Chapter 25

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No ones pov
While the others are having their date outside the other 2 couples decided to have a house date. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Daniel asked "Lets watch movies!!!" Sana exclaimed "Then lets go to the movie/game room down the basement." Daniel said "Sounds good to me." Jihyo said then they all turned to Dahyun who was just listening to them "I'll go make the popcorn then." Dahyun said then everyone cheered, not long after everyone went to the basement and looked for a movie to watch leaving Dahyun upstairs since he was supposed to make popcorn.

~time skip~
It was already 5 pm and the couples who are having a house date is still watching a movie, meanwhile the other couples who are outside were still having the time of their lives.

Chaeyoung's pov
After eating me and Mina went straight to the arcade since she really wants to play and we've been there for a few hours good thing I finally got her out and now we are shopping for clothes and other stuff, both of us decided to buy a matching shoes since it was cute "Hey Chaeng~" Mina said "Yeah?" I asked "Should we buy food for the others?" Mina asked "Why though?" I asked "Well Sana texted me earlier that she and Jihyo are in your house having a house date with Dahyun and Daniel." Mina said "We don't have to worry about that Dubs hyung will just cook for dinner." I said and she just nodded then I looked at my watch only to see that it was already this "Pengu lets go home now its almost 6 pm and I don't want us to stay here until its already very dark." I said "Alright Simba lets go now." She said and I just smiled at her on our way to the parking lot a group of guys suddenly went infront of us and I knew that this isn't a good sign so I quickly pushed the button on my watch just incase these guys do anything "A beautiful lady you got there bro." The 1st guy said and I quickly hid Mina behind me "Hey don't hide the girl." The 2nd guy said "How about we share her, don't worry man we'll be gentle." The 3rd guy said which made my blood boil "Ok look 1st of all she is not a toy, 2nd of all I won't share anything, and 3rd of all shes mine." I said in a serious cold voice and they all just laughed "You think a small guy like you can beat the 3 of us?" The 1st guy said and walked infront of me "Yeah you are tall and muscular but my strength is nothing compared to the 3 of you." I said then smirked, the 1st guy was about to punch me but I went ahead and punched him first making him fly and the other 2 just looked at me shocked "Who wants to go next?" I asked with my cold voice but both of them just ran away, after that I pushed the button again so that it won't take more energy from me, I quickly checked on Mina shocked "Hey are you ok?" I asked "How did you do that?" Mina asked still shocked "An old friend gave me this watch which has powers so yeah." I explained "You know what lets just go home I know your shocked but don't worry me and the other guys have these watches to protect us." I said while giving her my sweetest smile which she returned and with that we went to the car and drove home.

Jeongyeon's pov
Both of us are having too much fun that we didn't notice that it was already 5 pm. "Hey nabongs do you wanna go home?" I asked "Can't we stay for a few more minutes?" She asked "Yeah sure why not." I said then she just smiled at me, gosh seeing those smiles makes me wanna protect her forever which I will literally do in the future "Want me to buy you ice cream?" I asked "OH MY GOSH YES PLEASE!!!" She exclaimed "Alright, alright but you have to stay here and don't go anywhere, I'll be fast." I said and she just nodded and with that I walked away from her then pushed the button of my watch then teleported to an ice cream store "Hello may I take your order?" The woman asked "Ahh yes I would like one strawberry and one vanilla ice creams on a cup please." I said then she nodded and prepared our ice creams not long after she gave me the ice creams and with that I payed her then walked out of the shop and teleported back to Han River only to see Nayeon being harrased by a weird drunk guy I quickly went to them but I sat the ice creams down first then pushed the man off Nayeon, the man went flying since I forgot to push the button to turn off my powers and when I realized that I quickly turned it off, "Are you ok?" I asked "H-how did you d-do that?!" She exclaimed "Look its hard to explain alright lets go home now." I said but before I could even stand up she hugged me very tight "Thank you for saving me Jeongie." She said and I sensed that she was about to cry to I quickly took the ice cream that I bought and gave it to her "Don't cry, here eat your ice cream." I said then she quickly took her ice cream and started eating it while I fix our stuff, after a few minutes I finished then we walked back to the car and went to the mansion.

No ones pov
While MiChaeng and 2yeon were using their powers to be safe meanwhile at MoTzu's date no one dared to come near them since they were scared of Tzuyu's stare though he smiles sweetly at Momo but when he isn't looking at Momo his eyes becomes cold that no one even want to look at since it was scary. Momo and Tzuyu had been walking around Seoul buying some stuff at a nearby store and mostly buying street foods and since its already night they decided to go at the night market just to eat more street foods after a few minutes they decided to call it a day since it was already 7 pm, they walked back to Tzuyu's car and went back to the mansion since all of them are there.

~time skip~
Tzuyu and Momo reached the mansion but before they could even come in they already heard 2 girls screaming at each other which was weird since none of them ever had fights so this might fight might just be something stupid for Tzuyu while Momo doesn't even mind, when they went in they immediately walked towards the living room where Mina and Nayeon are fighting about how strong their boyfriends are which is really stupid for Tzuyu but amusing for Momo since she haven't really heard Mina shout since kids so it was very amusing. "Ohh you guys are here. Do you guys want dinner?" Dahyun asked MoTzu "No hyung I'm full already, but thanks for asking." Tzuyu answered "Yeah me too." Momo added "Good cause I don't really wanna cook again." Dahyun said, with that Momo sat down at the couch beside Sana and Jihyo who are just watching the 2 girls fight while their boyfriends try to stop them then Tzuyu walked near the 2 girls but didn't notice him and keep on shouting at each other. "JEONGYEON MADE THE MAN FLEW MINA HE IS STRONGER!!!" Nayeon shouted "CHAEYOUNG FOUGHT 3 MUSCULAR GUYS NAYEON UNNIE!!!" Mina shouted back, Tzuyu couldn't take it anymore so he went in between the 2 girls then glared at the both of them making stop "No one is stronger cause we all have the same strength and right now their both weak." Tzuyu said then both girls looked at him in disbelief "So what you guys are fighting about is stupid." Tzuyu added then proceeded to punch both guys with his strongest punch resulting both of them to whine in pain "The fuck did you do that for?!" Chaeyoung whined "See." Tzuyu said "But earlier Chaeng fought 3 men!" Mina exclaimed "Thats because we have special watches that contains powers and all of us have super strength as our 1st power so there isn't anyreason for you guys to fight about it." Tzuyu said which made all of them speechless "Do you all understand now?" Tzuyu asked then everyone nodded and with that Tzuyu left the room and went to the kitchen to drink water since his throat is dry from talking, meanwhile the people in the living room started to talk again "Wow I can't belive that Tzuyu was the one to stop you both from fighting." Jeongyeon said while rubbing the arm that Tzuyu punched "So you guys have powers?" Sana asked "Yep, Shua hyung gave us this watch for safety purposes." Dahyun said, not long after Tzuyu came back "I'm going to the game room since you guys are boring well except for my fiancé so don't hurt her or else you will meet death." Tzuyu said with no emotion then went to the basement to play games leaving everyone scared except for Momo who is now blushing "You heard what he said, we now have to take care of Momo." Daniel said then everyone continued what they were doing, after a few minutes they all decided to go play with Tzuyu since they just wanna see his good side rather that his bad side which was pretty scary, with that they ended up playing games all night while laughing and chatting with each other until each one falls asleep.

Ok guys hope you all enjoyed this chapter I know I suck and now I won't really belive myself if I ever say that I'll update soon since this chapter took days and I'm very sorry about that but I will still update it when I'm not lazy hehehe so wait for the next one bye bye :))))

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