Chapter 27

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No ones pov
Sports week will start today and the boys are now getting ready for their basketball game since they will be representing their class so right now the guys are practicing at the mansion since their game will start later at noon. The girls decided to visit them since they were bored watching the other games that are happening at school. "HEY GUYS!!!" Momo exclaimed while running towards her boyfriend who suddenly stopped her from hugging him "Why?" Momo asked "I'm soaked in sweat so I won't allow you to hug me." Tzuyu said then Momo started sulking, Jihyo on the other hand is giving the guys water bottles since they needed it "WOOK HYUNG!!!" Dahyun suddenly shouted "You need something?" Jiwook said coming out of nowhere "WOAH YOU SCARED ME!!!" Jihyo exclaimed then everyone laughed "So why did you call me?" Jiwook asked "Ohh right, did you get our jerseys ready?" Dahyun asked "Yeah I'll just go get it." Jiwook said then left, after a few minutes he arrived back with 5 blue jerseys that has a tiger print on it and their section which is class-10B while on the back their last names are writen then their jersey numbers which are: Kang- 10, Kim- 7, Yoo-0, Son- 29, Chou- 25 and it is also their favorite numbers.

~time skip~
The guys quickly got ready for their game since it was almost their time to play, after getting ready they all went straight to school and went to the gymnasium where they will play against class-11A. Both teams started their warm ups then after a few minutes the game started it was fine at the 1st quarter the other team was leading but that didn't stop them, on the 2nd quarter things got a little intense since Jeongyeon was eager to win so they got the lead for this round, on the 3rd quarter things got intense they were pushing each other and each team was getting fouls which ended up both teams getting the same score, on the 4th quarter things got more intense since both teams wanted to win and now they only have 15 seconds left it was their ball and the other team was leading for 2 points Dahyun then faked his shot then passed it to Chaeyoung who is wide open when "SON CHAEYOUNG!!!" Dahyun shouted, Chaeyoung finally got the ball he went behind the 3-point line and shot which scored then the time ended their whole class ran to them and congratulated them.

~time skip~
The next day came and it was their archery game and everyone was already there except for Tzuyu, everyone was practically panicing since their ace haven't arrived yet but the MC didn't have time to wait for him so they started their game and their opponets were also worried except for their ace who has a smirk on his face, "I'm worried for Tzuyu." Chaeyoung whispered to Mina "Yeah and I've got a bad feeling about it." Mina said then their game started.

Tzuyu's pov
I can't belive that I'm wearing this archery uniform on my way to school aish this is so embarassing!!! On my way to school someone suddenly kidnapped by a weirdo, he took me to a place that I don't even know where and shit I'm late Chaeyoung and Mina noona will surely kill me. "Looks like your gonna be late for you archery game Mr. Chou." The guy said then smirked, I can't move that much since I'm tied up on a chair so I said to myself that this is the best time to push the button which I did and quickly break the chair which made me free "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!" The other guy asked "I don't have time for you guys." I said then beat them up after that I left the place and surprisingly it wasn't really far from school so I quickly run towards the school but before I forget I pushed the button so that my enerygy won't be drained.

No ones pov
Mina and Chaeyoung finished their turn and Tzuyu still haven't arrived, the MC said that if Tzuyu doesn't arrive on his turn their class will be disqualified they were actually ahead by 1 point since their score is 75 points while the other team's score is 74. "Aish where the fuck is Chou Tzuyu?!" Chaeyoung asked is frustration, Mina just calmed him down since she doesn't want the people to see Chaeyoung's inner beast, Mina then turned to their opponent's ace who is smirking and with that she knew something wasn't right. The MC was about to disqualify their class when Tzuyu suddenly came in holding a powerful aura around him "Ok since Chou Tzuyu-ssi is here lets get the last round started." The MC said then everyone started to cheer again but before they started Tzuyu took off his cape and threw it a Chaeyoung who was very relived to see him.

Both teams got 10 points on their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th shot and now leaving them with their last shot the other team was getting ready to shot when Tzuyu suddenly said something "Your dead bastard, ohh and also your so called girlfriend is now kissing your so called bestfriend." Tzuyu said with a serious tone while looking in front but the other team's ace clearly heard it which made his shot a lose control and landed on a 5, the ace the  looked around the audience only to see his girlfriend kissing his bestfriend, Tzuyu took his chance to shot while the guy was distracted so he got a 10 and won the archery game their class and Tzuyu's fan base cheered for him and since Tzuyu felt that something bad will happen he pushed the button on his watch to sense if the guy will do anything and he was right the guy was now holding his bow and arrow aimed at Tzuyu "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING FOR ME!!!" The guy shouted then shot Tzuyu who quickly catched the arrow with his bare hand and is now bleeding "You just dug up your own grave." Tzuyu said then not long after Tzuyu's fan base attacked him.

Tzuyu and his friends went to the clinic to treat his wound "So can you tell us why your late?" Nayeon asked "Some dudes kidnapped me just to be late." Tzuyu said "And I'm assuming it was the other ace's men?" Mina asked "Yep looks like it." Tzuyu said "So thats why he was smirking at us earlier." Chaeyoung said "I was annoyed by his smirk that I wanted to punch him already." Chaeyoung added "Lets rest tomorrow since none of us will participate on the vollyball game." Jeongyeon said then everyone just nodded and went back home after getting Tzuyu's wound treated.

Ok guys I've finished the 1st part of sports week I'll update the next one when I have time to not get lazy but I hope you guys liked this chapter see you guys on the next one byeee :))))))))

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