him so bad ARGH WHAT THE HELL AM I EVEN THINKING GEEZ SANA GET YOUR SLEF TOGETHER!!!! I thought then started slapping my face for a couple of times then stopped and looked at Dahyun again, How the hell can someone look so cute yet sexy while playing the fucking piano?! Oh right Kim Dahyun exists I don't know why but I think I'm falling for him.

OKK soo how did you gus like the first chapter??? Welp I'm so sorry if it sucks but I did my best and also this might be a slow updating book since I'm a very busy person but I'll try to update soon thats all bye readers :)))

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