Chapter 19

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Momo's pov
Yesterday dad told me to eat dinner with him but I can't that time since I was very tired and Tzuyu said that there are a lot of people or lets just say reporters who wants to interview Tzuyu and his dad I guess. All of us are here in our room right now waiting for Mark, Tzuyu's butler because Tzuyu ordered him to buy food for us since the people are blocking the entrance again but that won't stop me from eating out with my dad becaise its been years since I've seen him, not long after Mark came in our room with two plastic bags full of food, we were getting ready to eat when dad suddenly called me.
Momo: Hello?
Mr. Hirai: Ohh my daughter are you free this lunch time?
Momo: Yeah sure but I don't really know how to go to you dad...
Mr. Hirai: Don't worry I'll fetch you!
Momo: Really?! Alright then!
Mr. Hirai: So where are you?
Momo: I'm at ******hotel
Mr. Hirai: Ahh now I know why you can't get out.
Momo: Yeah so can you fetch me?
Mr. Hirai: Yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes go get ready now.
Momo: Alright dad see ya!
After the call I went to the dinning area where all of them are. "Noona aren't you going to eat?" Dahyun asked "Nope I'm here to infrom you guys that my dad is picking me up right now so I won't join you guys for lunch." I said then Tzuyu immediately choked on his water, so I quickly got some napkins and gave it to him "Thank you noona..." Tzuyu said then took the napkins and with that I went to my room and got ready since dad is almost here.

No ones pov
After Momo got ready her dad texted her that he is already waiting at the lobby so she bid her friends bye then quickly went to the lobby, after a few minutes she arrived, when she saw her dad she quickly went to him and hugged him really tight "Ok Momo can't breath!" Mr. Hirai said "Hehe sorry dad just missed you." Momo said then broke off the hug "Missed you too princess, why don't we go now so that we can eat." Mr. Hirai suggested which Momo agreed and with that they both left the hotel and went to the nearest restaurant then ordered their food not long after their food arrived so they decided to eat already since Momo was very hungry.

~time skip~
After eating both stayed at the restaurant since they have no where else to go "So dad why are you suddenly here in Taiwan?" Momo asked "Well there is something I need to do here and the good thing is that your also here so that great!" Mr. Hirai said "Why do you need anything from me?" Momo asked "No its just that I have to tell you something I hope you will give this some thought." Mr. Hirai said "And that is?" Momo asked "I arranged you in a marrige." Mr. Hirai said which made Momo shocked "W-what?! You can't do this!" Momo said in an angry tone "Look our company is going down and this is the only solution I've got." Mr. Hirai said "Who is the guy that you arranged me to?" Momo asked coldly "Chou Tzu something I can't remember his full name." Mr. Hirai said which made Momo shocked " Chou Tzuyu?" Momo asked "YEAH HIM!!!" Mr. Hirai exclaimed "He told me yesterday that he would agree to this arrange marrige as long as you agree." Mr. Hirai added "He said that?" Momo asked and Mr. Hirai just nodded and Momo right now is having thoughts "Ohh and don't worry about your studies because you guys will get married after your graduation." Mr. Hirai said and Momo just stayed silent since shes still thinking of what to do "Ok dad fine I'll agree to this because I gave it soo much thought." Momo said then Mr. Hirai jumped up and down out of joy that his daughter agreed and with that Mr. Hirai brought Momo back to the hotel since he still had soo much stuff to do.

All of them are still in the same room since everyone was bored they all decided to play some card game that Dahyun brought while they were playing Tzuyu went to the bathroom then Momo came in the room "Ohh Momoring wanna play?" Jihyo asked "Yeah sure, what are you guys playing?" Momo asked and sat on the floor with them "A card game that Dahyun brought." Chaeyoung answered, they all continued to play for a couple of minutes then Tzuyu came out of the bathroom then sat back down at his seat
still not noticing Momo who was looking at him, Momo decided to get his attention since he still haven't noticed her "Hey Tzu can we talk?" Momo asked getting Tzuyu's attention which she successfully got "Yeah sure..." Tzuyu answered "Please follow me." Momo said then went to her room followed by Tzuyu who is now very nervous.

When both of them are already inside the room Momo locked the door so that the others won't come in. "Soo noona what do you want to talk about?" Tzuyu asked playing dumb "Stop playing dumb Tzu I know you already know why I called you here." Momo said "Ok so what about that then?" Tzuyu asked "Why did you agree on the arrange marrige?" Momo asked "Look noona I didn't agree I told them that I would agree if you also agreed on the plan." Tzuyu answered "So what do you think is my answer?" Momo asked "I thing you wouldn't agree to it, and I understand that don't worry about my father I'll take care of him." Tzuyu said with a hint of hurt but still smiled which Momo noticed "Nope your wrong Tzu, I agreed on it." Momo said then smiled which made Tzuyu shocked "But I agreed because of a different reason." Momo said "And that is?" Tzuyu asked "Because I've already fallen for you the first time you guys entered our classroom." Momo said then smiled sweetly at Tzuyu who is very shocked at Momo's sudden confession, Tzuyu didn't get to control his emotion and gave Momo a tight hug "Wait Tzu can't breath!" Momo exclaimed "Ohh sorry I'm just soo happy that you felt the same." Tzuyu said still not letting go of Momo who was happy about the result of her confession, after a few minutes later Tzuyu broke the hug "Soo since when did you like me?" Momo asked "Since freshman year." Tzuyu answered then took the opportunity to kiss Momo's lips, Momo was surprised at first but kissed him back "Lets go now the others might get too suspicious of what we are doing." Momo said then Tzuyu just nodded, when Momo unlocked the door and open it the others fell down "You guys were spying on us?!" Momo exclaimed "Welp too late to make an excuse now." Daniel said "You guys already heard everything lets go now and continue to play." Tzuyu said then the others just nodded and went back to their game "So do we all have our special someone already?" Dahyun asked then looked at Daniel who was fixing his hair "What?" Daniel asked "Hyung you haven't got a girlfriend." Chaeyoung said "WHAT WHO TOLD YOU THAT I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!" Daniel exclaimed "Dude you never told us anything so we assumed to you don't have one." Jeongyeon said "What about you Ji?" Nayeon asked "Tch you guys never asked me so I don't really infrom you but yeah I have one." Jihyo said making all the girls shocked so they started asking her all sorts of questions about her mystery boyfriend but Dahyun on the other hand noticed that Daniel was looking at Jihyo with a loving smile "OK BITCHES I ALREADY KNOW  WHOSE DATING WHO!!!" Dahyun exclaimed "You know who Jihyo is dating?" Mina asked "Noona out of all people I thought you will be able to see this already its very obvious." Dahyun said "Soo hyung since when were you guys dating?" Dahyun asked Daniel who just smiled at him "Wahh I shouldn't really doubt your observations dubs." Daniel said which made everyone shocked "DUDE WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING?! I THOUGHT WE ARE BESTFRIENDS!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed "Dude calm down for a sec, I was supposed to tell you but I don't know when to tell you." Daniel said then went beside Jihyo who was sitting silently "OK IDIOT ANSWERE ME IWAS ASKING YOU A QUESTION!!!" Dahyun exclaimed "Dahyuniee calm down." Sana said while rubbing Dahyun's head which successfully calmed him down "YAH KIM DAHYUN I'M STILL YOUR HYUNG!!!" Daniel exclaimed "Alright sorry hyung so please answere my question." Dahyun said "Well I've confessed to her about 4 weeks ago so yeah thats how things happen." Daniel explained "Wow you managed to keep that a secret for 4 weeks, wow!" Tzuyu said "Ok stop now lets go and continue our game." Sana said then all of them nodded and continued to play their game.

Ok finally all of them are dating so I'll have to continue more motzu moments after a few chapters and go back to saida moments hehe sorry guys welp I'll see you guys on the next chapter byeeee :)))))

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