Chapter 16

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No ones pov
The girls decided to bring breakfast at the boys mansion so they went there very early and set up at the dinning area, while setting up they heard footsteps coming down then they saw Dahyun in his gym clothes with a full water bottle in hand, he went out through the front door so the girls went to the nearest window to look at where he will go they were surprised that he went to their garage "So their garage might be a gym." Jihyo said "Yeah looks like it." Nayeon said "Lets just continue to set up their breakfast." Mina suggested and the others just nodded then continued what they were doing before Dahyun came after about an hour of preparing breakfast they all heard footsteps coming down again and now its not just one but there are a lot "JEONG HYUNG MY BASKETBALL SHOES ARE GONE!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed while going down the stairs "Its by the door cub please stop shouting its too early." Jeongyeon said with that they all went outside to the court that was infront of the garage where Dahyun was working out.

~time skip~
Almost 3 hours had passed and the boys just finished playing basketball and working out "Wahh I'm tired!" Chaeyoug said "I'm hungry!" Jeongyeon said "Whats for breakfast hyung?" Tzuyu asked then looked at Dahyun "Tzu I'm tired today so I'll just tell the chef what to cook." Dahyun said then opened their front door only to be greeted by 5 beautiful girls holding face towels and bottles of water and with that the girls then helped the guys in wiping their sweat off then gave them each a water bottle "Wahh when did you guys get here?" Daniel asked "Very early but you guys didn't notice us and continued to do your thing." Jihyo answered "Lets go we prepared breakfast." Mina said with that all of them went to the dinning area and ate their not so warm breakfast.

After eating Tzuyu got a call from his father.
Tzuyu: Hello? Dad?
Mr. Chou: Tzu glad you picked up!
Tzuyu: Why is there a problem?
Mr. Chou: Go pack your stuff kid your coming back here for a week!
Tzuyu: What but-
Mr. Chou: No buts kid our family jet is almost there and my people will be waiting at the airport.
Tzuyu: Alright, alright...
Mr. Chou: Ohh and bring all of your friends too!
Tzuyu: WHA- DAD??? HELLO?!
Mr. Chou: ....
"AISH OLD IDIOT HANG UP ON ME!!" Tzuyu exclaimed "WOOK HYUNG I NEED YOUR HELP!" Tzuyu exclaimed then Jiwook immediatly came "Why is there a problem?" Jiwook asked "Please bring my noonas here back to their house then after packing bring them to the airport and we'll follow." Tzuyu said "And please pack your bags as fast as possible I'll tell you guys the reason later please go now and please don't forget to bring formal clothes." Tzuyu added then looked at the girls who were confussed but followed him anyway with that Jiwook drove the girls back to their house. The boys on the other hand are also confused "You guys should also pack your bags since dad wants us to go to Taiwan right now so please no questions and pack now!" Tzuyu exclaimed and went to his room and packed his stuff then took a quick bath and got ready, same goes for the other guys who finished packing then took a quick shower and got ready.

After getting ready everyone brought their luggage downstairs "So how are going to the airport if Jiwook hyung isn't here?" Chaeyoung asked "Don't worry I got that covered." Dahyun said then took the car keys and went out of the house "CHA EUNWOO!!!" Dahyun shouted not long after a handsom man came in wearing a suit "Yes dubs need anything?" Eunwoo asked "Guys this is Cha Eunwoo my personal bodyguard who is now the head of all the guards ohh and he is also on of my bestfriends." Dahyun explained then Eunwoo just bowed at them "But why do you need me dubs?" Eunwoo asked again "I need you to drive us so the airport since we are in a hurry." Dahyun answered "You got it alright everyone in!" Eunwoo said with that all the boys got their luggages in the trunk then got in the car with than Eunwoo drove as fast as he could to the airport.

~time skip~
After their 2 hour flight, Tzuyu waited for his butler who was sent by his father to pick them up and not long after Tzuyu recieved a text from him that they are already in the front gate and with that Tzuyu lead the way, after a few minutes of walking they finally got on the car and drove off to the hotel which was owned by the Chou family. "Ok guys your rooms are 356 and 357 which is on the 25th floor." Tzuyu said "Ohh and dad said that you can choose your roommates." Tzuyu added all of them just nodded "Where will you sleep Tzu?" Dahyun asked "I'll be in my room which is on the top floor, so if you guys want to go there here's my second key card and my room is the only room there so you don't need to ask what my room number is." Tzuyu answered then gave Dahyun his other key card, with that Tzuyu was the first one to leave followed by his butler then the others decided to go to their rooms and sleep since they are all too tired of their unexpected early flight, they ended up having SaiDa and 2yeon in room 356 while MiChaeng, JiNiel, and Momo in room 357.

Ok guys sorry for the very late update hehehe I'm busy with school since final exams are coming hope you guys understand yeahh with that I'll see you guys on the next chapter of this book, don't forget to vote! Alright guys hehehe see ya byeee :))))

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