Chapter 17

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No ones pov
Everyone decided to go to Tzuyu's room since they were getting hungry and the only person they know who knows the place by heart is Tzuyu so they went to his room, when they opened the room they were shocked on how beautiful and big his room is.

No ones povEveryone decided to go to Tzuyu's room since they were getting hungry and the only person they know who knows the place by heart is Tzuyu so they went to his room, when they opened the room they were shocked on how beautiful and big his...

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They saw Tzuyu on the kitchen making coffee "HEY TZU!!!" Chaeyoung shouted then Tzuyu looked up from his mug "Ohh, why are you guys here?" Tzuyu asked "Tzu were hungry..." Momo said "Is that so..." Tzuyu said "We can't go out due to people blocking out the entrance of the hotel." Tzuyu added "Huh? Why is that?" Jihyo asked "Well the thing is that dad is pretty famous here and our hotel is very well known and now that I came back he told everyone that I'm home and now everyone wanted to have an interview with me and dad for some reason but I told dad that I don't want to deal with them right now because I'm too tired." Tzuyu explained "What are we going to do know?" Nayeon asked but no one answered since they don't know what to do, while everyone was in the living room thinking of what to do Dahyun went to the kitchen and looked at the refrigerator to see if Tzuyu has food in there and luckly he has so Dahyun decided to cook food using the food that he found in Tzuyu's kitchen.

~time skip~
Its been 30 minutes and they are all still at the living room thinking of what to do "OK I GOT IT!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed "What did you get?" Daniel asked "We can just ask Tzuyu's butler to buy us food!" Chaeyoung said, everyone became silent for a few seconds then agreed with Chaeyoung's idea "Ok what do you guys want to-" Tzuyu didn't get to finish his sentence when Dahyun suddenly shouted "GUYS FOODS READY!!!" Dahyun shouted then everyone quickly went to the kitchen only to see a lot of food ready to be eaten "Woah! Hyung where did you get the ingredients?" Tzuyu asked "From your refrigerator." Dahyun answered "I'm surprised that you found food in there." Tzuyu said "What do you mean Tzu?" Jeongyeon asked "Well, I don't really keep food here, usually I eat out or just order stuff using room service." Tzuyu explained "But I think dad told the maids to put food in there in case I get hungry I guess." Tzuyu added "Ok enough with the talking everyone go sit now so that we can all eat already." Jihyo said then everyone sat on the chairs and ate the food that Dahyun made since they are all very hungry from the early flight that they had.

~time skip~
After eating everyone went back to their rooms to take a nap since they are all very tired, leaving Tzuyu alone with his butler who is washing the dishes "Mark I'm going upstairs alright." Tzuyu said and Mark just nodded then continued his work, Tzuyu went upstairs to his room since he also wanted to take a nap but not long after he recieved a call.
Tzuyu: Hello?
Mr. Chou: Ohh Tzu!
Tzuyu: What is it now dad?
Mr. Chou: I want to have dinner with you later.
Tzuyu: Ok, where?
Mr. Chou: In our favorite fancy restaurant.
Tzuyu: Alright I'll see you there later.
Mr. Chou: Ohh and I invited someone since we will have a talk.
Tzuyu: Alright, looks like I'm going to wear something formal.
Mr. Chou: Thats correct my child!
Tzuyu: Alright dad talk to you later I'm very tired right now...
Mr. Chou: Ok, sleep tight my child.
With that Mr. Chou ended the call then Tzuyu placed his phone on his bed side table and quickly went to sleep.

Momo's pov
When we reached our room JiNiel and MiChaeng quickly went to their rooms and since there are 3 bedrooms I have a room all to myself, I quickly went to my room and jumped on my bed but before I got to take a nap my dad called me.
Momo: Hello?
Mr. Hirai: Momoring!
Momo: Dad why are you calling me?
Mr. Hirai: Where are you right now?
Momo: Taiwan why?
Mr. Hirai: Really?!
Momo: Yes dad why are you asking?
Mr. Hirai: Good I'm also here!
Momo: Ohh for a bussines trip or something related to bussines?
Mr. Hirai: Yeah more likely, can we have dinner later?
Momo: Sorry dad I'm too tired right now plus I can't really leave the hotel due to some problems, but I think I can go tomorrow.
Mr. Hirai: Alright my daughter rest well.
Momo: You too dad don't over work yourself.
Mr. Hirai: Yes, I love you see you tomorrow.
Momo: Love you too dad bye~
With that Momo hung up on the phone then placed it on her bed side table and quickly took a nap since she was very sleepy.

Ok guys sorry if its just short, I decided to update today since my exams will be next week and I don't think I would get to update during those days so I hope you guys understand welp I'll see you guys on the next chapter HWAHWA bye byeee :)))))

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