Chapter 11

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Dahyun's pov
Me and the other guys had already moved in our new home or mansion, they were amazed that it was exactly the same as our family mansion but I didn't care about them and went to my room since I have some stuff to unpack then they bursted in my room "YAHH!!!" Chaeyoung shouted "Stop shouting!" I exclaimed "Sorry heheh~" Chaeng said "So why are you guys here in my room?" I asked "Do we get to pick our room or is it already picked?" Tzuyu asked and I just giggled at his cuteness "Whats so funny hyung?" Tzuyu asked "Nothing Tzu your just too cute and also you guys will pick your own room but you can't pick this room because this is mine." I answered and they just nodded and left so I continued to unpack my stuff.

~time skip~
I finished packing after a few seconds so I decided to go to the basement and fix my office and studio, when I got to the basement I saw that the game or theater room is open so I decided to check who is there and I was surprised that all of them are in the room watching a movie so I decided to pause it "HEY!! WE'RE WATCHING THAT!!!" Chaeng exclaimed "You guys seriously didn't invite me?!" I asked furiously "We we're going to ask you but your busy unpacking and fixing your stuff." Jeong hyung explained "You guys could've told me and waited for me!" I exclaimed "Look we're sorry for not informing you dubs... Can you play the movie now?" Daniel hyung asked "Ugh! Fine!" I said then played the movie and left the room since I'm not in the mood to watch a movie I decided to go to my office and I was surprised that everything is already fixed, man I really need to thank my brothers for all the help that they gave me, with that I went to my desk and wrote some lyrics since I have nothing better to do, after writing some I decided to check the company if theres a problem but theres nothing so I'm going to say that Minseok hyung is really doing great and I'm positive that appa is really proud of him. After doing stuff in my office I went back upstairs to cook dinner for the boys, when I finished cooking I called them and then we ate our dinner and let the maids wash the dishes and since I want to thank my hyungs in person I decided to visit them "Hey guys I'm going to visit my hyungs." I said "Alright, since I know that you will drive please be safe dubs." Jeong hyung said I just nodded at him and took my coat and keys then got on my white Ferrari which is in our basement garage.

With that I left the mansion and drove to our family mansion which only took 5 minutes, I got out of my car and knocked on the front door but I was surprised that Hyunjin our 2nd most trusted butler opened the door "Good Evening Hyunjin

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With that I left the mansion and drove to our family mansion which only took 5 minutes, I got out of my car and knocked on the front door but I was surprised that Hyunjin our 2nd most trusted butler opened the door "Good Evening Hyunjin." I said "Ohh Hyun, your brothers are in the living room." He said and let me in I thanked him and went straight to the living room and saw them watching something on the TV "HYUNGS!!!" I shouted and all of them looked at me then ran to me and gave me a hug, I broke the hug since they were crushing me "What brings you here little brother?" Mingyu asked "I just want to thank you guys personaly so here I am." I answered and smiled at them which they returned "Don't worry dubs we are always here to help you." Minseok hyung said "Ohh by the way I got a new secretary!" Minseok hyung added "Thats great hyung you can go home early now!" I said, we talked for a bit then I realized that it was already late so I said my goodbyes and went back home, when I got home I noticed that it wasn't noisy and the lights aren't on anymore so I assumed that they are already asleep but when I went to the living room they all screamed which made me scream and open the lights only to see them watching a horror movie "YOU IDIOTS GO TO FUCKING BED!!!" I exclaimed and closed the TV "Hehehe sorry hyung we forgot about the time~" Chaeng said "Just go to bed." I said and they all nodded and went to theri respective rooms, I went to mine and quickly went to bed since I was very tired.

No ones pov
~time skip~
Saturday came which means that their performance was already done so they can all finally relax, all of the boys are already having their breakfast which was clearly made by Dahyun their offical cook in the house "Hyung this is the best decision I've ever made!" Tzuyu said while eating his food happily "So do you guys have any plans?" Dahyun asked "Well the girls asked us if we would like to hangout with them which we clearly said yes." Jeongyeon said "Is that soo, tell them I said hi!" Dahyun exclaimed "You aren't coming dubs?" Daniel asked "Well I'm going to visit the company today since I know that theres something wrong since some of the stocks are going down." Dahyun explained "We'll just tell them that you can't join us today." Chaeyoung said and Dahyun just nodded, after eating everyone took their showers and wore their casual clothes but Dahyun's was different since his going to their office he wore something a little bit formal.

"Wow hyung you look so good!" Tzuyu said and gave him a thumbs up "Thanks Tzu, well I'll be going now take care of Sana noona for me!" Dahyun said and left the house using his car, when he reached the company he quickly parked his car and went ins...

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"Wow hyung you look so good!" Tzuyu said and gave him a thumbs up "Thanks Tzu, well I'll be going now take care of Sana noona for me!" Dahyun said and left the house using his car, when he reached the company he quickly parked his car and went inside the building everyone was surprised by his visit but that didn't stop them to greet him which he returned with a smile, Dahyun went to the elevator and pushed the top floor since his office and his older brother's office is also there, when he reached the top floor he went straight to his office and worked with some stuff and tried to figure out why their stocks are getting lower which he quickly found out that it was because of their employee's laziness so he went to the floor where their employee's work only to observe them and they are indeed lazy so he thought of a way to take their laziness away and the only thing he can think of is raising their salary with that he went back to the top floor and looked at his older brother's office only to see him kissing his new secretary, Dahyun wasn't aginst it so he just went inside without knocking making his older brother suprised and embarassed at the same time "D-D-Dahyun what are you doing h-here?!" Minseok said "Hyung don't sutter its alright I only saw a little bit of it." Dahyun said and smirked at his older brother "Eunbi can you leave us for a minute..." Minseok said which Eunha or his secretary gladly followed and left them alone "So why are you here?" Minseok asked in a serious tone "Geez hyung don't be mad that I ruined you hot make out session, but I'm here to tell you that your stocks are getting low." Dahyun explained and Minseok just sighed "What should I do dubs?" Minseok asked "Since the reason is that our employee's are being lazy the only solution is to raise their salary." Dahyun said and Minseok just nodded "Are you guys dating?" Dahyun randomly asked "Yeah just yesterday..." Minseok said "I hope you guys last long, I'm going back to my office to finish some stuff." Dahyun said then left his brother's office and went to his and finished some work.

Ok guys sorry if this one took long but not too long, hope you guys liked this chapter I'll try to update again soon soo yeah don't forget to vote and see you guys on the next chapter byeeee :))))

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