Chapter 10

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No ones pov
Kim brothers woke up early since they all have stuff to do so Mingyu and Taehyung got ready for school and after getting ready they quickly went downstairs, Jin cooked breakfast while Mingyu and Taehyun fixed the table then Minseok decided to Dahyun's room to check if the kid is away and to his surprise Dahyun isn't awake yet but his alarm clock is ringing very loud so Minseok decided to turn the alarm off and let the kid be late for a few minutes since he knows that Dahyun isn't a heavy sleeper so he might've slept really late last night and with that he left Dahyun's room not waking up his brother, Minseok went to the dinning area where all of his brothers are except for Dahyun so he went to his seat and started eating with the others "Where's dubs hyung?" Mingyu asked "He's still sleeping." Minseok answered "Aren't you going to wake him up?" Taehyung asked "Nah the kid maybe slept really late last night." Minseok answered "Yeah I think he needs rest since we all know that dubs isn't a heavy sleeper so it won't hurt to let him be late for a few hours right?" Jin said but the others didn't answer and just continued to eat, after eating Mingyu and Taehyung were ready to leave but Minseok talked with Kyun. "Yes sir do you need anything?" Kyun asked "I just want you wait here at the front door with the car when you come back from taking the 2 idiots to school." Minseok said "Ok sir, but if you don't mind me asking why is that?" Kyun asked "I'm just sure that Dahyun will panic as soon as he wakes up sees the time." Minseok answered and Kyun just nodded and bowed then left, Minseok went back inside and sat beside Jin who is watching TV at the living room "Seok will he be alright if he moves with his friends?" Jin asked "I'm also worried but he looks so happy with it so I don't think I have something to worry about for now." Minseok said and smiled at Jin which he returned and both continued to watch the movie, after the movie Minseok looked at his watch and after a few seconds both of them hear shouting "FUCK I'M LATE!!!!" Dahyun shouted.

At school
All of Dahyun's friends became worried that the pale guy isn't there yet since they all know that the guy was always early the boys felt guilty for not picking the pale guy up but they can't do anything since their class had already started Jeongyeon thought of texting Mingyu to ask why isn't Dahyun at school yet.

Hey Gyu do you know why Dahyun isn't here yet?

Well he slept really late last night so Seok hyung let him be late for today.

Alright thanks for the information.

No problem :)))

With that Jeongyeon turned off his phone and listened to their teacher "So kids I'll leave for now since we have another urgent meeting." Mr. Jeon said and all students cheered "But you guys will practice rather than make noises because your play will be next Friday, alright thats all I'll leave now." Mr. Jeon said and left the room and everyone began to practice "Hey wheres Dahyun?" Eunha asked "He'll be late." Jeongyeon answered and Eunha just nodded and got back to her work then their friends circled at Jeongyeon "How did you know that he'll be late hyung?" Tzuyu asked "I texted Gyu." Jeongyeon answered then they began to work for their play.

Dahyun's pov
I woke up from my deep sleep because of the feeling that I'm late then I looked at my alarm clock only to see that I'm already 20 minutes late "FUCK I'M LATE!!!" I quickly got out of my bed and took a quick shower then wore my uniform and quickly went downstairs "You wanna eat breakfast?" Jin hyung asked "Hyung I'll eat at school, I'm already late!" I said and went out of the front door only to see Kyun hyung and the car ready I quickly went in and he started to drive to school after a few minutes we reached the school gate and I quickly got out and ran to my classroom and opended the door aggressively making everyone look at me.

No ones pov
Dahyun went to his chair and everyone went back to what they were doing and Dahyun went to his group of friends "Why are you late?" Sana asked "I overslept." Dahyun answered "So what did you hyungs say about our plan?" Daniel asked "They allowed me!" Dahyun said excitingly then they all celebrated "Oh hyungs also said that we'll use our second mansion which is mostly the same as our family mansion but the only difference is the color." Dahyun said "What why?!" Tzuyu asked "So that we won't worry about the rent and other bills." Dahyun answered "Ok were lost what the hell are you guys talking about?" Nayeon asked "We planned to live together!" Jeongyeon exclaimed "WHAT?!" The girls exclaimed "Geez calm down, is there a problem with that?" Daniel asked "No but why didn't you guys invited us?" Mina said "Because its a boys house...?" Chaeyoung answered "Well fair enough." Momo said. They continued to talk until Mr. Choi or the assistan of the principal came in their room "Is Kim Dahyun-ssi here?" Mr. Choi asked then Dahyun raised his hand "Can you please come with me." Mr. Choi said which Dahyun followed, they are now walking to the principal's office "Why does uncle need me Cheol hyung?" Dahyun asked "Your older brothers caused trouble Hyun." Seungcheol said Dahyun was shocked because he knows that his brothers aren't the type to cause trouble, Dahyun went inside the principal's office only to see his 2 older brothers having a talk with the principal. "Ohh Dahyun your here." Mingyu said "Have a seat Dahyun." JYP said "Whats the problem uncle?" Dahyun asked "Well these 2 here accidentally scared Mr. Lim and caused him to faint." JYP explained "We were just planning on giving him chocolates from America that Minseok hyung brought back from his last bussines trip." Taehyun explained "But he got scared and fainted so we brought him to the clinic." Mingyu added "Haa.... Ok, ok I understand but please don't do that again." JYP said and both boys nodded "So why am I here again?" Dahyun asked "I don't know either but I'm just happy to see that you are happy considering of what had happened to you boys in the past." JYP said and smiled at the 3 boys "We are also happy that you helped us those times that we are down, thank you uncle." Mingyu said and JYP smiled at him "Well you kids can go now I still have a meeting to attend to." JYP said and the 3 boys nodded and bowed at him then left his office and went to their classrooms.

Dahyun's pov
I came back to our classroom only to see everyone practicing for our play so I decided to practice with them since I have nothing better to do anyways I went to the piano and practiced with the class.

Ok I updated again hehehe I'm not busy these days so I update sooner than the last times but yeah don't worry guys the ships will sail you guys just have to wait cause after they move in their new house I'll start to make them sail but for now they will all just be friends, yeah hope I can update again sooner hehehe see you guys on the next chapter ohh and don't forget to vote, alright thats all :))))

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