Chapter 15

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No ones pov
After Dahyun got ready all of them went to the van that Nayeon rented for today, Jeongyeon volunteered to drive since the other guys had already sat inside and when everything is set they all left the mansion and went to the amusement park. After a few minutes all of them arrived the girls were too excited so they all went in leaving the guys alone but the guys chased after them so that no one will be lost "Ok I have a plan!" Jeongyeon said "Which is?" Jihyo asked "We'll split into pairs for this activity! Then call the others if its time to eat." Jeongyeon said the others agreed with his idea "So how are we going to split into pairs?" Momo asked "I don't know about you guys but me and Dahyun already have our partner." Jeongyeon answered which made Dahyun smirk "Do you guys want us to pick your partners?" Dahyun asked the boys knew what he is planning but decided not to talk since they thought that its up to the girls to decide if they want to or not "Sure why not." Jihyo answered "Alright I've already thought of your pairs which will be: MoTzu, MiChaeng, and JiNiel." Dahyun said "Is there someone who wants to change partners?" Sana asked and no one answered which means no one want to change their partners "Ok since all of us already have a partner lets all enjoy this day!" Nayeon exclaimed and everyone just cheered then started to separate with each other.

Dahyun's pov
Me and Sana are looking for a ride but I don't think I can ride any of these cause they are all extreme and I really hate riding extreme rides "DAHYUN LETS RIDE THAT ONE!!!" Sana exclaimed while pointing at a giant roller coaster "Uhm... y-yeah s-sure..." I answered "Are you scared?" Sana asked "What no! Who told you that?" I asked "No one lets go!" Sana said and dragged me to the ride, we got on the ride it didn't even started I'm already sweating like crazy then I felt warmth on my hand, I looked at Sana and she just smiled at me which I returned, as long as I'm with Sana I'll be fine then the ride started and I didn't even notice that I was already screaming like a girl while Sana was just laughing at me, after the ride we went to the nearest bench to sit for a while "Were you really that scared?" Sana asked "No I was fine..." I answered "Ohh stop acting brave Dahyuniee~" Sana said in a teasing tone "Alright, alright I admit I was scared but you were there so it made the ride a little bit less scary." I said, with that she blushed "Stop that~" she said then playfully slapped my shoulder "Lets just continue our date, shall we?" I asked and she just nodded, with that we walked around the amusement park looking for another ride.

No ones pov
Chaeyoung took this time as a chance to confess to Mina since they are alone and with that both sat on the nearest vaccant bench that they found "Soo why do you want to sit down Chaeng?" Mina asked while eating her ice cream "Aren't you tired Minari?" Chaeyoung asked "Not really..." Mina said and continued to eat her ice cream then looked at Chaeyoung who is looking up at the sky "Chaeng..." Mina said earning a hmm from the guy beside him "Do you perhaps like someone?" Mina asked then Chaeyoung looked at her "Whats with the sudden question noona?" Chaeyoung asked then looked back at the sky "Nothing just curious..." Mina answered "Well yeah I do like someone and that someone is really beautiful, elegant, and also very caring." Chaeyoung explained which made Mina bow her head down in sadness "And that someone is you Mina noona." Chaeyoung added then Mina immediatly looked up and faced Chaeyoung who is already looking at her "W-w-what did y-you say?!" Mina asked "I said, I like no I love you Miyou Mina-ssi." Chaeyoung said and smiled at her, Mina couldn't hold back her feeling so she jumped on Chaeyoung and hugged him very tight "Looks like I got the answer that I wanted." Chaeyoung said then hugged Mina back after their hugging session they continued to walk around the amusement park.

~time skip~
After a few hours all the boys recived a text from Jeongyeon on their group chat.

Idiots and Dahyun💕

Jeong💫: Hey you kids aren't you guys hungry?
Yoda🦒: Momo noona said shes hungry so I guess we should eat now.
Dubs🦅: Yeah my shiba also says that shes hungry so I guess we are going to eat dinner now.
Cub🐯: Me and Mina noona will wait for you guys here at the food court.
Dani😝: We'll be there in a few minutes!

Yoda🦒, Cub🐯, Jeong💫, Dani😝, and Dubs🦅 has logged off

After that everyone quickly went to the food court except for Momo and Tzuyu since Momo was really thirsty Tzuyu bought water for her but when he came back Momo was out of sight and the worst thing is that Tzuyu was holding Momo's phone and wallet since they were playing games that time, Tzuyu quickly went to where the others are "Ohh Tzu your here! Wheres Momo?" Jeongyeon asked "HYUNG SHES LOST!!!" Tzuyu exclaimed "WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time "AISH THIS IS ALL MY FAULT IF ONLY I DIDN'T LEAVE HER!!!" Tzuyu said "What?! You left her all alone?!" Sana asked "Well she said she was thirsty and at the same time tired so I told her to sit at the vaccant bench that we found while I buy her water and when I came back she was gone." Tzuyu explained "Call her!" Nayeon suggested "Her phone is with me." Tzuyu said "Lets just look for her but you girls will stay here." Daniel said and Jihyo was about to protest when Dahyun spoke "Noonas please follow Daniel hyung, your phones are almost dead how are we going to contact you guys if your phones died?" Dahyun asked and everyone just stayed silent "Ok just stay here and we'll come back so that we can all eat." Jeongyeon said and everyone nodded with that all the guys left "Hyungs please call me if you found her!" Tzuyu exclaimed then they boys just nodded and went to their separate ways to find Momo faster. After about 20 minutes of looking all the guys looked for a vaccant seat to rest for a little bit while Tzuyu keeped on looking he's been running around the whole amusement park then stopped by the game stall, when he looked right he saw a girl sitting alone beside the roller coaster and Tzuyu immediatly knew who it was so he rushed towards the girl who is sobbing right now "Momo noona..." Tzuyu said in his softest tone then the girl raised her head only to see the guy that she missed and with that Momo jumped on Tzuyu then hugged him really tight, Tzuyu hugged back, Momo was still sobbing "Shh, shh don't worry your alright now..." Tzuyu said which made Momo calm down with that he texted the others that he already found her and their going back now. While walking back Tzuyu interwinded his and Momo's hands since his scared that she might get lost again "Ohh noona heres your water." Tzuyu said and handded her a water bottle "Thanks Tzu!" Momo exclaimed, when they got back they all started to eat then the guys drove the girls home, since Nayeon was the one who rented the van the guys just took a cab on their way back home.

Ok so yeah hope you guys liked this chapter! Ohh and we reached 1k views thank you very much to all my readers I can't make it to 1k without you guys, welp sorry for the late update again see you guys on the next chapter HEHEHE BYEEEE :))))

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