Chapter 21

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No ones pov
Everyone woke up really early since they have a flight in a few hours and they haven't packed their things yet thats why they were up really early, Tzuyu on the other hand is still asleep, since Mark knew that his boss has a flight he packed Tzuyu's things for him after a few minutes he heard Tzuyu scream so he quickly went to Tzuyu's room "Sir what happened?!" Mark asked "Mark what time is it?!" Tzuyu asked "Its already 6:40 am sir." Mark answered "OHH SHIT I HAVEN'T PACKED YET!!!" Tzuyu said then panicked and Mark just giggled since its his first time to see his calm and scary looking boss panic "YAH WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING HELP ME!!!" Tzuyu exclaimed "Ohh sorry sir, its just my first time to see you panic, don't worry sir I already packed your things for you." Mark said then Tzuyu looked at him with wide eyes "Really?!" Tzuyu asked and Mark just nodded then Tzuyu sighed in relief "Thanks Mark." Tzuyu said then went back to his bed and lied there for a few minutes until his friends went to his room "YAH WHY AREN'T YOU PACKING YOUR STUFF?!" Momo exclaimed then pulled Tzuyu's ear "AHH, NOONA THAT HURTS!!!" Tzuyu exclaimed then Momo lets go "I can't belive that I will marry a lazy kid!" Momo said "WHA- I'M NOT LAZY I JUST WOKE UP ALRIGHT!" Tzuyu exclaimed "Oh my gosh are you guys going to fight this early in the morning!" Jihyo scolded the two who just remained silent "Why aren't you packing anyway Tzu?" Dahyun asked "Mark already packed my things since I didn't wake up early..." Tzuyu answered "Alright then lets all eat breakfast and get ready for our flight." Sana said then everyone nodded and went to the dinning area "Theres no food how will we eat?" Nayeon asked "I'll call for room service." Tzuyu said then walked towards the telephone.
Tzuyu: Hello?
Employee: Ahh yes sir?
Tzuyu: I would like to order room service.
Employee: For how many sir?
Tzuyu: Ten.
Employee: May I have your room number please.
Tzuyu: Top floor.
Employee: Ahh sir Chou ok, your order will be there in 5 minutes.
Tzuyu: Thank you.
After that Tzuyu ended the call and went back to his friends and waited for their food to arrive.

~time skip~
After eating everyone went back to their rooms and took a quick bath since their flight is in 3 hours, after getting ready they all went to the lobby where Tzuyu's dad is "Ok everyone thank you for staying here." Mr. Chou said then everyone bowed at him and went got in the van since their flight is in an hour so they all got to the van in a hurry, after a few minutes they reached the airport where Mr. Chou's other men are to take the gout to the Chou's private plane after a few minutes they got on the plane where they all sat with their special someone. Dahyun then decided to call Jiwook since they need someone to bring them home.
Dahyun: Hello?
Jiwook: Ohh Hyun, why did you call?
Dahyun: Hyung I want you to pick us up at the airport we'll land after 2 hours.
Jiwook: Alright.
Dahyun: Ohh and please bring 2 cars and let Eunwoo drive it.
Jiwook: Is that all?
Dahyun: Yeah thats all.
Jiwook: Ok have a safe trip.
Dahyun: Thanks hyung~
Dahyun ended the call and took a nap since he woke up very early. After about 30 minutes Sana woke Dahyun up "Dahyuniee wake up~" Sana said while shaking Dahyun's shoulders "Uhh... Why?" Dahyun asked still half asleep "Lets have lunch first." Sana said then gave Dahyun the food that was given to her by the stewardess which Dahyun happily ate while they were eating Dahyun had sauce on his lips "Yah you have sauce on your lips." Sana said then Dahyun looked at her confused "Where?" Dahyun asked while touching his face "Here." Sana said then wiped the sauce with a napkin "Aww I thought you'll be romantic." Dahyun said in a disappointed tone which made Sana giggle at her boyfriend's cuteness "How like this?" Sana said then held Dahyun's chin and pecks his lips which made Dahyun smile "Yeah like that." Dahyun said then both of them laughed and continued to eat their lunch, 2yeon who are at the back of saida looked at them with disgust even though they themselves do that to each other.

~time skip~
Everyone arrived at the airport safe then Dahyun texted Jiwook that they already arrived not a second Jiwook replied saying that they are already outside so everyone went out of the airport only to see 2 familiar people outside waiting for them "So hows your stay in Taiwan?" Jiwook asked "Its fine hyung, lets go home now I'm tired." Dahyun said "What about us?" Sana asked "Ahh Wook hyung will drive you guys home and Eunwoo will drive us home." Dahyun said then kissed Sana on her lips "Rest well alright love you." Dahyun added and Sana just smiled at him and got in the car same goes for Dahyun "Did they forgot that we are also here?" Daniel asked "They've been so flirty with each other its disgusting." Jeongyeon said then a water bottle hit his head real hard "SHUT UP HYUNG AND GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!!!" Dahyun exclaimed then put the window up, after a few minutes they all arrived back at their house then Dahyun got a call from his brother.
Mingyu: Yah, did you arrive already?
Dahyun: Yes hyung...
Mingyu: Minseok hyung told me to call you since he wants you to join us for dinner later.
Dahyun: Yeah I would like that.
Mingyu: Aigoo our dubu sounds tired~
Dahyun: I am~
Mingyu: Alrigh dubs take a nap so that you will have energy later.
Dahyun: Alright hyung see you later.
Mingyu: See ya, love you dubs~
Dahyun: Love you too hyung~
With that Dahyun hung up and went straight to his room not even bothering to unpack and change his clothes since his too tired so he jumped on his bed and quickly drifted to dreamland.

~time skip~
Dahyun woke up from his nap at 5:30 pm so he decided to change his clothes then style his hair since his going to have dinner with his brothers, after getting ready Dahyun went downstairs where all the guys are watching TV and using their phones "Guys!" Dahyun said "Where are you going dubs?" Daniel asked "I'm having dinner with my brothers tonight so I might come home late or just spend the night there." Dahyun said "Aww I thought you'll cook for us..." Tzuyu said in a sad tone "Maybe tomorrow Tzu." Dahyun said "Alright hyung drive safe." Chaeyoung said then Dahyun just smiled and nodded at him "Come home tomorrow alright!" Jeongyeon said "Yes hyung." Dahyun said then waved at them and left the house using his car. When he reached the mansion he quickly parked his car then went in the mansion where he  ate and talked with his brothers who missed him so much, he decided to stay for the night since its getting too late and Jin won't let him drive at this hour so he decided to stay but before he went to bed, he decided to visit their basement where the piano is, so he decided to play it since he was already there after playing the piano he heard people clap and he immediately knew who it was "Missed you dubs." Taehyung said "I'm really thankful that your friends helped you get over your past." Jin said "Alright stop the drama, group hug!!!" Mingyu exclaimed then pulled his brothers for a hug "We're proud of you dubs." Minseok said while hugging his brothers "Thank you hyungs I love you guys soo much!" Dahyun exclaimed then they broke the hug and spended the night playing the instruments.

Ok guys I know its a boring story but I hope you guys enjoyed it hehe don't forget to vote for this chapter hehe alright see you guys on the next chapter byeeee :))))

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